Tibetan play style

Chapter 16 Hengsheng Pawn Shop

Chapter 16 Hengsheng Pawn Shop

Today's pawn shop has become a multi-functional place integrating financing, Taobao, and storage.There are diamond rings, emerald bracelets, famous brand watches, etc. in the absolute goods area. Since the price charged for these items is generally about half of the original price, once these are absolutely perfect, the selling price will only be slightly higher than the received price. , which is very attractive to those who are cash-strapped but also pursue brand luxury.There are often many beautiful women and handsome men wearing gold and silver, who come here to buy the jewelry they don’t like directly, and then go to the Judang District to find the items they like to buy. , and will not cause a backlog of funds.

This Hengsheng pawn shop is very large, located in the first ring road, in a crowded area.The outside of the store is magnificent, and the inside is divided into upper and lower floors. The lower part is mainly an ordinary reception hall, and there are also independent compartments to ensure the privacy of customers who do not want to disclose their information.

Xu Yunhan explained his purpose to the receptionist downstairs, and was politely taken directly to a room upstairs.

"Sit down and have some tea, please. I'm sorry, our young master is dealing with some urgent matters, but he has specifically instructed that he can't wait for you. I hope you can wait for a while, and he will come right away." The young male receptionist was gentle and polite Said to Xu Yunhan politely.

"It's okay, go get busy, I'll just wait here for your young master." Xu Yunhan's face was as usual, but he was really shocked by the title of "Young Master" in his heart. This pawn shop is really old-fashioned. There are young masters, and there must be a shopkeeper.

Just as he was thinking wildly, Jing Shuo pushed the door open and entered, "Miss Xu, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long, I did have some urgent matters and delayed for a while, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. The tea is good. It's a good time to sip it carefully. It's good to have a rest." Xu Yunhan said with a smile, indeed she didn't wait long.

Jing Shuo smiled, didn't continue to say anything, and sat down to drink tea. For a while, the two of them had nothing to say, and after a while, they didn't take the initiative to mention the jade pot.

Jing Shuo looked at Xu Yunhan, and saw that she was still drinking tea leisurely. Now that he noticed that he was looking at her, he turned his head and smiled generously at him, without saying a word. Jing Shuo thought to himself, really calm down. Angry, I can't help but feel a little stuffy.

After hanging up on Xu Yunhan's phone in the morning, Jing Shuo regretted it a bit. Although he was really anxious to buy a birthday gift he wanted for the old man at home, since Xu Yunhan called him in such a hurry, then he could not be in a hurry. If you want to lower the price, but you don't want to be too aggressive, and instead get raised, the final price will definitely be much higher.So he has never taken the initiative to mention the matter of Yuhu, just hoping to win back a city.

Unexpectedly, Xu Yunhan could hold his breath so calmly and drink tea leisurely, but he couldn't just keep spending time with her like this, so he had no choice but to break the silence first and say,
"Miss Xu, let's go directly to the jade pot?"

The man finally spoke, and Xu Yunhan raised the corners of his mouth slightly covered by the teacup, and said in a good mood, "No problem." Then he opened the cloth bag, took out the jade pot, and carefully placed it on the tea table.

"Miss Xu, is it okay for me to touch the jade pot directly with my hands? Because this is my habit of looking at objects, the feel of the hand is essential and must be considered, so I usually don't use gloves. But if you mind, I still You can wear gloves." Jing Shuo looked at the jade pot, then turned to ask Xu Yunhan.

"What's wrong, Mr. Jing, please do it." Xu Yunhan said it generously, but she was slandering him in her heart. You have said that before, how can she still say she minds? !
Seeing that she agreed, Jing Shuo praised with a smile, "Miss Xu, you are really a reasonable person." After speaking, he picked up the jade pot on the table and looked at it carefully.

Xu Yunhan didn't interrupt, nor was he in a hurry, and let Jing Shuo watch for a long time.

"Miss Xu's jade pot is pretty good, what is your psychological price?" Jing Shuo carefully placed the jade pot slowly, looked up at Xu Yunhan and asked.

Xu Yunhan had already thought about the price of the jade pot, and shook his index finger at Jing Shuo, "100 million, a buy-it-yourself price."

Jing Shuo was choked up by this price, it wasn't that it was outrageously expensive, in terms of value, it was only slightly higher than the market price, if it were placed in an auction house, the price of this jade pot would definitely be more than that.Jing Shuo just felt a little suffocated, Xu Yunhan seemed to be convinced that he would buy a jade pot, so he was very confident.

"I believe that Mr. Jing is a man of knowledge. This jade pot lasted during the Tang Dynasty. It is in good condition and the quality of the jade is of the highest quality. It is definitely worth the price." Xu Yunhan dared to offer such a price because he could see it Jing Shuo was determined to win this jade pot, and on the other hand, he also checked the price trend of similar jade containers in recent years, and estimated the price himself.

Jing Shuo thought for a while, "Miss Xu, can I ask someone to look at it for me again?" He has always acted on the safe side in this business, and after getting Xu Yunhan's consent, he called the pawnbroker who called Mr. Zheng's [-]s is an expert in this field with rich experience.

