Tibetan play style

Chapter 201 The Tragic "Family"

Chapter 201 The Tragic "Family"

"Since I've said it out, I'm sure I'm not afraid. Besides, I think Miss Ye, you don't understand jade at all."

Xu Yunhan stood up, walked in front of Ye Yue, pointed to the purple jadeite in her hand, and said,

"Originally, this purple jadeite was twice as big as the one I saw now, but I have already sold the other half, just two days ago. The final selling price was more than 2000 million RMB. If you are here, if you don't believe me, Ms. Ye, you can go and verify. So, I think, for the 3000 million bid, let alone the 3000 million to buy these two pieces of jadeite, you can add a "mere" in front of it as a description. In addition, even if someone bids [-] million now, I will not sell it, I have already decided to use these two pieces of jadeite to make some jewelry."

"What! Sold more than 1 million RMB?! Just a purple jadeite?"

Ye Yue looked at the Zi Fei in his hand in disbelief, no matter how valuable it was, it wouldn't be such a high price.But since Xu Yunhan said it seriously, and said that there were witnesses, and even her brother Zeyu was present at the time, Ye Yue asked Tong Jihuan,
"Manager Tong, a piece of purple jade like this has sold for more than 2000 million?"

"Yes, Ms. Ye, Mr. Guan and I were there at the time, and we Shenghui Jewelry also participated in the bidding, but in the end, someone else bought the half of the Purple Jade for more than 2000 million RMB. The remaining half of the Purple Jade At that time, Ms. Xu made it clear that she would not sell the rest of the Zifei, and would use it to make jewelry for herself." Tong Jihuan nodded immediately without hesitation, to testify to Xu Yunhan's statement. Looking down at the gems in front of Xu Yunhan, remembering that she asked him a question just now,
"Also, I almost forgot to answer the question Miss Xu asked just now. The price of the gemstones you selected to be inlaid in the bracelet can be settled together after all the jewelry is made. Miss Ye, We, Shenghui Jewelry, also have a lot of good jadeites, do you want to come over and choose from them?"

Before Ye Yue could answer, just after Tong Jihuan's confirmation words were finished, the gasp sounded again in the office, and at least it was louder than the previous one!

The expressions on Zhang Ping and Shi Rongli's faces were brilliant. At this moment, the adopted mistresses and daughters of wealthy families were just floating clouds, and their eyes were glued tightly to the purple jadeite.His eyes were fiery, as if he had been hungry for several months and suddenly a steaming meat bun appeared in front of him.

More than 1 million RMB? !
Ye Yue was stunned, staring blankly at the purple jadeite in her hand, suddenly a pair of slender white hands stretched out and took away the purple jadeite.Looking up, it was actually the woman surnamed Xu. Ye Yue twitched the corners of her lips, suppressing the idea of ​​grabbing it and admiring it for a while, and asked unwillingly,

"Manager Tong, how can this piece of purple jade be sold for more than 1 million RMB? Tell me, lest I don't understand anything and be deceived in the future."

Don't know anything about being lied to?Are you implying that you lied to her?Xu Yunhan felt that it was really ridiculous.This Ms. Ye is really like a kind of creature - like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death, disgusting people all the time.

"Miss Xu, please lend me your piece of purple jadeite. I will use it as a teaching material today, so that Miss Ye can learn more about jadeite." Tong Jihuan said.

"Of course, please~" Xu Yunhan handed Zi Fei to him directly, and then sat aside to admire the gemstone he had chosen.

It took a few minutes for Tong Jihuan to compare the actual situation of the purple jadeite, and explained to Ye Yue where the purple jadeite was, and what points it relied on to become a valuable jadeite.Zhang Ping and Shi Rongli also listened carefully, the opportunity to see such a high-quality and priceless jade up close is very rare for them.

After listening to Tong Jihuan's words, Ye Yue knew the current affairs quite well, and didn't continue to arrogantly demand to sell two pieces of jadeite, but just gave Xu Yunhan a few fierce glances.She also no longer objected to Tong Jihuan ordering Zhang Ping and Shi Rongli to fetch some emeralds from Shenghui Jewelry's warehouse.Although she really likes that piece of purple jadeite, but the jadeite worth hundreds of millions, where can she get so much money to buy it.

As the second lady of Ye's Group, she owns a small share of the group, but it cannot be sold. She can only get tens of millions of dividends every year. Of course, she also has other fixed assets such as real estate and shops.But she definitely doesn't have hundreds of millions of cash in her hands, even if she has, it's impossible to use all of it to buy jadeite.The reason why she paid 3000 million yuan for jadeite before was because she liked the purple jadeite; secondly, she planned to sell some of the purple jadeite after processing it into jewelry. Make less money.

"Master Tong, I'm sorry to trouble you today, so I'll take my leave." After handing over the gemstones he had chosen, the purple jadeite and the black jadeite, to Tong Jihuan, after everything was discussed, Xu Yunhan couldn't wait to propose leave.

Really can't stand that Miss Ye's vicious and vicious eyes, Xu Yunhan thought to herself, if there is no law now, killing people will not pay for their lives.This Miss Ye would definitely kill herself with the knife in the fruit bowl on the table.

