Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 139 The Correct Way to Use the Sky Star

Chapter 139 The Correct Way to Use the Sky Star

When Lin Xuan returned to Xianyang City, he was immediately locked in by the city formation.

"What's the matter?" He couldn't help being taken aback.

Before recovering from the astonishment, Qin Shihuang's practice of refining emptiness and harmony broke out in an instant, stabbing him in the chest with a blessed sword.

As a result, naturally the sword was bounced back with great force, but Lin Xuan was unscathed.

"Your defense is so strong?" Qin Shihuang's expression changed.

"Although I emptied your treasury, I also gave you the elixir of longevity. Generally speaking, I didn't feel sorry for you, did I?" Lin Xuan said with emotion, "But I didn't expect that you wanted to kill me. Emperor Shihuang, have you already mastered the method of immortality? Or, you healed your wounds based on the things I left in the Imperial Teacher's Mansion?"

Hearing this, Qin Shihuang nodded and said, "That's right, my injury has indeed completely healed."

"Crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, unloading the mill and killing the donkey, the emperor's mind is really hard to figure out." Lin Xuan said again.

Regarding this, Qin Shihuang didn't say much, but made another move, attacking Lin Xuan's eyes.

"You had a chance to become the emperor of Shenting, but it's a pity that you have a wrong mind." Lin Xuan shook his head, jumped up and punched the ground violently, directly shaking the banning formation in Xianyang City.

The next moment, Qin Shihuang discovered that his Xianyang City was still there, but the power of the city had disappeared without a trace.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xuan punched him in the face, and Qin Shihuang's eyes went black and he lost consciousness.

"I can give you longevity and immortality, and I can take it back naturally. Although I can't kill you because of the mission, sometimes, living is more uncomfortable than dying!" Lin Xuan said, and performed it himself. The secret technique banned all the cultivation bases of the first emperor of Qin, and made divine clay, which was sealed in the terracotta warriors.

After that, he personally presided over the construction of the imperial mausoleum, and after "buried" Qin Shihuang, he went to the 21st century through a loophole in the world.

The next moment, the system prompts that the task is completed.


In the main world, in the Bay Villa, Lin Xuan felt uncomfortable.

"The aura in this real world is actually worse than that in the mythical world?" Lin Xuan sighed.

At this time, he felt a feeling similar to dyspnea, as if a person left the air and a fish left the water.

The strength and cultivation base are also dropping all the time, although the range is small, it can still be clearly felt.

"Is there no way to fight against the end of the world?" Lin Xuan asked the system.

"After reaching the Emperor Realm, you will be able to resist the end of the world to a certain extent. If you cultivate the 'All Magic Power', you will be able to completely ignore the end of the age!" The system said: "This is for those who have advanced to immortality from the late stage of the god level. For things that cannot be done, generally only the Daluo Jinxian can completely ignore the end of the world."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan immediately understood.

Only strong combat power can fight against the end of the world.

"This mission, this thing is the biggest gain, right?" Lin Xuan took out the star and said to the system.

Immediately, the system said: "Yes, but most of its power has been absorbed and refined by you, and now it has no other use except to look beautiful."

"Why not?" Lin Xuan smiled.

Then he used thaumaturgy to compress and refine the star, and finally refined it into an extremely beautiful ring.

At this moment, Qi Ran, who was practicing, was startled awake and looked at him suspiciously.

"The ring I made with my own hands is for you, do you like it?" Lin Xuan said as he presented the ring to Qi Ran.

The next moment, Qi Ran showed a happy expression, and said, "I like it very much."

"This is the correct way to use Tianxing." Lin Xuan told the system in his heart.

Hearing this, the system was silent for a long time without speaking.

"Your cultivation has surpassed the pace of spiritual energy recovery?" Qi Ran looked at Lin Xuan and asked in surprise.

"My way of cultivation is very special. It has little to do with aura, and will not be affected by the end of the world." Lin Xuan said: "As long as I keep practicing, even if the earth is still in the age of end, I can become a god, and even transcend time. Changhe became the Great Luo Jinxian!"

Immediately, Qi Ran said, "I really envy you."

"By the way, I'm on a mission, can I bring someone there?" Lin Xuan asked the system.

It suddenly occurred to him that he seemed to be able to take others to other worlds, and then bring them back after breaking through—if this is the case, is it possible to create a group of god-level powerhouses before the age of mythology recovers?
Even, recruit strong people from other worlds and bring them to the main world to form a huge force.

"No, the reason why the Queen Jingjue can be taken away by you is because in terms of judgment, she is equivalent to accessories such as magic weapons and pets." The system said: "Zhang Sanfeng will come here because he used his own power It pierced through the void, and besides, this is the human world in the three worlds of mythology, and this is the place where practitioners ascend."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan asked: "Are you not allowing it, or are you unable to do it?"

"Helping you travel alone is already my limit. If you put someone in the ring space, mortals can say that if you are a god-level powerhouse, it will cause you to travel through the past and the space ring will stay in the main world." The system said: "You have to understand that what you travel through is not space, but time and space. If you are strong enough, you can even go back to the past and kill Pangu, thereby ending the entire heavens and worlds... This system has not yet figured out why I would It has the function of traveling through time."

Lin Xuan: "..."

At this time, the system said: "However, if you become a third-level temporary worker, you can unlock the authority to start a company. At that time, member travel is also within the rules, and there will be a lot of room for manipulation."

"Okay!" Lin Xuan was speechless.

Then, he clicked on the work card again and drew a work order.

Work unit information: Tiedan God Hou Zhu ignored the painstaking search for Tianxiang Cardamom for many years, but there was no result. He needs someone who is more powerful than the world's number one detective Zhang Jinjiu to help him find Tianxiang Cardamom.

Task completion condition: Find two Tianxiang cardamoms and send them to Zhu Wushi.

Remuneration for work: a lot of points.

Friendly reminder: The faster the task is completed, the more points you will get, but if you can promote the world upgrade, even if it takes a long time to complete the task, the points will be much more than submitting the task immediately.

"The number one world in the world, has it reached the edge of advancement?" Lin Xuan asked doubtfully.

Immediately, the system said: "No, that world has already hit the third level once, but it failed."

"Where are there strong souls?" Lin Xuan asked.

"No, but they don't follow the way of the primordial spirit." The system said: "Their system is somewhat similar to the 'mystical martial arts' created by the extraordinary Bruce Lee. You will know the details after you go there."

(End of this chapter)

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