Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 155 Learning Magic

Chapter 155 Learning Magic
"Your condition confuses me." Supreme Master Gu Yi said.

Lin Xuan smiled when he heard the words, and said nonsense: "No way, who made me foresee the fate of the earth being invaded by aliens? It is impossible to accept fate, and it is impossible to accept fate in this life! One person can't beat those The aliens can only form the Avengers and bring the powerful from all over the world to maintain the defense of the earth in this way."

Hearing this, Bruce Lee, who knew his character well, curled his lips and did not speak.

Although he doesn't know why Lin Xuan formed the Avengers, he can be sure that it is absolutely impossible to resist the aliens—if he is really unsure about dealing with the alien invasion, the first person he will look for must be himself, The force to be formed cannot be such a loose alliance of Avengers, but an army composed of extraordinary warriors!

Gu Yi didn't believe Lin Xuan's words, but in order to prevent Lin Xuan from "pulling people" casually and threatening the stability of time, he still nodded and agreed to join.

"I can join, but I won't stay here. I want to sit in Karma Taj to defend against invasions from other latitudes," Gu Yi said.

"It doesn't matter." Lin Xuan said with a smile: "As long as you have nothing to do, remember to come and play often. Let me tell you, everyone in the Avengers is talented, and they speak nicely. You will really like it here."

Hearing this, Gu Yi: "..."

He always felt that there was something in Lin Xuan's words, but he couldn't hear what it was, which was very strange.

"By the way, I have one more thing to do this time." Gu Yi said again: "Compared to the taboo of time that few people can touch, the power of space is more dangerous. I hope Mr. Lin and Mr. Bruce Lee, you can properly Keep the Cosmic Rubik's Cube safe, so that it can effectively reduce the occurrence of powerful enemies suddenly appearing on the earth."

"Universe Rubik's Cube?" Lin Xuan couldn't help being taken aback.

Isn't that thing already taken away by me?Even if the corresponding law is taken away, how can it still exist?

"The power of the law is equivalent to knowledge. If you take it away, it will disappear, and its power will not be reduced because it is mastered by multiple people." The system said: "Although you have taken a cosmic magic cube, when After you leave, the universe will automatically give birth to a second one, and unless this world is destroyed, it is impossible for the Infinity Stones to be completely taken away!"

Lin Xuan was taken aback again when he heard the words.

But if you think about it carefully, you will be relieved.

After all, the infinite stone is the product of the manifestation of the law. As long as there are corresponding laws in the universe, it will always exist and will not disappear because it is taken away by itself.As for the corresponding law, there will be no loss if it is taken away, because it is not a substance, and the laws of physics do not apply to it.

Otherwise, if there is no "space", how can this world exist?

"The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D. If you want to protect it, let them protect it!" After listening to Gu Yi's words, Bruce Lee shook his head and said, "If I have to protect it, I prefer to use my fists to protect it!" , smashing the Cosmic Rubik's Cube directly, that's a one-hundred-dollar solution, and can save a lot of trouble."

Gu Yi: "..."

He found that he could not understand the thinking of young people in this era at all.

After the Supreme Mage joined the Avengers, Lin Xuan asked Tony Stark to bring the Fantastic Four over in the name of investment.

And he himself, went to Karma Taj and made a request to learn magic.

In fact, when he came to this world last time, he tried to learn magic once, but unfortunately he didn't learn it.But this time, because of the improvement of knowledge and realm, he is confident that even if he still can't learn it, he can understand the principle, and then find a way to learn the power of magic and integrate it into the magic power.

"If you are interested, you can go to my library to read magic books, but in exchange, I need your method to travel through time." Gu Yi said.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was very forthright and taught him the skill of "traveling through time and space".

In fact, it’s nothing, this is not a common technique, and the price in Wandu Search is also very low.

In fact, this is just a way to find loopholes to travel through time in a world where individual times are unstable.Of course, because it is produced by the system, this method goes straight to the essence, even if it is a Marvel God who masters "time", traveling through time is not as easy as him.

After all, the abilities of npcs and normal players will never be comparable.

However, because most of the powerhouses are concentrated at this point in time, the ability to travel is of no help to his mission.

When he saw those magic books again, because of his improved cultivation and vision, he quickly saw the essence of magic: discovering the power of the soul, using the soul to control the body and the universe, this is the source of magic power.The so-called "magic power" is just the flowing soul power. Although the form of expression is completely different, in essence, it is no different from the primordial spirit.

This cannot be cultivated into a single power to strengthen the divine power of all laws.

"The power of magic makes me a little disappointed." Lin Xuan said.

Immediately, the system said: "That is the flaw in the magic of this world. The real magic is the power of elements, such as the dark elements of the dark latitude, the light elements of the light latitude, the death elements of hell, etc. The more typical ones are the light and darkness of the ancient world." The thirteen main gods, each of them is an existence comparable to a great emperor. And on top of that, there are the godhead main gods and supreme gods of the Coiling Dragon World. They are also practitioners of magic, and their strength is comparable to fairy gods."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and then said: "In other words, elemental power is the power of magic?"

"That's right." The system said: "So, all the magic practitioners in this world have gone astray. Only the supreme mage Gu Yi absorbed the power from the dark latitude and reluctantly embarked on the orthodox magic path. Later, Doctor Strange absorbed the magic of the world itself. The power of space and time can also be regarded as an orthodox magician. As for the others, they are not so much magicians as they are a group of mortals who have mastered magic skills."

"Okay!" Lin Xuan was speechless.

In the eyes of magicians in this world, the power of the dark latitude is a taboo. I am afraid they would never have imagined in their dreams that the so-called taboo is the correct way of magic.

After being reminded by the system, Lin Xuan quickly found a way to use the power of the dark latitude to release a magic.

As a result, the next moment, the supreme mage suddenly appeared and drove him out of the library.

"Mr. Lin, you have powerful power yourself, why do you have to touch Domamu's dark power?" Gu Yi said with some anger and some helplessness.

Obviously, he regarded Lin Xuan as someone spying on Dormammu's power.

"Actually, I don't think you're wrong to use the power of the dark latitude to live forever. Power itself is not good or bad. It's just that there are good and bad people who control power." Lin Xuan was not angry, and smiled: "The dark latitude The power does not belong to Dormammu, how about the two of us join forces and snatch Dormammu's power?"

(End of this chapter)

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