Chapter 970

When the queen mother heard this, a trace of doubt flashed across her face, does the emperor really like Zhao Wan'er?Don't blame her for thinking this way, if Tu Yu really liked Zhao Wan'er, she wouldn't be drafting when Zhao Wan'er was pregnant!

After all, there is no need to be in a hurry for the draft, but the emperor did that, and he especially favored Lady Li, and even allowed Lady Li to be rude to the Queen.

As a result, after Zhao Wan'er became pregnant, she was restless and unable to settle down, which led to her leaving after giving birth.

The key is this child. This child is Zhao Wan'er's only child. Even if Lin Lang can't take care of her, she should be brought up by other women in the harem.

The queen mother thought about it, her face sank, and she had a vague guess in her heart, but she tried her best to comfort herself, maybe she was just thinking wildly?

Here, Lin Lang had to recuperate for three full months before confinement. After confinement, she took over the affairs of the harem and managed it in an orderly manner.

It was true that some people with no eyesight came to provoke him, but Lin Lang didn't care at all, and just called back.

"Your Majesty, aren't you afraid of the emperor's reproach for doing this?" Lady Ligui was punished to copy the palace rules because she was a little late, so she naturally didn't want to, so she said angrily.

Lin Lang snorted coldly, "What's so scary about this palace? This palace follows the rules. If the emperor doesn't recognize the rules, can everyone in the world disobey the rules?"

When it involves the world, no matter how favored Ligui is, she can only pinch her nose, but she can't suffer this grievance in vain, and act like a spoiled child to the emperor that night!
When Tu Yu heard this, he rubbed his chin, "Since Concubine Xian punished you to copy the palace rules, then you should write it. I see that you have a lot of free time, so I just copied the palace rules to make you quiet!"

Lady Ligui just wanted to say something aggrieved, but seeing the emperor's indifferent eyes, she swallowed the words again.

A year passed in the blink of an eye. During this period, nothing came out of the harem. Lin Lang also wondered if she didn't do anything. Why didn't the emperor have any heirs?Could it be that the body is not good?

Lin Lang thought about it for a while and put the matter aside. It's just right that she doesn't have children, so her own child is the only prince.

Speaking of which, his sister's death was really worthless. In less than a month, Tu Yu was busy pampering the concubines in the harem. To this day, Tu Yu probably doesn't even remember who Zhao Wan'er is.

"By the way, it's been a year, why is there still no movement in the harem? Although you are not a queen yet, you will be in two years, so you have to worry about the harem affairs!" The queen mother exhorted.

Lin Lang nodded, with a look of tiredness flashing across her face, "The concubine has been thinking about this for a while, and is going to ask the imperial physician to take the pulse of the concubines in the harem tomorrow, and estimate the best time for them to be favored, so that they can Conceive the prince as soon as possible, and spread the branches and leaves for the royal family!"

The queen mother nodded in satisfaction, "When the time comes, you will have status and the eldest prince. If you can bring the eldest princess over again, you will have both sons and daughters... No one will be able to shake your status in the future..."

I think it's better to forget about adopting the big princess with the white-eyed wolf.

Lin Lang shook her head, "Let's forget it, the concubine was exhausted because of the matter in the harem, let alone the eldest prince..."

The Queen Mother thought for a while, one was a girl and the other was a boy, and she quickly made a decision, "Forget it, her father didn't care about it, so why bother Aijia!"

Just like that, the princess who was supposed to be the most honorable princess became a pitiful little girl who no one cares about.

Two years later, Lin Lang's aspiration to the post here gave birth to her second child, who was also His Majesty's second prince.

Lin Lang also found it strange that she was able to conceive and have children, why is it that Tu Yu's body is normal, but why is there no movement from the women in the harem?
Lin Lang was wondering when Xiao Cui came over with a serious expression on her face, "I just heard the news from the imperial hospital that Mrs. Li is pregnant for two months!"

Lin Lang raised her head, "That's a happy event, did you inform His Majesty?"

Xiaocui raised her head, with a look of indescribable concealment.

Linlang thought that Xiaocui was feeling uncomfortable, so she explained, "The pregnancy of a woman in the harem has no effect on me. After all, I already have two children, and I want to be the queen. No one can shake my position... ..."

"No..." Xiaocui held back for a long time before she said cautiously: "The emperor hasn't been to Lady Ligui for three months..."

Come on, if you want to get by, you need a little green on your head.

Lin Lang spread out her hands, "This is for you to report to the emperor and ask him how to solve it!"

How Tu Yu can solve it is naturally to cut that woman into pieces, but he has to help cover it up, because he is also afraid that the people will laugh at him, and he has to save face.

"Your Majesty, it's been three years since the last draft, so it's time to add some newcomers!" Lin Lang didn't know why. I always feel that there is a green grassland on this person's head.

When Tu Yu heard this, he nodded indifferently, and finally thought of something to explain and said: "This time, I hope to choose more dignified and decent heroines!"

Hehehe, it's because you are afraid of wearing a cuckold, so you choose some dignified and decent women?
Lin Lang didn't say it directly, but agreed with a smile.

In this draft, Lin Lang tried her best to choose some healthy women. Sure enough, within two months, good news came one after another from the harem.

At this time, good news came from Lin Lang. She originally planned to have a third child after her second or third child was three years old, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

"It doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl!" The queen mother sighed.

It doesn't matter to Lin Lang, as long as the child is healthy and healthy.

"By the way, the eldest princess is also three years old. should find someone to educate her. You can ask the emperor what you think?" On her head, she was willing to reach out.

"Did the Zhao family look for you?" The Queen Mother asked suddenly.

There was a sneer on the corner of Linlang's mouth, "Queen Mother, you should know the relationship between me and the Zhao family, and when I was giving birth, my sister did something like that again, how much affection do you expect me to have for the Zhao family?"

The queen mother nodded slightly, "The Zhao family has not had many promising children in recent years. As long as they don't pretend to be dead, they will be indispensable to wealth and honor!"

Here, the Eldest Princess's mother hugged the Eldest Princess and sighed, "My poor Eldest Princess, she is clearly a golden branch and jade leaf, but she is not even as good as an...ordinary bastard..."

(End of this chapter)

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