"Old Zheng, please show me this jade pot."

After a while, Mr. Zheng put down the jade pot, took off his glasses, and said, "That's right, it was indeed in the Tang Dynasty. Jing Shuo, you can consider buying it."

Wen Yan Jing Shuo looked at Xu Yunhan and said with a smile, "Miss Xu, there is no room for discussion on this price? The price you offered is indeed a bit high."

"Mr. Jing, the so-called money is hard to buy a good heart. The price of this antique store is inherently fluctuating. Although the price I offer is not the lowest, it is by no means ridiculously high."

Xu Yunhan is determined not to let the price go. In this antique industry, as long as the things are good, it is a seller's market, and there is no need to worry about not being able to sell them at a good price.

"That's fine, just 100 million. Does Ms. Xu want cash or direct bank transfer?" Jing Shuo had no choice. Grandpa's birthday is the day after tomorrow, and time is tight. 100 million is nothing to him. be taller.

"Just transfer the money." If she really had 100 million in cash, she probably wouldn't even dare to leave the door. Everyone would look like a robber.

"Please write down the bank account number," Jing Shuo took the account number she gave, took out his mobile phone and directly contacted Manager Wang, who was in charge of the bank's VIP, and immediately transferred the money from his account to Xu Yunhan.

In less than 2 minutes, Xu Yunhan received a text message to remind him to enter the account. The string of zeros made him a little dizzy. Xu Yunhan counted back and forth before giving up.After a while, she, Xu Yunhan, has entered the ranks of millionaire sisters. She couldn't help but feel a little excited, and said to Jing Shuo with a smile,

"Mr. Jing, it's a pleasure to trade with you, so I'll go first. Goodbye."

Jing Shuo squinted his eyes, and replied politely, "Have a nice cooperation, Xiao Zhang, send Miss Xu off."

"Oh, okay." A clerk named Xiao Zhang appeared at the door and led Xu Yunhan out of the pawn shop.

After Xu Yunhan went out, Jing Shuo was still sitting at the table playing with the jade pot he just bought. After a while, the door was pushed open and three people walked in.

Two middle-aged men, and the other is Uncle Qiao, the big shopkeeper of the pawnshop, "Young master, these two comrades from the National Security Bureau said they came to see you for something, so I led them up." Beside Jing Shuo, he didn't intend to go downstairs.

NSA?Jing Shuo was surprised, but still politely asked the two to sit down and poured two cups of tea for them, "Two comrades, what can I do for you?"

The two members of the National Security Bureau were only in casual clothes, and they gestured to Jing Shuo for their work IDs, "There are some things," they stopped, and one of the middle-aged men turned to Uncle Qiao who was beside Jing Shuo. took a look.

"Uncle Qiao, go down and get busy first, I will call you if there is anything to do." Jing Shuo sent Uncle Qiao knowingly.

"Mr. Jing, don't worry. We came here just to inquire about you. Xu Yunhan is the one who walked out from here just now."

"Xu Yunhan, Miss Xu?" Jing Shuo asked hesitantly, he didn't expect that the National Security Bureau came for her.

"Yes, it's her. May I ask why she came here to sell this jade pot to you?"

"Well, it's like this," Jing Shuo looked at the jade pot that was still on the table before putting it away in time, his eyelids twitched, and he said anxiously, "Both, is there something wrong with this jade pot?"

"Is there any problem? We have to investigate first to find out. How did you and Xu Yunhan know each other? What do you know about this jade pot?"

Jing Shuo was silent for a while, and then he narrated the whole process of how he and Xu Yunhan met in Panjiayuan, how Xu Yunhan bought the jade pot, and then contacted him to sell it to him.

"This jade pot is indeed an authentic product from the Tang Dynasty. I can be sure of that." At first, he guessed that Xu Yunhan, who provoked the National Security Bureau, was a big counterfeit manufacturer, but when he thought that the jade pot was indeed fine, he was a little puzzled up.

"We didn't come here for this jade pot. It's just that Xu Yunhan is involved in a case and needs to know about it. Let's stop here today. Thank you Mr. Jing for your cooperation. In addition, as for our arrival today and any related news, I hope Mr. Jing and Don't let the store personnel give a trace."

After finishing speaking, the two comrades from the National Security Bureau left. If Xu Yunhan saw it, she might still remember that one of the two men was the one she met when she came out of the store when she was shopping for clothes in Shimen middle-aged man.

Xu Yunhan was in a good mood after leaving the pawn shop and made another fortune. After shopping for a while, he randomly found a small street shop and ate a bowl of miscellaneous noodles for lunch.Xu Yunhan set off for Liulichang near the Heping Gate in the capital city. Although she had just harvested 100 million yuan, it was still far from her plan, so she planned to look for opportunities to pick up leaks, with the ability to identify authenticity Wouldn't it be a huge waste if such a miraculous ability was not used properly.

(End of this chapter)

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