Tibetan play style

Chapter 206 The Benefits of the Big Shopkeeper

Chapter 206 The Benefits of the Big Shopkeeper
After a while, Cui Dayong said in a daze, "I really want to have such an accurate intuition."

"It's absolutely fine, old Cui, you should start worshiping Buddha more from now on, and pray to be a woman in your next life, so that you can have the intuition that belongs to a woman." Xu Da made a rare joke.

"If you can really have such a perfect intuition, it's not impossible to be a woman in your next life." Cui Dayong smiled indifferently, "In that case, I can be successful in any industry, and gender and so on are all floating clouds. !"

Xu Yunhan had black lines on her face, thinking, Uncle Cui, it's not that easy, here is an example, she herself!

"Okay, just stay here and look forward to it slowly. Xiaohan, let's go back to the store. I think Xiaolie will be back soon, but why did it take him so long to buy donkey meat today?" Xu Da muttered , while putting his hands behind his back, he walked slowly outside.

Cui Dayong glanced at him, and said with a smile, "You old Xu, every day you send a young man to go so far to buy you donkey meat, and now you still dislike others for running slowly. Xiaohan, look at your uncle Doesn't this look a lot like Lao Cai, a landlord in the old society?"

It was quite similar, and Xu Yunhan sneered secretly, pursing her lips and smiling secretly, and wanted to answer 'yes', but her Uncle Xu suddenly turned around and looked at her with a smile.

Forcing Xu Yunhan to swallow the word "yes" that was on the verge of his lips, he hurriedly changed his words,

"It's not like, it's not like, my Uncle Xu has always been a red heart!"

Immediately Xu Da was amused by her words, this child... his face straightened, and he said sternly,

"Okay, Xiaohan, I can't name any basis for the appraisal, but it's very slippery to say these insignificant ones! You will be fined within two days to memorize all the information on how to appraise the Cizhou kiln plum vase. After two days, I will draw it at any time ask!"


Xu Yunhan replied feebly, then completely wilted, and followed Xu Da back to his antique shop.

"Ah Mo, Xiao Lie hasn't come back yet?"

Xu Da stepped into his shop and looked around, but he didn't see Ouyang Lie. On the contrary, the takeaway miscellaneous sauce noodles he called had already arrived, but he still couldn't see his favorite donkey meat fire.

Why hasn't this Ouyang Lie come back yet? Could it be that something happened on the road? Thinking about it, Xu Da started to feel a little worried.

"Well, I didn't come back." Ah Mo replied.

"It should be fine, just wait." Xu Yunhan comforted Xu Da, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, and said, "By the way, does he have a phone, give him a call."

"He doesn't have a phone. He said he's not used to using it." Xu Da shook his head helplessly. If Ouyang Lie had brought a phone, he wouldn't be so worried. Taking advantage of the benefits of the mobile phone, he still insisted on not using it, just nodded with a smile, but still went his own way!
"...Then we can only wait."

Xu Yunhan was also speechless, and glanced at Ah Mo who was next to him. Isn't there a person who often doesn't bring a phone.And even if you bring a phone with you, either the battery is dead, or it's not turned on...

Speaking of which, this Ouyang Lie really looks like a person who lived in ancient times. He is gentle, refined, and abides by etiquette. She wonders if he came from ancient times. He doesn't look like a person who grew up in modern society at all.

"By the way, Uncle Xu, this is for you." Xu Yunhan took out the purchase contract and key of the apartment he bought yesterday from his bag, and handed it to Xu Da, "There are still some procedures behind, and you need to show up in person with your documents do it."

"What?" Xu Da looked at her suspiciously, then took a look, then frowned, handed it back to her in disapproval, and said, "Go and change the name to yours, I can't take this. "

Xu Yunhan moved to the side, avoiding the things he handed back, and said with a smile,
"Uncle Xu, don't refuse, it's all right. During this period of time, I learned a lot in the antique market, not only about antiques, but I also know that in this industry, if you want to hire an excellent master Shopkeeper, the annual salary alone cannot be lower than six figures, some even reach seven figures, and there are many other benefits. After knowing this, I was thinking that we must give you a higher salary. For an outstanding talent like you, the annual salary It must be ranked at the top of the entire industry. So you just accept it, this is just a house, and I plan to continue to add various benefits to you in the future."

"No, our antique store has just started business, and we haven't made much money yet. Most of your original funds should be on this store. You must not have much money in your hand, or you will not have money before you go to Myanmar." I will not withdraw money from the store. So now is not the time to buy a house, we will talk about it later when our antique store makes money." After all, Xu Da still refused to accept it.

"Uncle Xu, you are worried that my funds are tight. Don't worry, don't worry about this issue at all for the time being. Didn't I tell you when I came back that I made some money?" Xu Yunhan still understands Xu Da's thoughts Yes, I have always been thinking of myself, and quickly explained.

