Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 304 Whose relic belongs to the boneless relic?

Chapter 304 Whose relic belongs to the boneless relic?

"Heavenly Meteor Catastrophe?" Gu Niu couldn't help being taken aback.

Sun Wukong was also stunned.

"To be precise, it is a giant beast that can swallow all power and digest and grow stronger. Theoretically, it can swallow the entire heavens and worlds and grow to a level that we can't imagine "Lin Xuandao: "So, it is called the 'Heavenly Meteor Catastrophe'. The old man of Wanjie killed it once, and I killed it once, but both times it only delayed its growth , we haven't really solved it. One day, that giant beast will make a comeback, devouring enough power to grow into a terrifying 'Heavenly Death Beast', and then the heavens and worlds will usher in an unprecedented catastrophe!"

Immediately, both Gu Niu and Monkey King felt deeply powerless.

If there is something that can swallow the world you live in, can you really resist it with your own strength?
Courage and fighting spirit will be useless in the face of irresistible natural disasters.

"Why does my old pig suddenly feel that the war between the Supreme Heaven and the Alien Heaven is nothing more than that?" Zhu Bajie said.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan smiled, but did not speak.

The strength of the supreme god king Qi Yuhuang has always been a mystery. He is listed as the "oldest three god kings" together with the old man Wanjie and the ancestor Hongjun. According to what Hongjun said when he preached, he should have already Another kind of detachment, possessing the power to surpass ordinary god kings, at least equal to the quasi-transcendence old man of ten thousand realms.

This kind of strong man, his war with the Supreme Heaven, whether it is a war or a military training, only God knows.

This day, it is Qi Yuhuang himself!
"Let's talk about the general!" Lin Xuan said.

Immediately, Gu Niu said: "That general's name is 'Wu Feng', he is a master who ascended from the lower world to the foreign world, because his heart was twisted in the cruel struggle, he has no bottom line in doing things, and he will do anything to achieve his goals. Alien Heaven is very unpopular, if it wasn't for the fact that he had to polish his foundation and couldn't be sanctified immediately, I would have killed him long ago!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan couldn't help showing a strange expression.

He suddenly discovered that this Gu Niu seemed to have enmity with that general named Wu Feng.

"Do you have any grudge against that guy?" Sun Wukong asked directly.

"It's a bit of a holiday!" Gu Niu said: "Not long ago, I fell in love with a female nun, and I was about to play a fun game of picking up girls, but that guy came straight to the car and got into the car before me, so I had I feel like a dog. Although I was just playing around and not serious, I still get angry when I think about it!"

Speaking of this, he is a bit of a sign of wanting to be holy.

Because after being sanctified, he can get rid of that Wu Feng and end this grievance.

"Can you find Wu Feng?" Lin Xuan asked.

Immediately, Gu Niu said: "No, just like he can't find me, I can't find his trace. However, our goal is the seventeen relics transformed by the will of the world. As long as you take the ten With the seven relics in your hands, even if Wu Feng doesn't show up, you can still find him through the Dao of Heaven."

The relics are left by the Dao of Heaven to protect the earth. After collecting seventeen relics, even ordinary people can have the power bestowed by the Dao of Heaven.

In the mapping information, the Tathagata Buddha who was finally rescued by Monkey King is the saint transformed by the relic, possessing the boundless Dharma bestowed by heaven, and his strength is still higher than that of the real Tathagata.Of course, it was the one before the ascension. After the ascension, no one in the Small Three Realms knew how the Tathagata was doing in the Supreme Heaven.

After the resurrection, Sun Wukong is the real Monkey King, whose strength has surpassed this world.

"Then find the relic first!" Lin Xuan said.


On West Heaven Ling Mountain, in Daleiyin Temple, Wutian pondered for a long time, and finally heaved a sigh.

"What's wrong? Buddha." Heipao asked.

"Wrong, I was wrong from the very beginning. The so-called calamity and destiny are simply misleading us by the way of heaven!" Wutian said, "My mana is comparable to that of Tathagata. Only when we find seventeen relics can we decide Win or lose. However, the seventeen relics correspond to the seventeen ancient Buddhas, and the crucial boneless relics correspond to Lin Xuan, the 'Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas', do you think it's ridiculous?"

As he spoke, he threw an "Ancient Buddha Picture" to the black robe.

Among them, there are seventeen ancient Buddhas recorded, including the ancient Buddha of burning lamps, and Lin Xuan, the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas, ranks first.

It was a very ethereal figure in modern clothes, and it didn't look like a Buddha at all.There is also a note next to it, which reads: The real Buddha is not a Buddha, the real immortal is not an immortal, the ultimate great enlightenment of Buddhism, returning to the basics and returning to the truth, transcending life and death, and being supremely happy and at ease.

Immediately, the black robe was stunned, and said in astonishment: "Isn't the Buddha still dead?"

"Yes, he didn't die, so the boneless relics don't exist at all, and the other relics are also fake. They are not left by the ancient Buddha, but another kind of Buddha treasure!" Wutian said: "The number of kalpas and the number of fate are all the same. What a joke, the Tathagata, whom I have always regarded as my great enemy, is no longer in the Three Realms at this time, he left Buddhism and ran away alone!"

At this time, Lin Xuan just arrived, and he couldn't help showing a strange expression when he heard the words.

Although Tiandao is not conscious, he really knows how to play: if there is no him to travel through time and space to change the past, then in the normal trajectory, Patriarch Bodhi will be the supreme god king Qi Yuhuang, and he is also the predecessor of the boneless relic.Because it was his drop of blood that created Sun Wukong, and that drop of blood of the god king deserves its name as a boneless relic.

As for the question of whether it is an ancient Buddha, even if the Tathagata came face to face and Amitabha Buddha appeared, he would have to admit Qi Yuhuang's identity.

Because Qi Yuhuang is indeed proficient in Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, he is an immortal, a saint, and a Buddha!

However, with Lin Xuan's intrusion, everything seemed nondescript.

You know, Qi Yuhuang can become a "dead" ancient Buddha, but he can't, because Tiandao doesn't have a clear grasp of his information.As the supreme being of all laws, he is dead or alive, and the way of heaven can't read anything at all.Therefore, there was a bug in the arranged "relic" identity, which caused Wutian to stop playing halfway through the collection.

"Help me play everything to the end, and after drawing out the magic general Wu Feng, I will send you to the Supreme Heaven to find Tathagata." Lin Xuan said with a smile.

As a result, there were rumors in the Three Realms that Lin Xuan and the big devil, Wutian, collapsed, and the battle failed and became a "boneless relic".

It really turned into a boneless relic, and after performing the transformation, it was transformed with a variety of work clothes. Even if Qi Yuhuang appeared here, he would never find out that this relic is fake.

(End of this chapter)

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