Tibetan play style

Chapter 218 Interesting Woman

Chapter 218 Interesting Woman
After smashing the green agate bracelet, Bai Hui, who was so noisy and lost her mind, immediately calmed down.Bai Jinkai couldn't hide his surprise, and carried Bai Hui to the sofa in the private room, letting her have a good rest.

Then he turned to look at Pang Fan and that Mr. Nan, opened his mouth, and pointed to Bai Hui who was lying on the sofa and was still in a daze. He felt that he had many questions but knew where to ask them.Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the broken pieces of green agate on the ground, and was about to pick them up.

"Don't move that!"

At this moment, Mr. Nan stopped him loudly. He picked up a napkin on the table, stepped forward and carefully wrapped the broken pieces of the bracelet in the napkin. He looked up and noticed the puzzled expressions of Bai Jinkai and Pang Fan, and explained simply, "This bracelet is not very good, it is best not to touch the human body."

"Why is it bad? Is there anything on this bracelet?"

Pang Fan carefully looked at the fragments of the bracelet that were now placed on the dining table. The faint green color was very bright, and it looked like a very ordinary bracelet.

This Mr. Nan came from Hong Kong with Pang Fan. Although he was a distinguished guest invited by his grandfather, Pang Fan still knew a thing or two about Mr. Nan. Nan Danzhi was a very powerful metaphysician, but specifically he Pang Fan is not very clear about how high his level is and what his abilities are.His grandfather only asked him to bring Mr. Nan to BJ this time, and didn't tell him why.

"Mr. Nan, could you please tell me the reason in detail? It's not the first time my sister has been like this. She also went to the hospital for an examination recently, but she couldn't find any reason. Is it really because of that bracelet?! "

Bai Jinkai asked anxiously. During this period of time, Bai Hui had fits like this several times. At first, the family thought that her temper was getting more and more irritable. She would even get angry because of a small thing. She was the only girl in the family. She doted on her, and coaxed her when she lost her temper.But then it became more and more serious, Bai Hui started throwing things randomly, sometimes biting and beating people, and completely disregarding the occasion, it could happen in public.That's why the family members realized that something was wrong, and took Bai Hui to see a psychiatrist and a hospital for an examination. They tried everything, but to no avail.Now that no one is with her, she will never be allowed to leave the house.

Nan Danzhi stroked the goatee on his chin, "To be honest, I'm not sure. Because the first person who noticed it was not me, but the Miss Xu who just left. But, according to Judging from Miss Bai's reaction now, the root cause of her loss of control is this bracelet. Mr. Bai, how long has Miss Bai been wearing this bracelet?"

Hearing this, Bai Jinkai carefully observed the broken pieces of the bracelet, trying to recall, "Well, it seems that this bracelet was bought when I went to the antique market with her last time, and it happened in the last few months. By the way, we are That was the first time I met Miss Xu."

"Antique market?" Nan Danzhi thought for a moment, "Miss Xu didn't buy this bracelet at the time, but Miss Bai did?"

"Well, Ms. Xu only bought a jade pot at that stall." Thinking back, Bai Jinkai suddenly realized, and looked at Nan Danzhi, "Mr. Nan, you mean that Ms. Xu has already seen that there is something wrong with this bracelet. So she didn't buy it?"

"It's possible." Nan Danzhi said thoughtfully.

Pang Fan stared at the green agates, and said in disbelief, "Is there really something unclean? Is it a ghost?"

Nan Danzhi waved his hand and explained, "It's not a ghost. If it is explained in line with modern people's scientific thinking, it is a magnetic field that is harmful to the human body. Long-term exposure will affect people's health and mood. And this bracelet carries this This kind of harmful magnetic field, if Miss Bai has been wearing it for several months, it will affect her and cause her to be irritable and moody."

Hearing his explanation, it was easier for Pang Fan and Bai Jinkai to believe in this so-called unclean thing. After all, there are indeed many things in this world that cannot be explained by science. Besides, Bai Hui's strange problem was not checked in the hospital. Something went wrong.

"Since it's an invisible magnetic field, why does that Miss Xu know about it?" Pang Fan couldn't figure it out, and asked Nan Danzhi.

"I don't know about this, maybe she has her own special way to detect it." Nan Danzhi said frankly, thinking, maybe that Miss Xu is a strange person, but I don't know which family's junior she is.Is the surname Xu, but there seems to be no family surnamed Xu among the existing hermits.

Pang Fan picked up a wine glass, swirled the white wine in it, drank it in one gulp, pursed his lips, became more interested, and his eyes flickered, "Oh? Is that so?" This woman named Xu Yunhan is quite interesting.


On the other side, Jing Shuo and Xu Yunhan, who walked out of the private vegetable shop, got into the car and were about to leave. Since Jing Shuo drank some wine just now, Xu Yunhan sat in the driver's seat, "Where do you want to go this afternoon?"

"Xiaohan, I'm sorry." Jing Shuo felt apologetic, if it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have encountered these bad things.

