Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 955: Elderly Court Lady 2

Chapter 955

Lin Lang never concealed her identity, she nodded without hesitation, "I made Miss Liu laugh, I did come out of the palace!"

Liu's eyes lit up, and she sat not far from Lin Lang, and said, "Then which palace are you on duty? What do you know?"

How did Lin Lang respond to this?So Lin Lang hesitated for a long time, blushing, and whispered, "I'm ashamed to say, I'm just working as an errand in a remote garden, sweeping the garden and pruning branches on weekdays..."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Liu felt a bit disappointed, "So that's the case, but my girl is really a bird, the cakes she made are sweet and delicious, and the embroidery is so beautiful, is there an expert who gave advice? "

Lin Lang raised her heart, her eyeballs rolled quickly, and she said lightly, "When I first entered the palace, I learned a few skills from my mother. As for later, I often do some embroidery and exchange it for silver..."

Lin Lang didn't continue talking, but Liu understood everything and was not in the mood to talk anymore. She stood up, said a few words, and left.

"Be courteous for nothing, rape or steal!" After sending him away, Lin Lang looked at Liu Shi who was going away, and whispered these words.

"I've asked, the woman did come out of the pot, but she was just cleaning up in a remote garden, and if you ask her anything, it's just asking her three questions..." Liu Shi looked at the old lady respectfully. Said.

The old lady laughed when she heard this, "You are too tender after all, think about it, you can make such delicious pastries, and the embroidery is so exquisite, can you be an ordinary person?
Sure enough, she came out of the palace, her mind is to shave her head, even if she doesn't know anything, she can protect my granddaughter with this thought alone..."

"But...will she agree?" Liu asked in a low voice.

"She has been here for a while, and others have mentioned it twice, but she refused, which means that she doesn't want to get married, but is it possible that he will never get married? Even so, she must have someone to take care of her. Our Hou Mansion can do it!" The old lady looked at Liu Shi, "You can find a time to talk to him tomorrow, if she is willing, I guarantee that our Hou Mansion will treat her as a guest of honor!"

When Lin Lang heard what Liu said, she refused without even thinking about it, "Miss Liu, it's not that I don't want to. I finally got out of that place and became a free agent. I really don't want to go in again..."

"Miss Wang, you don't want to go in, but you have to think about your future! You said you can embroider and support yourself, but you don't think about it. What will you do when you get old? Will someone take care of you?" Liu The lady said bitterly.

"I'll talk about it later, I just focus on the present, please help me to decline the old lady!" Lin Lang shook her head slowly.

When the old lady heard Lin Lang's refusal, her expression seemed to be expected, but also unexpected, and finally she smiled slowly.

"If she agrees suddenly, then she is a woman who is greedy for wealth and wealth... But she refuses to show that he has a clear mind and knows what he wants and what he doesn't want... So, I will not let her go!"

The old lady lowered her eyes, "I've already photographed it, and the master went to inquire about it. No matter what, I must let her be my granddaughter's foster mother!"

Lin Lang originally thought that this incident was over, but unexpectedly, Mrs. Liu came again and brought a lot of things with her.

"Miss Liu... I remember what I said is very clear, take these things back!" Lin Lang refused.

Mrs. Liu waved her hand, let the servants leave, wandered around in the yard, and said with a smile: "Miss Wang, do you know what the crime of deceiving the emperor is?"

Lin Lang's heart rose, "Miss Liu, what do you mean? I'm an innocent girl from a good family!"

"It's funny that a girl who sold her body said she was a girl from a good family, but Miss Wang, I want to talk to you now to save face, if you don't want to talk, then..." Liu turned her head Come on, Youyou smiled, "If you cooperate well, I guarantee that no one will tell about this matter, but if you don't cooperate, then your head..."

Lin Lang understood immediately, and laughed at herself, "I really didn't expect that I would be so valuable that I would bother the old lady so much..."

Standing not far away, Mrs. Liu said in a low voice: "As long as you help our girl well, I guarantee that you and your family will be safe and well-off!
When our young lady's status is firmly established, you can leave the palace at any time, and our Marquis Mansion will take care of you for the rest of your life! "

Lin Lang turned her head, "Do I still have room to resist?"

Indeed, Lin Lang packed up her things and went to see the young lady of the Hou Mansion. She was indeed pretty, and this time when she was just the right age, she looked pretty and cute, which made people feel full of life.

"You are the foster mother that the old lady prepared for me, that's all!" The lady raised her chin and said coquettishly.

When Lin Lang heard this, she bowed her head in silence, and stood aside obediently.

"However, it was my grandmother who took the trouble to find you here, so you must have your own extraordinary skills..." Yang Yuru tilted her head, "Then from now on, I will have to trouble you a lot!"

Lin Lang said yes respectfully, raised her head, and began to explain to Yang Yuru the rules of the palace, as well as the taboos in the palace.

Yang Yuru originally didn't care about this nanny, but after listening to what she said, she finally understood why her grandmother wanted to find such a nanny for herself, because this person knew too much and knew too much.

There were too many rules and taboos in the palace, and it took Lin Lang 45 days to explain it clearly. During this period, several kimono ladies came to attend the class, but everything was still dominated by Ms. Yang Yuru.

After talking about this, Lin Lang began to talk about what each identity should do, what to wear, and clothing. After finishing all this, it will be winter in a blink of an eye.

"Father has decided to send me into the palace in three days. I can bring two people in, one of which includes you, and the other is the maid who has been with me since childhood!

Let's go in, do we need anything else? "After this period of time, Yang Yuru knew more and more about Lin Lang, so she listened to her very much.

Upon hearing this, Lin Lang said, "I can't take anything with me from the palace except money, so you should bring more money, as many small denomination bank notes as possible!"

Yang Yuru nodded, "Grandma, I heard from my grandmother that you don't want to enter the palace. Why is that? The palace is so beautiful, and there are so many delicious and fun things. The best things in the world are in the palace. You Why don't you want to go in?"

(End of this chapter)

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