"If you earn some money, you can't waste it. Besides, I have a place to live and don't need a house. Buying a house for me is a waste of money."

Xu Yunhan sighed. She, Uncle Xu, is a nice person, but she has a very twisted personality. It is not easy to convince him.She could tell that the main reason why Xu Da didn't accept the house was that she was worried about the lack of funds in her hands. Xu Yunhan thought for a while, stretched out the index finger and middle finger of his right hand and gestured side by side, and said with a smile,

"I went to Myanmar with Guan Zeyu, and then I bought a piece of wool..."

Before Xu Yunhan could finish her sentence, Xu Da interrupted her and sternly accused, "Xiao Han, are you gambling with stones again? How many times have I told you not to touch that! Why don't you just listen! "

"Don't worry, Uncle Xu, just listen to me. I bought that piece of wool for only two thousand dollars, and the unraveled purple jadeite was sold for 2000 million dollars. And after unraveling the stone, I got a piece of super high-quality purple jadeite." Fei, after selling it, I earned not just a little money, but a total of more than 2000 million. So you don't have to worry about my lack of money. Buying a house now won't let me in financial distress."

At this time, there were only Ah Mo and Xu Da in the store except herself, and there were no outsiders, so Xu Yunhan bluntly stated the specific amount of money she earned this time, and told Xu Da and Ah Mo how she obtained it through betting on stones. This is more than 1 million RMB.

"Sold more than 1 million RMB?!" Xu Da was really a little surprised at this moment. It is very rare that a piece of jade can be sold for hundreds of millions. That purple jadeite of yours has at least reached the color of emperor purple."

After hearing Xu Yunhan's confirmation that the color of her purple jadeite had indeed reached the level of Emperor Purple, Xu Da had long forgotten to persevere, and taught Xu Yunhan not to touch the gambling stone again, but instead focused all her attention on that piece of jadeite. Attracted by Zifei, whom he had never seen before, he kept asking various questions about that piece of Zifei.

Xu Yunhan was dizzy from Xu Da's endless questions, many of which were quite professional, such as pine flowers, water heads, etc. Even if she understood, she didn't know how to answer them.Because the stone skin on the surface of the piece of wool from which Zifei came out has only one expression: the whole body is gray and white, without belts, pine flowers, and nothing.She didn't describe the performance of that piece of wool to Xu Da in detail, otherwise Uncle Xu would definitely ask her why she chose that piece of wool.

"I took that piece of purple jade to a jewelry store this morning, and asked someone to make some jewelry for me. When the finished jewelry is brought back, I will definitely let you see the real thing first. Don't worry, you know that now I am also considered You are a little rich woman, so you can accept this house with peace of mind!" She could only stop the current topic as soon as possible, change the topic, or start another topic, for example, it would be good to turn the topic back to the house.

"Well, okay, then I'll accept it, it's robbing the rich and helping the poor." Xu Da thought for a while, accepted the house key and the purchase contract, paused, and said softly, "Thank you, Xiaohan. "

If you listen carefully to his voice, you can find that there is even a little choking sound deep in the calm tone.Xu Da now believes this sentence: There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and there is another village in the shadow of the willow.When he was the poorest in his life, God let him meet Xu Yunhan.For him, this should be the luckiest thing in the past few years!
He wanted to say: Thank God!Give him such a caring niece.

"Look at what you said, you are being polite to me. This house is well-decorated, and you can move in whenever you want. As for the rented house near Shichahai, I think it will be rented temporarily and will not be returned later. You move to live in that house, and this one is left for the clerk to live in."

At this point, Xu Yunhan paused, but in the end, he didn't ask about his family's situation. He was afraid that if he didn't understand the situation, he would say something wrong and make Uncle Xu sad.

"By the way, I want to tell you another thing. Ah Mo and I are going to move too. You will have to come and help me then. I also changed myself to a bigger house. The previous house was a bit small. .There is no room for friends or guests to come to the house.”

"Oh? Where did you buy it?"

"Allure Mountain Villa."

"Over there, you must have spent a lot of money. You, you girl, are top-notch in earning money, and your ability to spend money is also excellent!" Xu Da said with a smile in his eyes.

When mentioning the price of the newly bought villa, Xu Yunhan was overjoyed, smiled at Xu Da proudly, and said,

"I made another big mistake when buying a house this time! The super luxurious and beautifully decorated villa with a large area only cost more than 700 million yuan, which is definitely tens of millions cheaper than the normal market price. And this house No one has ever lived in it, and the decoration was completed not long ago! I just need to add some daily necessities, and I can live in it directly, so it’s a good deal!”

(End of this chapter)

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