Chapter 997 Ex-boyfriend

Hoss laughed as soon as he spoke, as if the stars were twinkling, bright and dazzling, illuminating the boundless darkness, "Don't think too much, it's me who is not good at communicating with others!"

"Oh!" Lin Lang nodded, put down her chopsticks, took a deep breath, and started a formal conversation, "Mr. Huo, you are a good man, I admire you very much, and I want to continue dating you!"

Huo Siyan nodded, then put down his chopsticks, "Then... about the marriage..."

"Listen to you!"


When she woke up again, Lin Lang was awakened by thirst. When she opened her eyes, she found that the surroundings were dark. She began to grope around on the bridge deck for four weeks, but she couldn't find the switch after a long time of groping.

Suddenly, the light came on, and a deep voice came from behind. Immediately afterwards, the bare back was pressed against the warm and strong chest, and the whole person was slowly lifted up, and the moist temperature came from the mouth.

After drinking the water, Lin Lang recalled that she was already married, and she had been married for a month, and she still hadn't adjusted to it yet, so she was a bit careless!

"Thank you!" Lin Lang said gratefully.

Huo Siyan put down the water glass, glanced at the wall, and then at Linlang, "If it really doesn't work, I'll have someone make a switch on the wall tomorrow, so that you won't have to switch on the wall every time you wake up. Touch your face!"

Lin Lang laughed immediately, "It's just that I'm not used to it, don't bother, just wait until you get used to it!"

"En!" Huo Siyan nodded, and gently covered Lin Lang with the quilt.

When she woke up on the second day, Lin Lang was awakened by a familiar scent. She dressed and washed, sat on the dining table, drank fragrant milk, and ate a ready-made sandwich. Husband, except that he has a cold temper, but he can go up to the living room and down to the kitchen.

After eating, Linlang helped Huo Siyan wash the dishes, and took Huo Siyan's car to the company.

"I signed up for a driving school for you, and you can learn it when you are free. After you learn it, I will buy you a car, so that it won't be inconvenient when you want to go out when I'm not at home!" Huo Siyan said .

Lin Lang nodded. He also wanted to learn how to drive at the beginning, but he couldn't stand the sun, and because he lived close to the company, he gave up.

However, it is good for me to learn to drive a car. It is very convenient to drive a car wherever I want to go in the future. Besides, my husband gave me a car. No matter how I say it, it is a good intention, and she does not want to refuse it.

After punching out the card, Lin Lang sat at her desk, made herself a cup of coffee, and enjoyed the morning leisurely.

"Hey, I just saw that you got out of a luxury car, tell me, who is the person who sent you off today!" colleagues gossip.

When Lin Lang heard this, she patted herself on the forehead. Because she was getting married in a hurry at the time, she only notified some of her relatives and friends. As for her colleagues, she didn't notify her either. She just took two days off. Back to work, so far, none of my colleagues know that Lin Lang is married.

"I..." Lin Lang just wanted to say that it was her husband, but she didn't tell others that she was married, and she was too embarrassed to say so, so she could only lower her head and whisper, "Boyfriend!"

"Boyfriend, you are really lucky to meet such a diamond king!" The colleague sighed, and then said to Lin Lang: "Ask your boyfriend, do you have any relatives and friends? , It’s fine if you play well, and introduce one to me too!”

"Hahaha... Let's talk again..." Lin Lang laughed, reluctantly turning over this article.

After getting off work, Lin Lang just received a message from Huo Siyan, saying that he was waiting for her below, and Lin Lang didn't dare to delay packing up, so she hurried down.

"Mom asked us to have dinner with them today!" Huo Siyan said flatly.

"Oh!" Lin Lang nodded and talked about the mother-in-law. Lin Lang and Huo Siyan had a blind date until they got married, but they only saw the mother-in-law three times, and they all met when they got married.

Just when Lin Lang was about to get in the car, a colleague ran over from somewhere, looked at Huo Siyan, and said with a smile: "You are Lin Lang's boyfriend, you look really handsome, by the way, I am Colleagues of Lin Lang, if you have time, we can have a meal together, we all know each other!"

Huo Siyan raised his head when he heard this, his face froze for a moment, but he still nodded, "Yeah!"

The colleague glanced at Linlang, "Linlang, we are good sisters, don't forget what I said!"

Lin Lang reluctantly smiled and nodded. For some reason, at this moment, she was 10% guilty and did not dare to look at Huo Siyan.

On the way to his mother-in-law's house, Huo Siyan kept silent. The lights hit his face, flickering on and off, making it difficult to see his true mood, but it was definitely not particularly good, because his face was always calm, and the corners of his mouth were slanted. drop down.

Lin Lang thought it was because of her colleagues, and said cautiously: "I...that colleague...has no other bad intentions, just want to get to know you, don't take it to heart, if you don't want to have dinner with her, Then there's no need... Anyway, I'm just acquaintance with her in the company, and you don't need to socialize with her..."

Huo Siyan's face changed when he heard this, "It's okay, but we've been married for a while, and neither of our friends or colleagues have met each other, so we can get together when we have time!"

Lin Lang nodded, but on the contrary she was a little cautious, "As long as it doesn't cause you trouble, you can do whatever you want!"

When we arrived at the mother-in-law's house, the mother-in-law was very enthusiastic when she saw Lin Lang coming, "I specially asked Mrs. Wang to cook bird's nest for you today. You will finish drinking it later. I bought some for you. Remember to bring it back Home!"

Lin Lang smiled gratefully at her mother-in-law, "Thank you, Mom!"

The mother-in-law is a gentle and virtuous woman, who treats others with gentleness and courtesy, and is extremely gentle in her words and deeds. Lin Lang gets along very happily with her.

After dinner, Lin Lang was about to leave, but her mother-in-law held Lin Lang's hand and said reluctantly, "Lin Lang, I'm bored at home alone, if you have time, come back and accompany me more!"

Lin Lang glanced at Huo Siyan, found that he had no expression, and agreed with a smile.

On the way back, Lin Lang had been thinking about her mother-in-law's words for a long time, before she said to Huo Siyan cautiously: "I... I'm usually free, can I go and play with my mother-in-law?"

"Go as you want, don't worry about me!" Huo Siyan's voice had no tone, extremely flat, without any warmth.

(End of this chapter)

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