Xu Yunhan smiled, and spread her hands indifferently, "What are you talking about, and it's not your fault, why are you apologizing?"

"Just don't get angry because of this." Jing Shuo rubbed his dizzy head. He doesn't drink very well, and he rarely drinks alcohol, so it's easy to get on his head after drinking a little. After slightly relieving his dizziness, he asked,

"By the way, before you leave, why did you say that you should break the bracelet on Bai Hui's wrist so that she can recover?"

"Ah? You mean that bracelet. Do you remember that you bought that bracelet in the Panjiayuan ghost market? I also saw that bracelet at the time, but I always felt that it was a little ghostly, so I bought it at the time. I didn't buy it. Today I saw Bai Hui's appearance and saw that she was wearing the bracelet that happened to be on her hand. I immediately thought of the ghost upper body that our elders said, so... I came up with a random idea .”

Xu Yunhan glanced at Jing Shuo, whose cheeks were slightly red and obviously a little drunk, thinking helplessly, how could he still remember so clearly after drinking so much.

Ghost upper body? !After listening to Xu Yunhan's speech, Jing Shuo immediately sobered up, paused, and looked at her suspiciously, "Really?"

Xu Yunhan blinked her eyes and said with a smile, "Is it important whether it's true or not? Anyway, even if it's fake, if you use this excuse to break Bai Hui's favorite bracelet, it's a way to vent your anger on yourself. Who made her just scolded me a lot."

Jing Shuo smiled, "Well, it's a good way, I just don't know what they did in the end." He noticed Xu Yunhan's evasive words, but since she didn't want to say it, he didn't want to get to the bottom of it.

"Whatever, let's think about where we are going now." Xu Yunhan said.

Jing Shuo raised his wrist, looked at the time, and said, "When you encountered such a farce, you didn't eat much, how about we change to another restaurant to fill your stomach?"

"I agree!" Xu Yunhan said, "However, this time, just choose a noodle restaurant at random and eat a bowl of noodles. You will feel much more comfortable eating some noodle soup after drinking."

Jing Shuo's heart warmed up, and he nodded with a smile, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

"Xiaohan...Xiaohan, get up and have breakfast!"

Early the next morning, Xu Yunhan, who was still sleeping, was awakened by Aunt Min outside the door, rubbed her eyes, grabbed the alarm clock on the bedside table, and saw that it was almost eight o'clock.

"Okay, Aunt Min, I'll go down later." Xu Yunhan planned to go to eat breakfast first, and then come back to sleep. Yesterday, he and Jing Shuo spent a whole day shopping, and went to two antique markets.I didn't feel it yesterday, but today I feel very tired. It seems that I have to exercise more.

After a brief wash, Xu Yunhan in pajamas went downstairs, but Ah Mo was nowhere to be seen, so she asked Aunt Min who was tidying up in the kitchen, "Is Ah Mo still awake?"

While washing the pot, Chen Min raised her eyes to look at her, and said with a smile, "Only you can sleep in. That child, Ah Mo, wakes up earlier than me every day. She has already finished her breakfast and went out for a run." Getting along After a few days, I felt that the two little girls were very kind and easy to get along with, and Chen Min's speech was no longer as cold and rigid as before.

Xu Yunhan, who was teased, gave a dry laugh, and started to eat breakfast silently. In the middle of eating, Ah Mo, who was wearing a tracksuit, came back, with slightly sweaty forehead, seeing her sitting at the dining table, said, "Xiaohan, morning!" ~"

"Morning, aren't you going to the store today?"

"I won't go in the morning, I'll go with Aunt Min at noon, and then I'll take Aunt Min's car back in the afternoon." Ah Mo wiped the sweat from his brow, nodded and said.

"Ah Mo, why don't you learn how to drive? Once you learn how to drive, it will be convenient for you to go wherever you want every day." Only then did Xu Yunhan realize that Ah Mo doesn't know how to drive.

Ah Mo shook his head and refused without thinking, "You don't need to study, and you don't need to drive when you return to the village. I'll go upstairs to take a shower." Just as he was about to walk away, he hesitated for a while, then turned and said to Xu Yunhan, "Xiaohan, can you take me to the auction tonight?"

Xu Yunhan was taken aback for a moment, she thought Ah Mo would not be interested in these things, so she never asked her before, "Of course, since you want to go, there is nothing you can do. I need to go to the Deying Auction House in the afternoon, For the final confirmation, you might as well go with me when the time comes, then you should not go to the store today, otherwise it will be too troublesome to run back and forth."

"Okay." Ah Mo smiled happily at her, "Thank you, Xiaohan~" Then he turned and went upstairs.

After a while, Xu Yunhan took out a tissue to wipe off the milk froth at the corners of her mouth, and was about to tell Aunt Min that she was going upstairs to catch up on sleep when she heard the landline phone in the living room rang.

"Jingle Bell……"

"Hi~ hello, please call Xu Yunhan and ask her to answer the phone."

(End of this chapter)

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