Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 355 This is definitely not my son!

Chapter 355 This is definitely not my son!

"Don't get close to me, I tell you, I won't take that kind of trick, sir!" said the young man.

Lin Xuan: "..."

He has a saying that his mother sells criticism, but when he said it, it was really out of style.

"This kid is too arrogant, don't stop me, today I have to beat him until his father doesn't even know him!" Yang Jian said, and once again raised the three-pointed double-edged knife and rushed over.

This time, Lin Xuan did not stop him.

If that kind of brat who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth is not from Wanjietian, Lin Xuan would have slapped him to death a long time ago, and he is not even interested in asking about his origin.But even if he is from Ten Thousand Realms, he still has to repair it severely, and then find that unknown "City Lord Father" and repair it together with him.

If both father and son are of this virtue, Lin Xuan doesn't mind giving Wanjietian a bloody cleansing.

He is not bloodthirsty, but he is not a vegetarian either!

"Damn it, you dare to fight, you don't want to live anymore?" The young man was stunned when he saw Yang Jian rushing over, and then he was furious, and he threw his fist at Yang Jian.

The next moment, there was only a "Dang" sound, and the Supreme Heavenly Palace was shaken.

As for Yang Jian, he stepped back several steps in a row with a terrified expression.

"You guys are stupid. My Myriad Realms is about to be promoted to a 'land of detachment'. How can the people in it be compared to you old-fashioned people?" The young man stood still, with thousands of roads lingering around his body , Even if each one is not condensed into Dao Fruit, when fused together, it is far more than ordinary god kings.

Except for lack of spiritual power, his strength is almost the same as that of Lin Xuan.

"Why does this power look familiar to me?" Qi Yuhuang turned his head and said to Suzaku beside him.

As for Lin Xuan, he was dumbfounded, because he used his own skills.

Due to the cultivation of all Taos, he has created many ways to use the world's ten thousand ways, and some even combine the space-time avenue of the old man of the ten thousand worlds, so the attack is powerful and dodgeable, and it is difficult to dodge.At this time, the power used by the young man was exactly the same as him, as if carved out of the same mold.

This made him involuntarily feel bad.

Sure enough, this special power attracted Qi Ran who was in retreat.

At this time, she has become the God King of the Dao Fruit Realm, or the one of the highest level. She just waved her hand and caught the young man in her hand.Then, she looked at Lin Xuan, then at the young man, and said with a bit of a bad look: "Who is your father? What's his name? Where did you learn your strength?"

Being suppressed in an instant, the young man was also taken aback, and then replied: "My strength is innate, and it is inherited from my father."

In an instant, the expressions of many people became weird.

"It seems that with the characteristics of the Wanfa God Body, it is really possible to give birth to a son of the Wanfa God Body!" Qi Yuhuang said: "Just like Nezha back then, his parents only cultivated the ordinary fairy body, and they gave birth to such a son. Born divine. And Lin Xuan, his genes... bastard, how did you get this son?"

Even if Qi Yuhuang's EQ was not high, he understood at this moment that something was wrong with this child!
He has Lin Xuan's bloodline inheritance, but he doesn't have Qiran's bloodline, nor is he his own grandson!
"Impossible, this is definitely not my son!" Lin Xuan stared.

Apart from his wife Qi Ran, he has never even touched a second woman, so how could he have a son?
It's impossible to be like this, Nima, it's just a brain damage!

"Old Qi, have you misunderstood something? Lin Xuan is only a child, so it's impossible for his son to be as old as himself?" Suzaku said.But after Qi Yuhuang made it clear that Lin Xuan could travel through time and space, her face turned pale, and she looked at the young man and said, "Son, what's your father's name?"

Immediately, the young man revealed a look of contempt, and said, "There is only one master in Wanjie City from the beginning to the end, and you don't even know his name?"

Then without waiting for everyone's reaction, he said: "Don't care about such a great person, and don't have the slightest reverence for him. I don't think you can try to detach yourself. Really, young master, I can guarantee that Wanjietian will be promoted in the future." For 'the place of detachment', there is absolutely no place for you to stand there, how stupid!"

Everyone: "..."

"Fuck your uncle, can you talk properly?" Lin Xuan went over and beat him up.

Regarding this, the young man was stupefied and said in astonishment: "You also have myriad magic powers in your body?"

"I created this f*cking supernatural power. Do you think I have it?" Lin Xuan said angrily, "Now, immediately, immediately, contact your laoshizi, the city owner of Wanjie, and tell him that he has a big deal Yes, really, I won't lie to him, the fucking old man is very angry now!"

At this moment, Qi Ran and the others believed that Lin Xuan had nothing to do with him.

After all, if they were really father and son, they shouldn't be strangers to each other.

"A person like my father, is it something you can see immediately?" The young man curled his lips.

Lin Xuan gave him another slap in the face.

"Okay, I said, don't fight!" The young man almost cried, and said with a bitter face: "My father is Lin Xuan, the Supreme Master of Ten Thousand Laws, the founder of Ten Thousand Realms City and Ten Thousand Realms Heaven, long before Pangu appeared. An ancient power that already exists. Let me tell you, although I can’t contact him now, if you dare to hit me, he will definitely make you look good if he knows!”

At this moment, Lin Xuan was stunned.

At this moment, Qi Yuhuang and Suzaku were also confused, and the others were even more confused.

There was fire in Qi Ran's eyes, and he looked at Lin Xuan as if he had fallen, making Lin Xuan feel cold from head to sole.

"Listen to my explanation. This is definitely a misunderstanding. It may be another person named Lin Xuan. After all, you know my origin. I can't be older than Pangu, and I'm not very powerful..." Lin Xuan explained, Thinking of the past generations of hosts.But the system said mercilessly: "Host, Lin Xuan has always been single, and has never touched a woman."

Lin Xuan: "..."

"Go on, I'll listen to your performance!" Qi Ran regained her composure, showing no signs of anger or emotion.

No one knew what she was thinking.


In Tiangong, in a bedroom covered by laws, Shang Qixiu, the eighth son-in-law, was chatting with the eighth princess in his arms.

"The highest strategy in this world is called 'people's hearts'. As long as you can see through people's hearts, no matter whether it is an enemy or a friend, they will be used by you." Shang Qixiu said: "I didn't bribe Lin Tian, ​​and he didn't even see it. Me, I just arranged for a few egomaniacs to get to know him, and successfully instilled in him the impression that 'Supreme Heaven' is weak, and let him take the initiative to come over and do things, and lure Lin Xuan away!"

"Can it succeed?" the eighth princess asked.

"Buy one get one free, Princess Nine will also be lured away!" Shang Qixiu said.

The eighth princess nodded when she heard the words, and then asked: "Have those egomaniacs silenced?"

"No, they haven't seen me either, and they don't even know that I'm using them!" Shang Qixiu laughed.

"You really play with people's hearts!" Eighth Princess said with emotion.

"Oh, I can see through everything in this world, but I can't see through myself alone. It's so sad!" Shang Qixiu turned over, looked at the eighth princess and asked, "If we fail this time, are you willing to die with me?" ?"

"What do you think?" Princess Eight asked back.

Shang Qixiu didn't speak.

"I am so silly!"

This is the answer in his heart, a very cruel answer, he already knew it, always knew it!

ps: There is a power outage, I just called, I will write a chapter first, and I will update it tonight!

(End of this chapter)

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