Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 939 Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship 2

Chapter 939 Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship two

Lin Lang looked at the woman in front of her crying loudly, but she was not moved at all. After a long time, the Queen Mother couldn't stop crying. Seeing her son's indifference made her heart feel even more uncomfortable.

"Mom, have you had enough trouble!" Lin Lang frowned and said, "I know you don't want me to move out, but when the little bird grows up, he will leave his mother and go out to build a nest. I can't live with you all my life. , I have to live my own life!"

With tears in her eyes, the Queen Mother said, "But you can live your life just as well as living with me, and even better. Do you remember the time when you were not married? At that time, you only needed to go to work, and nothing else mattered." Don't worry about it, but when you move out, you have to worry about the water and electricity of the house, and you have to worry about everything at home..."

"That's the only way to grow up!" Lin Lang said emphatically, "Maybe it will be more convenient for me to stay at home now, but what about after you leave? I can't rely on you for the rest of my life!"

The Queen Mother became more and more sad, "So you still want to move out after 1 yuan and leave me as an old woman. Let me tell you, there is no way!"

Lin Lang sighed, and said to Gao Mi: "You eat first, after you finish eating, I will show you the house I rented, let's move out early!"

Hearing this, the queen mother sat down on the ground, and Thomas made a 360-degree turn, "Ah, ah, my God, open your eyes, kill this unfilial son, you will forget your mother when you have a daughter-in-law, Ah, for goodness sake..."

Lin Lang couldn't take it anymore, she took Gao Mi's hand and walked out, saying as she walked, "Mom, I think you are not out of your mind, I'm going out with Gao Mi, you should think about it at home!"

After going out, Lin Lang remembered that Gao Mi hadn't eaten yet, so she took her to the restaurant Gao Mi loved to go to before their marriage, and ordered her favorite dishes.

"To be honest, you have worked really hard to marry me. Before you married me, you lived the life of a princess, but after you marry me, you live the life of a slave. It's my fault for making you feel wronged." Already!" Lin Lang said softly.

Looking at the food on the table, Gao Mi couldn't help crying, have you been wronged?She really suffers, sometimes she really feels that life can't go on, and she wants to end her life, but now hearing this sentence, she feels that everything is over.

When she married Lin Lang, she wanted this person to be good to her. Now that she heard these words, she felt that she made the right choice.

"Since you know you're wrong, treat me better in the future!" Gao Mi said in a low voice.

"Okay, from now on, you will be the main one in the house!" Lin Lang promised, and then picked up a few chopsticks of food for Gao Mi, "Hurry up and eat, the food won't taste good when it's cold!"

Looking at the food on the table, Gao Mi gritted her teeth, and pinched Lin Lang fiercely, "You prodigal son, these dishes cost hundreds of dollars, I don't know how to eat outside, the money I saved I can buy a can of good milk powder for our son!"

When Lin Lang heard this, her heart was sour and astringent, "Isn't this because I want you to eat better? Don't worry about money. If you have no money, my husband will find a way to make money. I will never let you two be wronged!"

Well, with this sentence, even if you drink the northwest wind, you will be happy.

That night, the two of them didn't go back, but opened a room. The next morning, Lin Lang specially took a leave of absence from the company, returned home with Gao Mi, packed up their things, and moved to the rented house.

As for the Queen Mother, Lin Lang really didn't know where he went, but she thought he was an adult and had his own ideas, so she didn't follow her.

On the fifth day after moving out, the Queen Mother couldn't take it anymore and went directly to Lin Lang's company.

"You are cruel, you moved out when you said you would move out, have you considered my feelings?" The queen mother was so distressed, "I haven't been home for so many days, don't you know to find me? Have you Take my mother to heart!"

Lin Lang had a terrible headache, "Mom, have you had enough trouble? I won't look for you because you are an adult with your own thoughts, so you won't get lost!

And when I moved out, I didn't tell you, I just didn't want you to know, and I didn't want you to make such a fuss, I know you didn't mean it, it was all for my own good, but have you ever thought about it, do I want it? Is this good?

You and Gao Mi are arguing, but it's actually because of trivial matters, you won't give in to each other, and it makes the house even tense!

Moving out is good for you and for us. If you really can't move out, then I will definitely get a divorce. Do you really want your son and me to be a loner? "

"I... I didn't mean that. I really did it for your own good. That woman actually married into our family. She is our daughter-in-law. She should be a cow and a horse... and I didn't let her do it." Too much work, just let her take care of a baby...

You said she doesn't go out to work every day, just relying on your little salary, and still wants to be a princess, people have to be realistic, I'm helping you save money..."

"No, my own life is my own decision. If we really can't live on, then we will definitely go back, and then everything you say is right!" Lin Lang's voice contained a hint of persuasion.

After thinking about it, the queen mother thought it was the same, so let these two people move out, and when they hit a wall, they will know that they are good!

Without the Queen Mother's troubles, although the young couple's life is poor, the more the better, every time Linlang goes home to make dinner, she will deliver two hours of takeaway, and use the money she earns to supplement the family.

On the second Sunday after the couple moved out, Lin Lang bought some fruit and said, "I know you don't want to go back to see my mother, but we agreed at the beginning that we would go back to visit him. If we don't go back, she will I will find it by myself, and it will be you who will suffer and suffer..."

Gao Mi bit her lip, a trace of grievance flashed across her face, "I'm afraid she will quarrel with me again after I go back..."

"Don't worry, I'm on your side, no matter how much she argues with you, it's useless!" Lin Lang said with a smile.

Gao Mi nodded, looked around the shabby rental house, "Then we have to come back early..."

Lin Lang knew that Gao Mi didn't want to be there, so she nodded, and the two returned home with the child.

The Queen Mother was naturally very happy to see her son come back, and hurriedly ordered several dishes.

"Do you feel that... these days are especially like before you got married..." Lin Lang whispered in Gao Mi's ear, "I remember that every time you came here, my mother would treat you like a bodhisattva, I won't let you do any work..."

"Hmph!" Gao Mi became angry when she mentioned this, "Yeah, after I got married, they treated me like a servant, probably because they wanted to make up for everything they had before!"

(End of this chapter)

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