Evil Prime Minister, please don't tease!

Chapter 385 It's Not You, It Doesn't Matter To Marry Anyone

Chapter 385 It's Not You, It Doesn't Matter To Marry Anyone

Feng Yueqing raised her head, looked at her and said, "Do you still remember when I helped you arrange for him to meet you more than two years ago? In fact, at that time, he had been secretly watching your situation, knowing that you were seriously ill. You once asked me. At that time, because you were jealous of your elder brother, you never agreed to him. You asked me for help later. At that time, he promised me that he owed me a favor!"

"So you let him marry you?"

Hearing this, Jun Moran can probably figure out a little bit.That guy must have agreed to marry her to repay her favor.However, such a price...wouldn't be too great?

Feng Yueqing nodded slowly and said: "He told me that it's the same to marry anyone if it's not you! Just right, it's similar to what I thought, if it wasn't for Tang Xi, it wouldn't make much difference to me who I marry! At least , if you marry him, it should be better than marrying someone else? You must not know that the guy was a little unhappy with the emperor because of the refusal to marry him. If he can understand his marriage based on this, It can also break the emperor's desire to marry him again!"

"Honestly speaking, he really has a deep affection for you. If it wasn't because the eldest brother also likes you, and there is Luoer between you and the eldest brother, I would definitely find a way to match you..."

It's not you, it's the same to marry anyone!
Jun Moran couldn't hear what the other party said later.Only this sentence, like a curse, was deeply imprinted in her mind, and it shocked her so much that she couldn't recover for a long time.

Thinking of him calling his wife, thinking of fighting wits and bravery with him, and getting along with him day and night, Jun Moran felt an unspeakable feeling in his chest.It seems melancholy, but also sour!

She only knew that she owed him, but she didn't know that she owed him so much, so much.

The expected marriage snatching scene did not take place, and Tang Xi never showed up until Feng Yueqing stepped on the bridal sedan chair and was about to pay her respects.

In fact, since Jun Moran returned to Ding'an Palace yesterday, the other party has never appeared.

Not only did Tang Xi not appear, even Feng Yueran, she did not see him.I heard that all matters related to the wedding were handled by Mrs. Feng alone.

I learned from Ning Ying before that Feng Yueran was injured not long ago, but I heard that the injury is not too serious, so I am not particularly worried.Now, when I arrived at the palace, I realized that things were not as simple as I thought.

After all, it was his own sister's wedding, so if he could leave, there was no reason not to attend.

Unless, the injury is too serious, or there is some reason why you can't get away.But I heard that the emperor didn't send him any special task recently, and only ordered him to rest at home.

Jun Moran felt uneasy for no reason.

Also disturbed was Feng Yueqing.

It could be seen that the girl was very disappointed that Tang Xi could not appear.It can also be seen that she seems to be regretting her decision now.

Every minute of time lost, the uneasiness on her face increased.When it accumulates to a certain level, it turns into intense anger and sadness.

Perhaps, in her subconscious mind, she believed that Tang Xi would definitely appear today?That's why he placed such a big bet, using his marriage to bet that guy's feelings for him.

Unfortunately, that man finally let her down.

(End of this chapter)

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