Tibetan play style

Chapter 216 Little Baihua's Cousin

Chapter 216 Little Baihua's Cousin
Bai Hui walked in two steps in three steps, and walked directly to Jing Shuo's side, and said softly, "Brother Jing Shuo, what a coincidence~ You can come to eat too, and you just happen to eat with us, my second brother is also here .” After speaking, she blinked at him with eyes full of water and affection.

She is so tender, if she hadn't dealt with this woman in person, she would have thought that the girl in front of her was a cute, innocent and kind girl, Xu Yunhan slandered in her heart.Ignored by others, she was happy to stand by and watch the play... The story of the false little white flower's courtship...

Glancing at Bai Hui, who was very close to him, Jing Shuo frowned, thinking similarly to Xu Yunhan, why did he meet her here? He sneaked a glance at Xu Yunhan, who was smiling and looking over here, and suddenly felt inexplicable There was a surge of irritability.

Unconsciously, he moved back, getting a little further away from Bai Hui, and then Jing Shuo said, "No, I have something to do today, so you can just say hello to your second brother for me. I'll take my leave first." Having said that, he turned his head to look at Xu Yunhan again, "Xiaohan, let's go."

Xu Yunhan, who was watching happily, raised her eyes to look at Bai Hui, and was staring at herself fiercely, as if she was about to rush up and bite herself, smiled at her, then turned her head and said to Jing Shuo, "Okay, I'm hungry Already." Satisfied to see Bai Hui's distorted expression, Xu Yunhan smiled and walked briskly towards Jing Shuo.

"This way please, there is still a very quiet private room in the backyard." Chang Anyuan realized at this time, it turned out that he did not make an appointment with Young Master Bai today, and secretly regretted why he made a preconceived mistake again.Fortunately, there were no major problems this time. Opening a restaurant, especially hosting famous people, has the most taboos. If you don't think carefully, you can't do business.

Bai Hui, who was left out in the cold, was full of anger. She stomped her feet behind them with hatred and stared at Xu Yunhan's back with a ferocious face. If her eyes could turn into sharp arrows, Xu Yunhan would have been stabbed full of holes.Damn it, how could brother Jing Shuo be with this woman, it must be this woman who pestered her brother Jing Shuo!Bitch!Bai Hui gritted her teeth with hatred, seeing them walking away, she quickly restrained her expression.

After running two steps forward, Bai Hui, who had a sweet and charming smile again, shouted softly,

"Brother Jing Shuo~ My cousin Pang Fan is also here. If he knows you are eating here and doesn't go to see him, it's probably not good."

Jing Shuo paused, damn it!When did Pang Fan come to the Mainland!Jing Shuo looked at Xu Yunhan in a bit of embarrassment, and said in a low voice, "Xiaohan..."

"It's okay, you go and eat with them, I can do it alone, it's okay." Xu Yunhan waved his hand indifferently, signaling that he doesn't have to worry about himself.

"No, I made an agreement with you first, how can I let you eat alone. I want to invite you to go with me, we have something to do after eating, we will not delay." Jing Shuo said sincerely Said to her, and finally gave her a look for help.

Xu Yunhan was silent for a while. In her heart, she was rather unwilling to sit at the same table with that woman, Bai Hui, but she couldn't refuse Jing Shuo's request, "Okay."

Jing Shuo frowned, "Thank you."

Bai Hui snorted coldly, and looked at Xu Yunhan contemptuously, how shameless it is, didn't it mean that women in the mainland are reserved!Looking up and down at Xu Yunhan, Bai Hui sneered twice, wanting to have dinner with them? !Their world simply can't accommodate people like her, but some people just don't hit the wall and don't look back, delusional to fly on the branches and become a phoenix!
The proprietress Chang Anyuan smiled and opened the carved solid wood door for them, "Please~"

"Hello, let me tell you why my cousin has been out for so long, so she met our handsome Jing Da." Pang Fan, who was sitting in the guest seat, saw Jing Shuo walking in and said with a smile, "Hey, there is a beautiful woman Yeah." As he spoke, he smiled at Xu Yunhan who was walking behind Jing Shuo.

There were three men sitting in the private room, one was Bai Jinkai whom I had seen before, and next to him was a man in his 30s with an ordinary appearance but a domineering aura, who seemed to be in a high position for a long time.The other is a middle-aged man in his 50s, with a goatee and a pair of round-frame glasses. He is an ordinary person without any outstanding features, except for an occasional gleam in his eyes, which cannot be ignored.

"Brother Pang Pang, long time no see." Jing Shuo nodded to Pang Fan, greeted him politely, and then pointed to Xu Yunhan beside him, "This is my friend. I have something to do here today, so I just came over for dinner. I didn't know you were here until I met Bai Hui outside."

Hearing this, Pang Fan patted Bai Jinkai's shoulder beside him, "That's called Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here. I just talked about you with Jin Kai, and he said that we haven't seen you for a long time, and we all thought you were I'm busy with official duties, but now it seems... so I'm busy dating beautiful women, I value sex over friends, no, I'll have to drink for a while. Don't you think so, Jin Kai?"

