Tibetan play style

Chapter 13 Jade Pot

Chapter 13 Jade Pot
After settling her mind, Xu Yunhan picked up the hollowed-out jade pot, prepared in advance that she might experience some terrifying visions, but unexpectedly, a dark scene flashed in her mind, dead and gloomy.

After waiting for a while, nothing else appeared. Xu Yunhan felt relieved, guessing that the jade pot had been kept in a confined space.Just as she was about to take a closer look, suddenly a woman came beside her, and as soon as she stretched out her hand, she took the jade pot directly from her hand.

"Come on, come on, brother Jing Shuo, second brother, come here quickly, this jade pot is so beautiful."

This is a petite and sweet looking woman, holding a jade pot in one hand, turning around and shouting cheerfully behind her.

"Miss, I'm sorry, but I'm looking at this jade pot. Can you return it to me, please?" Xu Yunhan looked at her with a worried expression, and stretched out her hand in front of the woman.

Although the identities and motivations of people in this industry vary widely, some established rules have been formed.For example, you cannot ask the price of something that someone else is holding.You have to wait for others to put it down, and then you pick it up and ask the price; you can't become angry because you are picked up by others, you have to admit it.

And this woman didn't ask any questions, but directly snatched what she was looking at from her hand. A woman who knows the rules.

"No." The woman still held on to the jade pot, and gave Xu Yunhan a domineering look, "Hmph, you haven't bought it after looking at it for a long time, you can't afford it. Boss, how much is this jade pot? I bought it."

At this moment, two young men walked over, "Bai Hui, don't mess around, return the jade pot to that lady." The man in the fine check shirt between the two stepped forward and said to the woman, Frowning, his tone was a little serious.

"Second brother, why did you give it to her? She looked at it for so long and didn't say she wanted to buy it, but I wanted to buy it, so why give it to her." The woman named Bai Hui yelled loudly.

Then he turned his head and said to another man, "Brother Jing Shuo, do you want to see this jade pot? Didn't you always want to buy a good one for Grandpa Jing? How about this one?" Bai Hui put the jade pot in his hand He handed it to the man named Jing Shuo.

Jing Shuo didn't take over and didn't speak, just stood beside him with a sullen face.

"Okay, okay, here you go." Seeing that Jing Shuo was unhappy, Bai Hui could only compromise, and randomly stuffed the jade pot into Xu Yunhan's arms.

"Miss, I'm sorry. My name is Bai Jinkai. She is my younger sister. She doesn't know the rules and offended you. I apologize for her." Bai Jinkai apologized to Xu Yunhan.

As the saying goes, Xu Yunhan didn't want to get to the bottom of it if he didn't reach out to hit a smiling person, so he simply nodded at him and stopped paying attention to them.

Looking at the jade pot brought back, the jade pot is white, with a disc-shaped mouth, a narrow neck, a garlic-shaped round belly, and a flat bottom.There is a cover in the mouth, a cylindrical button, and the whole body is smooth and grain-free, with fine craftsmanship.

Touching the body of the pot, Xu Yunhan carefully savored the heat coming from it. She compared the age of the pile of reference books at home and carefully felt the differences in various temperatures.

This jade pot probably lasted around the Tang Dynasty. The temperature of the whole body of the pot is the same. There is no trace of repair and restoration. It is valuable for collection. There are many people who like this kind of objects, and it is easy to change hands later. Xu Yunhan decided to buy this jade pot.

"Boss, how much is this?" Xu Yunhan looked at the stall, and the three people who were looking at the green agate bracelet before thought about it and offered their right hands to the stall owner.

? This surprised Luo Feng, the owner of the stall. He really didn't expect that a woman younger than himself in front of him would do this?
This way of bargaining by holding hands is rarely known by young people today, let alone used.It was popular when buying and selling cattle, sheep and horses outside the Great Wall. People outside the Great Wall wear very loose clothes. When trading, they put their hands in the sleeves and communicate with gestures.

Now it is mostly used in the field of antiques, black market transactions, and some wanderings. When doing transactions, there are third parties present. This method of hand-in-hand inquiry and bargaining is most suitable.

In this way, for the buyer, it is possible to prevent others from cutting off or maliciously raising the price, and for the seller, it is also to prevent the surrounding people from messing up the negotiated business. ?
Moreover, this method can also prevent onlookers from knowing how much the object was sold for, which is beneficial to buyers in the future.

When negotiating prices with this gesture, each finger has its meaning, the thumb represents a million, the index finger represents a hundred thousand, the middle finger represents ten thousand, the ring finger represents a thousand, and the little finger represents a hundred.

The two held hands, and after some bargaining, the deal was settled at [-] yuan. Xu Yunhan directly opened the bag, took out seven stacks and handed it to the stall owner. The ghost market transaction requires cash payment within [-] yuan, and she went to the bank to get it before she came. One hundred thousand spares.

After the deal was over, Xu Yunhan was about to pack up the jade pot and leave when she saw the air-conditioned man standing beside her, "Miss, can you lend me that jade pot?" After a pause, "Don't worry, I didn't It means nothing else, just happy to see Lie Xin."

"Okay." Xu Yunhan still knew the mood of these collectors, and wanted to get started with objects that were a little old.

"Brother Jing Shuo, why don't you help me look at this bracelet again." Seeing Jing Shuo running to talk to the woman, Bai Hui was very annoyed, and walked over with the green agate bracelet.

"As I said, this bracelet is okay." Jing Shuo said coldly, he was really annoyed, he finally took the time to go shopping, but he had to bring this woman with him, and because of his friend's face, He can't do too much on his face.

Hearing this, Bai Hui glared at Xu Yunhan next to him several times, "Sir, are you watching? I have to go." Xu Yunhan felt that he was being idle for nothing, and wanted to stay away from these people as soon as possible.

"This jade pot is pretty good." Jing Shuo handed the jade pot back to her and said, "Excuse me, is this jade pot going to be kept by Miss? If it's not for your own collection, you can consider giving it to me. my contact information."

Nodding, Xu Yunhan took the business card handed over by the man, Xu Yunhan didn't say yes or no, packed the jade pot, and left.

"Brother Jing Shuo, why did you give her her contact information? Just buy it." Bai Hui muttered, she didn't want Shuo to contact any other women in her heart.

"Huihui, do you still want this bracelet?" Seeing his friend frowning, Bai Jinkai hurriedly interrupted Bai Hui's words.

Xu Yunhan listened to Bai Hui asking the stall owner about the price of the bracelet behind him, and smiled. If Bai Hui really wore that bracelet often, she might become more irritable and have some health problems in the future.

According to the ancient books she read, the bracelet was tainted with evil spirits, and it would be bad for people to wear it.

But~ what to do with her? !With a bag on your shoulders, before the end of the ghost market, let’s hurry up and visit other stalls.

(End of this chapter)

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