Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 914 Love Mutual Theory 3

Chapter 914
Lin Lang knew that it was the doctor comforting herself, so she nodded with a smile. In fact, there was no illness in her heart, but she just accepted the plot at the beginning and substituted the thoughts of the original owner, which made herself a little abnormal.

Back home, Lin Lang looked at the clear and cold room. She didn't know why, but suddenly felt a little chilly, and she went to the pet hospital to buy a kitten.

With a pet, the house is indeed much more lively, and with the support in my heart, I don't think about messy things, and I even have an appetite for eating.

Everything was going in a good direction, and Lin Lang took advantage of the time to enroll in that cram school.

"Hey, what a coincidence, do you remember me? I'm from the same school as you!" Zhao Liyan's eyes lit up when he saw Lin Lang, he walked over and introduced himself with a smile.

When Lin Lang heard this, she didn't know what expression to make, and finally she could only pursed her lips and nodded, "My name is Lin Lang!"

"Oh, classmate Lin Lang, hello!" Zhao Liyan said with a smile, and sat next to Lin Lang familiarly.

Zhao Liyan is indeed a sunny, handsome and warm-hearted boy. Although Lin Lang likes to talk to him, it's not really like being indifferent to him. It's just that he is too nervous in front of the one he loves and just speaks out.

But Zhao Liyan still enthusiastically told Lin Lang about many things here, and also talked about the rules here.

"I'm so happy, I can meet someone from the school here, and we can discuss homework together in the future!" Zhao Liyan said with a smile.

Hearing this, Lin Lang slowly lowered her head to cover up the joy in her eyes, her lips were drawn into a line, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised, "Student Zhao, I am also very happy to meet you!"

Hearing this, Zhao Liyan's body instantly became stiff, and the smile on his face froze. Then, his body began to warm up, and his smile became bigger and bigger, "You have been ignoring me just now, I thought you didn't Like me, I am so happy to hear you say that now!"

Lin Lang also responded with a smile. After a while, the teacher came over, opened the book, and explained some key points.

Lin Lang opened her bare pages and wrote down the key points of the teacher's lecture. An hour later, the teacher stopped the lecture, glanced outside, and said that the get out of class was over.

"Student Linlang, where does your family live? If you make the way, I'll take you back. After all, it's so late. It's dangerous for you to go back as a girl!" Zhao Liyan said enthusiastically.

Lin Lang bit her lip and carried her stomach out. In fact, she knew where Zhao Liyan lived, after all, she had been following him for so long.

Zhao Liyan's eyes lit up when he heard this, "What a coincidence, your house is not far from my house, just on the way, let's go back together!"

Lin Lang nodded, walking in the dim light of the road, Zhao Liyan was always talking there, Lin Lang kept her head down, sometimes she would raise her head and smile at the boy.

"Hello..." When Lin Lang was about to get home, Zhao Liyan called out to you suddenly, "We are in the same school and the same cram school, since we are on the way, shall we go to school together tomorrow?"

Of course Lin Lang was willing, her pitch-black eyes flashed like shooting stars, and she nodded.

Zhao Liyan smiled like a child, "That's great. Although I have many friends, they all live far away. Every time I come back from school, I come back alone, but I'm lonely. Now you are willing to accompany me, it's great! "

When Lin Lang heard this, she also laughed, her smile shining like a little sun.

Back home, the little cat ran over quickly. Lin Lang patted his head, carried her to her cat's litter box, bought her cat food, shoveled out the cat litter, and opened a can of cat food.

The kitten was very happy, licked Lin Lang's hand, and ate dinner happily.

Lin Lang also went to the kitchen to prepare her own dinner. Because of her poor health, dinner was relatively light.

On the second day, Lin Lang woke up early in the morning, but she didn't go down for a long time, because she was choosing clothes, and it was the first time to go to school with her beloved boy, so she had to choose a good-looking dress. She thinks that one looks good, so she should wear it, but she thinks the other one is also good-looking... After choosing and choosing, she always feels unsatisfactory.

It was not too early when I looked at it later, I really didn't dare to delay, so I chose a piece of clothing at random and hurried downstairs.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!" Lin Lang said softly, and at the same time handed over a bag of warmed milk.

When Zhao Liyan saw the milk, his expression changed a bit, he quickly took the milk, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I just arrived too, thank you for the milk, it's so good, I like milk the most..."

The two walked side by side and Zhao Liyan was still talking on the road, talking about the happy things that happened today, and sometimes talking about things in his own home.

"I tell you so much nonsense, you won't find it annoying..." Zhao Liyan looked at Lin Lang who hadn't spoken for a long time, and suddenly asked cautiously.

Lin Lang looked at Zhao Liyan with wide eyes, blinked like a deer, and shook his head blankly, "No, I think it's very good, and I also feel very lively when someone is talking next to you. As for the speaker, I prefer to listen to others, and I am afraid that you will think I am boring!"

"Hee hee hee... No, no..." After finishing speaking, Zhao Liyan also chattered about his own affairs, and while talking, Zhao Liyan suddenly looked over and asked, "I saw you feeding the cat in the grove last time." Do you like cats too?"

"I like it!" Lin Lang nodded without hesitation, "I think cats are very cute, and I also have a cat at home!"

"Really? Actually, I also like cats. If possible, can I go to your house to see your cat?" Zhao Liyan said excitedly.

The male god wants to come to my home... The male god wants to come to my home... The male god wants to come to my home...

This sentence kept echoing in Lin Lang's mind, and by the time she realized it, she had already arrived at the school gate. Looking at Zhao Liyan's bright eyes, Lin Lang nodded hurriedly. Something went wrong, and he ran away.

"Oh, there is tutoring tonight, I'll go find you, let's go together!" Seeing the wolf running away, Zhao Liyan thought she was in a hurry, and said hurriedly.

Lin Lang stopped when she heard the voice, turned her head and gave him a hasty nod, then ran away again.

Zhao Liyan scratched his head looking at Lin Lang's retreating back, "Am I really that scary? Ahh...not good..."

As soon as Zhao Liyan finished speaking, he clutched his stomach and ran to the men's room quickly. He waited until the class bell rang before walking out with weak legs.

 I also like kittens very much. When I was young, there was nothing to play with at home. The only thing that accompanied me was kittens. In fact, I like to catch fleas for kittens. After catching fleas, I squeeze them hard, and then... Papapa...that sound is so cool!
(End of this chapter)

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