Bai Jinkai looked at Xu Yunhan, then at Jing Shuo, and was very surprised. Wasn't that the woman he met a while ago? When did Jing Shuo get so close to her?They even made an appointment for dinner alone? !What about his own cousin, compared to the outsider Xu Yunhan, Bai Jinkai must be more inclined to his own sister in his heart, so he stared at Jing Shuo and smiled,

"Of course there must be a penalty for drinking. Recently, I asked him out several times, but he dismissed me because he didn't have time. Today, in order to take advantage of Brother Pang, I must drink him a few more drinks."

"Brothers, I'm hungry. Can I sit down and eat first?" Bai Hui blinked her eyes pitifully and said coquettishly.

Pang Fan laughed twice, and patted the seat next to him, "It's all because we are so busy chatting, we are starving our princess, come, sit next to my cousin."

"Ma'am, please serve the food as soon as possible." Bai Jinkai said to Chang Anyuan at the door.

Chang Anyuan agreed heartily, left the private room, closed the door softly, and went to urge the dishes.

Seeing that Jing Shuo and Xu Yunhan had already taken their seats, Bai Hui rolled her eyes, stuck out her tongue at Pang Fan, and said playfully, "I don't want to be next to my cousin, I want to sit next to Brother Jing Shuo!"

After speaking, he smiled and sat down on Jing Shuo's empty left hand side, and then graciously helped Jing Shuo pour a cup of tea. As for Xu Yunhan next to him, he just ignored it and pretended not to see it.Unexpectedly, after Jing Shuo took the teacup, he handed it to Xu Yunhan, who was so angry that Bai Hui's chest was tight, but she couldn't get angry with Jing Shuo, so she could only pour him another cup of tea with a gentle and considerate appearance. .

"Hey... It's really not good for girls." Pang Fan, who was opposite, sighed, seeing clearly the small movements between the three of them.Looking at it this way, he became a little interested in that woman named Xu Yunhan. He has known Jing Shuo for many years, and he has never seen him look at any woman differently.

Soon the food was served, and Bai Jinkai led the crowd to toast Pang Fan. Because it was white wine, the only two women present were drinking fruit juice.After the polite toast, Xu Yunhan, who felt that he had nothing to do with himself, just ate with his head covered. He didn't pay attention to the conversations of a few men like Bai Hui did, and occasionally added a few words.

"Miss Xu, what do you do at home?" Suddenly, Pang Fan turned his head to look at Xu Yunhan. Just now Jing Shuo only briefly introduced her name, and Pang Fan wanted to inquire about other things.At the same time, he doesn't believe Jing Shuo's statement that the two are friends.

Xu Yunhan was stunned for a moment, and for some reason the topic came back to her. Seeing that everyone at the table was looking at her, she quickly swallowed the food in her mouth and took another sip of juice to avoid choking.

"I'm just messing around with antiques and the like, it's not worth mentioning."

"No wonder we met Miss Xu for the first time at the Panjiayuan Market. By the way, Miss Xu even bought the jade pot Jing Shuo liked." Bai Hui smiled obediently and looked at Xu Yunhan , "Since Ms. Xu sells antiques, she must have sold that jade pot later on. That's why she made money from it. Ms. Xu's job is not easy."

Bai Hui despised her very much in her heart, even a peddler who resells antiques, she was ashamed to rush to seduce her brother Jing Shuo!
"Later, I bought that jade pot from Xiaohan, and I really appreciate self-sufficient women." Jing Shuo cast a cold glance at Bai Hui and said.

Pang Fan shook his head at his cousin's performance in his heart. This cousin was too impatient, and with a haha ​​on her lips, she said with a very kind smile,

"It turns out that Ms. Xu is in the antique business. No wonder she and Jing Shuo get along well. So, Ms. Xu must be as expert in antiques as Jing Shuo."

"I don't dare to be, I'm still half-baked, how can I compare to Jing Shuo." Xu Yunhan shook his head and said.

"She has always been too modest. She has her own opinions on antiques. I am extremely envious of the antiques that Xiao Han sometimes finds." Jing Shuo looked at her, apparently disagreeing with her modesty, Take the initiative to defend her.

To be so highly regarded by Jing Shuo, he knew that Jing Shuo had always been very confident and even a bit arrogant when it came to antiques. Now Pang Fan looked at Xu Yunhan and turned his head. It seems that this That's why Jing Shuo looked at this woman differently.Pang Fan glanced at Bai Hui, no wonder this girl is always clamoring to learn how to appraise antiques, so the root is here, looking at Xu Yunhan curiously, said,

"Oh? It's true that people can't be judged by appearances. It seems that I still don't know enough. I have never seen such a young and beautiful girl as Miss Xu playing with antiques. It's a great honor to meet Miss Xu today. In addition, my father I also have a hobby of collecting antique calligraphy and paintings, if Ms. Xu has good things in her hands, don't keep them private. I wonder if Ms. Xu has found any good things recently?"

(End of this chapter)

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