Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 345 One Gun Superman

Chapter 345 One Shot Man

Under the leadership of Master Tongtian, the three of them quickly came to the Jiejiao Dojo, in front of the "two" sword-testing stones.

"Brother Wanjie didn't investigate the origin of this thing at the beginning. I only know that it came from before the world was opened. It is a congenital treasure." The leader of Tongtian said: "But it is isolated from all mana influences, and it cannot be used or refined. To become a magic weapon, everything was erected here by me and turned into a sword-testing stone."

Hearing this, both Lin Xuan and Yuanshen Wang couldn't help feeling that there are so many wonders in this great world.

The system, on the other hand, said in Lin Xuan's mind: "This is a brick, a very powerful one. Although the information is vague, the system is absolutely sure that a generation of hosts have been photographed by this thing. That blow , strong enough to tear Wanjie City apart, if Lin Xuan of that generation hadn’t taken the way of defense and had ever-changing overalls, he would definitely have lost his mind at that time!”

As soon as these words came out, Lin Xuan was immediately stunned.

"So, this is also a treasure comparable to the City of Ten Thousand Realms and the Pangu Axe?" he asked.

"It's a little bit closer, but it's at the same level." The system said.

Compared with the Pangu axe, this thing is definitely not as good, because even if Lin Xuan has a variety of work clothes and no defensive magic weapon to clone, he can't withstand the power of breaking the world.In addition, the main function of Wanjiecheng is to give others a "transcendence" fate. In terms of defense, it is actually not high, so it cannot resist too strong attacks.

But even so, as strong as Qi Yuhuang, it can't shake Wanjie City.

However, this "brick" can be used in the mouth of the system. One can imagine how powerful it is once intact.

"Unfortunately, nothing can be safe and sound at the end of time in the big universe. Even if it used to be very powerful, it is just a harder stone now. Unless the original refiner is resurrected, no one can repair it. The system said regretfully: "But that's impossible. The original refiner was killed by that generation of Lin Xuan before the end of time came!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was also a little regretful, but more confused.

"No, didn't you say that every reincarnation is the same?" He said.

Immediately, the system said: "It's exactly the same, what's wrong?"

"That's strange, why is there this stone in that reincarnation, but not in this reincarnation?" Lin Xuan said: "There are also Wanjie City and Pangu Axe. If the end of time can't completely obliterate them, it should It will survive, but where did the Myriad Realms City of previous reincarnations go?"

"One time can't be erased, what about ten times, one hundred times, one thousand times?" the system asked back.

Lin Xuan was silent.

Indeed, even if there is a little trace left, it will disappear completely after repeated reincarnations.

For example, this sword-testing stone is not too hard now, and at the end of this time, it is impossible to carry it over.

"In addition, reincarnation is the same, but the host is different. Every different choice of Lin Xuan will greatly rewrite the entire universe of the heavens and the world, causing many changes. In Jiecheng, in some reincarnations, the old man of Wanjie did not succeed in the end, and there is no Heaven of Wanjie." The system said.

Lin Xuan suddenly realized when he heard the words.

He has forgotten that the great universe of the heavens and worlds is not static, and the system is the only variable that can survive intact and move the heavens and worlds.

And every time it reincarnates, the changes it causes will affect the host, resulting in many different versions of "Lin Xuan".

"Also, the heavens and worlds you can see now are not the whole universe." The system added.

Lin Xuan was puzzled by the words, but he didn't ask any further questions. Instead, he began to test his Level [-] self-defense pistol.

At the beginning, he used his fist to hit the sword stone, but even with all his strength, he could only make a shallow fist mark less than an inch.

Regarding this, the leader of Tongtian said with a smile: "Although this sword-testing stone is hard on the inside and soft on the outside, it needs the combat power of a god-king level to leave traces. Whether it is a saint with extremely high combat power, it is not perfect. No matter what happens, those who can’t stand up to the god kings can’t leave marks on it. And the supreme god kings who surpass ordinary god kings can only make three inches of marks with all their strength, and they can’t do anything more.”

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the stone.

Following his gaze, Lin Xuan saw traces of less than one inch, three inches, and one foot.

Swords, guns, halberds, sticks and fists, all kinds of marks are used.

Among them, the ones that are less than one inch are the most, the ones that are less than one inch are rare, there are only dozens of them, and the marks that are one foot deep, there are only four marks in total, which are fist marks, teeth marks, sword marks, and explosion marks.

"The four traces of one foot were made by the teacher with a sword, Qi Yuhuang with his fist, the ancestor of the holy louse with his teeth, and the king of Yuanshen with his mana blast. The magic weapons are all useless, so this mark does not represent their strength." The Master Tongtian said: "For example, Qi Yuhuang, this stone is divided into two, it is his masterpiece!"

Having said that, he was still a little angry.

The sword-testing stone is used to practice skills and test strength. What is it to chop with the sky-opening axe?
Of course, Tongtian would never tell others that he originally thought that the sword-testing stone could block the blow of the sky-opening axe.

"Try the power of my pistol!" Lin Xuan thought, and shot it.

The next moment, the bullet flew out and went straight in.

At this time, the bullet is no longer a simple bullet. It is a principle that transcends the Three Thousand Ways. It is the Tao of the self-defense pistol itself.

This kind of bullet can explode, bend, and has all the forms of thermal weapons, but no matter what, its power is constant.

The penetrating power of an ordinary bullet is the same as the explosive power of an explosive bullet.

"How much did you score?" Yuanshen Wang asked.

Immediately, Master Tongtian said: "It's also three inches, which is equivalent to a full blow from the Supreme God King."

"It's okay." Lin Xuan said with satisfaction.

At this time, the panel attributes of the self-defense pistol look like this: Level [-] self-defense pistol (upgradeable), the exclusive weapon will never be lost, the power is at the peak of level [-], the Dao fruit is the ultimate, and the range is within the universe of the heavens and ten thousand worlds. It can attack continuously with an interval of [-] seconds.

There is also a comment at the back, which reads: Use the magic power to release special attacks.

"I'll try to take the initiative to activate it again." Lin Xuan said, mobilizing the magic power and firing a shot.

In the end, there was only a "pa" gunshot, the sword-testing stone was pierced, and Lin Xuan fell to the ground.

"Terrible attack!" Yuanshenwang said.

As for the Master Tongtian, he helped Lin Xuan up and asked in confusion, "What's wrong with you?"

"Mom, I just fired one shot, and all my strength was drained!" Lin Xuan felt the slowly recovering strength in his body, and said, "Although because of the characteristics of my strength, they will all return to my body , but that process is very slow, maybe three to five years, it won't recover!"

As he said that, he took out a bunch of crystals of myriad magic powers and began to absorb and refine them.

But the speed of recovery has not accelerated at all.

"Is it possible to deliver a blow in three to five years? It's not bad." Tong Tianjiao said, and joked: "You will be a 'one-shot superman' from now on!"

(End of this chapter)

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