Chapter 93 Amon Kotaro

Hearing the name "Yamen Kotaro", Wang Xiaomeng, who had just walked in, had a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"I thought it was a trick at first, but I didn't expect to meet an interesting person!"

Wang Xiaomeng, who has watched anime, basically knows every important plot character like the back of his hand, and Amon Kotaro is one of them.

So after knowing the identity of Amon Kotaro, he immediately told the other party's situation like a treasure.

"Amen Kotaro, an orphan, was adopted by the Russian ghoul Donetto Prupura when he was young. Donetto Prupura was captured and imprisoned in the 23rd district ghoul prison, and Amen Kotaro He was sent to the Investigator Academy."

As soon as Wang Xiaomeng said these words, Amen Kotaro's expression changed immediately after he had reacted, and then he looked at him vigilantly.

"Are you investigating me? Who are you? Are you an accomplice of this ghoul?"

"Ha ha!"

Looking at the vigilant Amon Kotaro, Wang Xiaomeng immediately grinned, but he didn't answer his question, but directly opened his mouth to Songji and Shibata next to him.

"The game is over, go and call back all the students who ran away. As for those students who have left the Ghoul Investigator Training School, no matter who they are, they will be expelled directly in the name of deserters!"

Hearing his words, Songji immediately released He Zhe's form, and Shibata, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, also stood up, and then responded in unison.

"Yes, Uchipote wait!"

After finishing speaking, the two quickly left the auditorium, Amen Kotaro was dumbfounded, "This... this is..."


Seeing his shocked appearance, Mahu Wei couldn't help sighing, then stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder lightly.

"This is just a test, the purpose is only to test you students!"

"What? Test?" Hearing Mado Wei's words, Amon Kotaro's eyes widened again, "Then that 'ghoul' is also..."

"all fake!"

Speaking of this, Mado Wei immediately stretched out his hand in front of Wang Xiaomeng, and introduced it to Amon Kotaro.

"This is the new principal of the Ghoul Investigator Training School—His Excellency He Shuji, the 'ghoul' and 'hero' just now are his subordinates, the second-rank investigator of the FPF in District 2. By."


Hearing this, Amon Kotaro fell silent, and it took a long time before he uttered a question.

"Why do this?"

Facing his question, Wang Xiaomeng smiled slightly, "Don't worry, I'll tell you later!"

Hearing what he said, Amon Kotaro nodded immediately, and then stopped talking.

Soon, the students who ran away were called back one after another, but at this time most of their faces were still in shock, obviously they had been frightened just now.

Suddenly, a girl ran towards Amon Kotaro directly and threw herself into his arms.

"Kotaro, are you okay? It's great, I was worried about you just now, it's great that you're okay... woo woo woo..."

She started to cry while talking, Amon Kotaro raised his hand, but he didn't know how to comfort her.

So Wang Xiaomeng decided to help him.

"Madam, you don't need to cry. Amon Kotaro was killed when you ran away just now, and now standing in front of you is his younger brother Amon Tetsutaro."


Hearing this, the girl's crying stopped abruptly, and she looked at Wang Xiaomeng in surprise.

"You are... the one who told us to run away just now? Why are you here?"

"Tsk...this is..."

Speaking of this, Wang Xiaomeng smacked his lips thoughtfully, "Maybe my conscience found out, so I came back to see if my friend is dead?"


At this time, no matter how stupid the girl was, she knew that Wang Xiaomeng was trying to squeeze her out, so she immediately gave Wang Xiaomeng a glaring look, then pulled Amen Kotaro and walked to the side.

Wang Xiaomeng didn't care, he just shrugged his shoulders, then took out a cigarette and smoked it on his own.

Seeing this scene, Mahu Wei seemed to want to say something, but she opened her mouth, but she didn't say anything, she just watched Wang Xiaomeng puffing away with a confused face.

After about half an hour, Songji and Shibata came back with the last student, and then went to him to report to him.

"Report to Uchi Potter and others. All the students in the school have been recalled. In addition, we have notified the teachers in the college to let them close the school gate to check the students, and expel all the students who are not in the school!"

"Well, well done!"

After listening to the report, Wang Xiaomeng nodded, and then, under the curious, doubtful and surprised eyes of many students, he walked up to the auditorium stage directly in front of him, held the microphone above and spoke.

"Good morning, all the students of the Ghoul Investigator Training School, you must have seen me, yes, I am the one who led everyone to escape from the pursuit of SS-level ghouls just now, the situation just now was too dangerous , It’s not easy for everyone to escape... Do you want me to say that? You bunch of rubbish!"


As soon as Wang Xiaomeng's words came out, the students present were completely stunned—what's going on?

But soon, there were bursts of questioning voices from the crowd.

"Who the hell are you? Why do you say we are rubbish?"

"That's right, you were the fastest runner just now, and now you still have the face to call us trash?"

"It's just..."

Hearing the responses from the students below, instead of being angry, Wang Xiaomeng grinned.

"Hehe, it seems that you are not convinced, right? It's okay, I'm a very democratic person, I think I can stand up if I was right just now, and I can apologize to you!"

As soon as Wang Xiaomeng's words came out, a few people stood up from below. With these few people taking the lead, others followed them and stood up one after another, and soon the number exceeded a hundred.

The girl who was standing with Amon Kotaro also wanted to stand up, but he pulled her back.

"Tazi, don't move!"

The girl still trusted her boyfriend very much, so after hearing Amon Kotaro's words, she stopped and stood where she was.

At this time, nearly half of the people had already stood up.

Wang Xiaomeng watched without saying a word, until no one else stood up later, he smiled and nodded towards those students who stood up.

"Very well, you are worthy of being the elite of the Ghoul Investigator Training Academy. You are indeed not rubbish. I apologize to you. Okay, you can leave now!"

Hearing Wang Xiaomeng's words, the students who stood up were overjoyed at first, but then showed doubts.

"It's okay to leave? What does that mean?"

"Should we go back and rest?"

"It doesn't look like that..."

Seeing their puzzled faces, Wang Xiaomeng who was standing above laughed again.

"Haha, I'm sorry, sorry, I didn't make it clear, the leaving I said was to let you leave the Ghoul Investigator Training School, in short, you were expelled, scumbags!"

 NO.4... Huh, don't move anymore, try again tomorrow to see if it's five shifts, it's gone!
(End of this chapter)

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