Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 284 Newborn God - Statue of Liberty

Chapter 284 Newborn God - Statue of Liberty
"Aixinjueluo Master Wang, you arrested them, right?" Lin Xuan said while playing Go with Dong Yong in the transformed Emperor Wushi Palace.

Hearing this, Dong Yong nodded and said, "I can tolerate them bullying me, but I can't tolerate them disregarding human lives, so I arrested them all and abolished their cultivation. But it's a pity that the one who took the lead in provoking trouble Liu Chen didn't know where he went, I searched all over Huaxia, but I couldn't find him."

"He's dead!" Qi Ran said.

Both Dong Yong and Lin Xuan were taken aback.

"How did you die?"

"I'm not sure, first she disappeared, and after the seventh brother-in-law hung Aixinjueluo Master Wang and others on the gate of the Forbidden City, Liu Chen was also hung on the gate of the White House in the United States." Qi Ran said: "But, It's normal to hang people on the gates of the Forbidden City throughout the ages, but it's a bit nondescript to hang people on the gates of the White House. Moreover, it's a dead person, which seems very strange."

Immediately, Lin Xuan said: "Is that imitating Dong Yong?"

"Yes." Qi Ran nodded.

"It's interesting." Lin Xuan said.

But he didn't care, but continued to chat: "Brother Dong Yong, what is your cultivation level now?"

"Me? In terms of mana cultivation, I don't have any at all. I'm just a mortal." Dong Yong said.

Lin Xuan couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words.

"Originally, I was still a little cultivated, but with the improvement of my cultivation, I found that I was really not suitable for cultivation. No matter how hard I tried, I would get twice the result with half the effort, and the Daluo Jinxian was far away." Dong Yong said: "I can only read, Confucianism Dao is the way of my Dong Yong! So I suddenly realized that I used Jiuyou Tian as a book, read the sky and read the earth, directly skipped the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and became a Confucian saint."

After he finished speaking, he paused, and said again: "I don't have magic power, but I can fight with ordinary saints and remain undefeated."

"So that's how it is." Qi Ran was stunned.

When she first met her, she was very curious: Dong Yongming obviously has no talent for cultivation, why does he have unfathomable cultivation?

If there is really a talent for cultivation, the story of the pairing of immortals will not be a pairing of immortals, but a "couple of gods and immortals".After all, no matter in ancient times or in modern times, those in power in the practice world have been looking for talented practitioners. If they meet talented practitioners, and even fight to the death, how can they miss Dong Yong?

You know, there is a saying in cultivating immortals that "one person can attain the Tao and ascend to heaven". If one can teach a disciple of an immortal, as a master, he will surely live forever.

But before Dong Yong left the earth, he didn't have much cultivation, obviously not talented.

The reason why I am able to achieve my current level of cultivation is not because I have achieved great success in cultivating immortals, but because I have found my own way from Confucianism, followed the way of Confucius, Mencius and others, and became a saint.This kind of saint may be weak in combat effectiveness, but he is also a serious saint, and his overall strength is no less than that of the heavenly saint.

"My own way?" Lin Xuan was suddenly touched.

He found that it was normal for him not to be able to become a celestial being: the Supreme Master of Ten Thousand Laws is a completely different way of practice from ordinary practitioners. Not only can he practice any system, he can even learn Buddhism and Dong Yong's Confucianism and Taoism, and integrate it into his own. In the practice system.Not only that, science has also been turned into a way of practice by him and integrated into his own practice.

How could such a special way of cultivation be possible to become a celestial being with conventional methods?

He needs to comprehend the essence of becoming an immortal, and create a method by himself, in order to become his own "immortal"!

Continental America, New York, the glory of the Statue of Liberty is more prosperous than ever.

At the bottom, the young woman put away the torch and the book of freedom, and looked at the whole world with curious eyes.Her dress is very similar to Athena, but she is completely different, because her power is not war, nor wisdom, but freedom, as if she wants to break free from the shackles of heaven and earth.

She is not an awakened fairy, nor a practitioner, but she possesses powerful divine power.

How strong is it?

Even Liu Chen, who was in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, was helpless in front of her, and she was easily killed by her, and imitated Dong Yong and hung him on the gate of the White House.

"I finally got rid of the shackles of the god statue. Now, I should be considered a free god?" The Statue of Liberty looked at the distant China and murmured: "Most of the powerful practitioners and gods are in that place. Is there something special that attracts them? I might as well go and have a look, even if there is no need, I can understand the world more clearly.”

After speaking, she stepped forward and came to the headquarters of the Extraordinary Alliance.

Because there are too many people coming and going, and the law of freedom has a natural concealment, the Statue of Liberty did not alarm anyone.She didn't do anything, but chose a place and lived like an ordinary foreigner.In the name of the Statue of Liberty, he joined the "Heavenly Extraordinary Alliance".

It was the former "China Extraordinary Alliance", in order to adapt to the times, Suzaku changed its name.

However, the addition of the Statue of Liberty did not cause any waves.

"Shen Wansan, the new God of Wealth, has appeared, and the ancient God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, will come back to life. Lu Buwei will also step in to register this title, and the modern businessman, Mr. Yun, is unwilling to be lonely..." Suzaku sat in the office, looking at the documents , I feel like my head is about to explode.

From the God of Wealth, the God of War, and the God of War, down to the God of the Mountain, the Land, and the City God, there are a lot of people vying for the positions of various gods.

In order to absorb old gods and new gods, Suzaku opened up the certification of immortals by the Extraordinary Alliance, and reached an agreement with the United Nations government to give them the most official status.This was indeed as she had imagined. Both the newborn gods and the old gods were drawn into the Transcendent Alliance. Under the awe of absolute force, practitioners and gods were successfully integrated into one, and they were no longer separated from each other.

In this way, there is no more confusion, and everyone is happy.

After all, no matter it is the countries of the world or many gods, they are not sure about this era of spiritual recovery, and they are very worried about whether they can survive.

It's just that Suzaku relieved one contradiction, but it led to another contradiction: the dispute between righteous gods and partial gods!

There is not only one god in the world, and often the same god will have several, or even dozens of gods.These gods are strong and weak, and because of the repetition of priesthood, they are inherently hostile.They also competed with each other for the priesthood, and ended up in trouble with the Extraordinary Alliance, and even filed a lawsuit.

Yes, such strange things have happened in lawsuits to compete for priesthood!
"So, the problem now is that the gods started a lawsuit, but there is no one who can convince them to be a judge?" Lin Xuan said.

(End of this chapter)

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