"Okay, feel free to call me if you have any questions."

Tong Jihuan stood up and sent Xu Yunhan outside the office.Since the difficult Miss Ye was still waiting for him in the office, Tong Jihuan could only send her to the door of the office, and then returned to the office.

"Manager Tong, do you have any jadeite similar to her purple jadeite?"

Ye Yue held back these words for a long time, and was not satisfied after reading the jade materials sent by Tong Jihuan.I don't know if it's because I really like that purple jadeite, or because I can't swallow that breath, but Ye Yue still misses Xu Yunhan's purple jadeite.Before Xu Yunhan left, Ye Yue couldn't bear to say that she wanted a purple jadeite that was similar to that one.

It was so easy to wait until the annoying woman left, so Ye Yue asked as soon as she saw Tong Jihuan stepping into the office.

Tong Jihuan shook his head regretfully, there was no need to send someone to check it out, he was sure that there was no Zi Fei in the company who was excellent in all aspects of planting water with such quality,

"Miss Ye, as I said just now, Miss Xu's purple jadeite is quite rare. Let's not talk about its seed water, transparency, and the quality of the bottom, just look at the deep purple evenly distributed throughout it. One point is very rare. Personally, I think that piece of purple jadeite can reach the legendary emperor purple. Emperor purple is a rich and pure purple. Its color tone is very pure, the saturation is generally high, and the brightness is medium, so It shows a sense of richness, magnificence and grace. This kind of purple is actually very rare, and it belongs to theoretical grade jadeite. It is hard to find even among purple jadeites, and it has a high collection value.

Because most purple jadeites are relatively light in color, like the pink purple on the market, this kind of pink purple has relatively low saturation, and its value is also the lowest among all purples.But the most common one is this kind of pink-purple jadeite. Now we have purple jadeite in Shenghui Jewelry, that is, this kind of pink-purple jadeite and some blue-purple jadeite.Miss Ye, if you are interested, I will send someone over right away. "

"never mind!"

Ye Yue waved her hands vigorously, her brows were furrowed, and she was irritable. When she heard Tong Jihuan's description of Zi Fei on the market, she lost interest.She has seen both pink and purple jadeite and that kind of blue-purple jadeite, and she herself has a pair of blue-purple jadeite bracelets.I used to think that these purple jadeites were quite beautiful, but after seeing that purple jadeite today, I immediately felt that the purple jadeites I had seen before were quickly overshadowed.

"It doesn't matter, in fact, each piece of jadeite has its own beauty and unique charm. Miss Ye, take a look, how is this emeraldite made of emerald silk? It has excellent texture, color, transparency, and bright green color..."

Tong Jihuan picked up a palm-sized emerald green silk and introduced it to Ye Yue patiently and meticulously.Although he was a little dissatisfied with Miss Ye's behavior, Tong Jihuan never brought his personal feelings into his work.

"Forget it, don't read it." Ye Yue didn't even look at the jade he recommended, and directly rejected it, and then asked,

"By the way, Manager Tong, I came to you today to ask, what is my brother Zeyu doing recently? Why have I called him for several days, but he didn't answer my calls. "

"This... I don't know too much, Ms. Ye, you know that Dingsheng Group is involved in many industries, and I am only in charge of jewelry. So I don't know, Mr. Guan's itinerary."

Unexpectedly, she came to find him to inquire about Mr. Guan's whereabouts. Tong Jihuan suddenly felt that one head was two older, and his family Mr. Guan was too handsome, which was also a trouble.In fact, he knew that Mr. Guan had actually gone to England these two days, but since Mr. Guan was unwilling to answer her call, it meant that Mr. Guan would not be willing to let her know her whereabouts.Therefore, Tong Jihuan could only keep silent and pretend to be stupid.

"Give me your phone number." Ye Yue glanced at him and stretched out her hand in front of him.

Tong Jihuan was silent for two seconds, I'm sorry Mr. Guan, the enemy is too cruel, he can only seek self-protection.He took out the mobile phone and handed it to Ye Yue, then watched helplessly as she used his phone to call Guan Zeyu.

"Hi ~ Master Tong, what's the matter?"

Soon Guan Zeyu's deep and pleasant voice came from the receiver, Ye Yue smiled and said coquettishly,
"I'm not Master Tong, guess who I am?"

There was less than a second of silence over there, and then there was a click~
Guan Zeyu hung up the phone.

Ye Yue's face turned darker than the bottom of the pot in an instant, Tong Jihuan turned his head nonchalantly, pretending that he didn't hear anything, but in fact, because he was old and hard of hearing, the sound of his mobile phone receiver was extraordinarily loud... …

After recovering, Ye Yue called Tong Jihuan again, and after connecting, "Brother Zeyu, I'm Ye Yue, why did you hang up on his phone?"

"I thought it was a wrong call." Guan Zeyu said casually.

"Oh, how are you these days? There are people calling you, why don't you answer them?"

"Busy, hang up first..." Then there was another click, and Guan Zeyu hung up the phone again.

Ye Yue here stared at the phone in his hand for a long time, then threw the phone back to Tong Jihuan with red eyes, slammed the door and left~
(End of this chapter)

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