Tibetan play style

Chapter 220 Auction

Chapter 220 Auction ([-])
At this time, the positions of Xu Yunhan and the others finally became the focus of the audience, but of course the main focus was not on them, but on the old and the young walking slowly.Xu Yunhan saw Jing Shuo, who had just met yesterday, by Suo Lao's side, and smiled at herself.He didn't say yesterday that he would hold two auctions today.

Who came to the auction and didn't know Suo Lao?So not long after Suo Lao appeared, many people came over to greet Suo Lao respectfully and sincerely.

"Hi Suo~"



Suo Lao smiled and nodded to the left and right, and finally his eyes fell on Xu Da, "Xu Da, you kid, how long has it been since you visited me, have you forgotten me as an old man?" His expression was stern, but his tone could still be heard The meaning of intimacy.

On the other hand, for Meng Qingsong next to him, Suo Lao didn't seem to see this person, and turned a deaf ear to Meng Qingsong's greeting just now.Who can't understand such a strong and obvious contrast? !Obviously, Suo always came to support Xu Da, and he was not ordinary dissatisfied with Meng Qingsong, everyone around thought to himself.

"Old Suo~ I don't have the face to see you." Xu Da smiled wryly, "I'm ashamed that I didn't listen to your persuasion before. That's why I dare not visit you."

Suo Lao stared at him, snorted, and said lightly, "It's not too stupid to wake up now! Let's go, what are you doing here, you sit with me."

After Suo Lao raised his foot and walked forward, Xu Da was stunned for two seconds, and said to Xu Yunhan and the others, "Let's go, let's be lucky, and sit at the front with Suo Lao's light."

So a group of people followed Suo Lao and walked forward.Meng Qingsong, who was originally blocking the road, naturally did not dare to stop Suo Lao, nor did he dare to offend Suo Lao, so he could only lower his head and lean sideways with a sullen face and let them pass smoothly.Hmph, so what if someone covers him, now the impoverished and white Xu Datou has no threat at all to him, he really has no self-knowledge, why do poor people with no money come to the auction, remembering the old circle of life? !It was so ridiculous, Meng Qingsong looked at Xu Dayuan's back gloomily.

"Xiaohan~" Jing Shuo slowed down his pace and purposely lagged a few steps behind, came to Xu Yunhan's side, and said in a low voice, "My grandfather bought it for the Southern Song celadon sunflower petals that you sent for auction."

Xu Yunhan smiled, "Our honor."

When they got to the first row of seats closest to the auction booth, a man walked up to him, wearing a neat silver-gray suit, a dark purple shirt, a famous Swiss watch, and a strong and strong man wrapped in the clothes. Physique, every move exudes a powerful bewitching and domineering aura.Looking at the man's face again, there are narrow and long single phoenix eyes, deep eyes, a straight nose, thin lips, and neat short hair. His appearance is very characteristic of Chinese and Western mixed race.

All of these make people attracted to him at first glance, but at the same time, they need to resist the icy aura that he exudes all the time, and the coldness and sharpness in his eyes are even more impressive.

Well, cough~ Xu Yunhan blinked her eyes uncomfortably, she was infatuated for a while, but she had to admit that this man has full charm, the charm of a man!

"Suo Lao, it is an honor for you to come to Deying." The man, who is nearly 1.9 meters tall, bent down and shook hands with Suo Lao, then turned sideways, "Please sit~"

"He is the boss of Deying Auction House, Han Zhongling." Jing Shuo noticed that Xu Yunhan had been staring at him since Han Zhongling appeared, and felt a little irritated inexplicably.

"Ahem, oh, yes." Realizing that his nympho behavior was seen by others, Xu Yunhan's face became hot, and he turned his eyes away from the handsome Bingshan guy, "Then let's go and sit next to us, the auction The meeting should start soon." Immediately, he couldn't help but drag Amo to sit next to Xu Da first.

Jing Shuo looked at Han Zhongling and Xu Da sitting on the left and right of his grandfather, but there was no place for him, so he sat next to Ouyang Lie.Taking a glance at Xu Yunhan, who was casually wearing a ponytail and dressed casually tonight from the corner of his eye, he thought to himself, just sit here, they are all young people, so he won't go to grandpa's place.

Not long after sitting down, just as he was about to pick up the bottle of mineral water on the table and open it to drink, Ah Mo approached his ear mysteriously, and said in a very low voice,

"Xiaohan, I found something."

Xu Yunhan turned her head to look at Ah Mo in surprise, a little strange, because Ah Mo had never spoken so furtively and in such a low voice, "What's the matter?"

Ah Mo looked left and right, mouthed her, but didn't make a sound, Xu Yunhan only saw her mouth opening and closing, "What?"

So I saw Ah Mo's mouth opening and closing again, Xu Yunhan looked carefully this time, the pronunciation of that mouth shape... Ouyang Lie? !Thinking of this, Xu Yunhan subconsciously wanted to look at Ouyang Lie who was sitting next to her.

But A Mo, who reacted quickly, blocked his sight. When he looked up, he saw A Mo shaking his head invisibly towards her, as if whispering between girls. A Mo leaned close to Xu Yunhan's ear and said softly,
"He is no ordinary person."

Xu Yunhan was very surprised when he heard this, isn't he an ordinary person? !If this sentence came from other people, she would not be so surprised. What other people think is not ordinary people must mean ordinary people, but people with money and power.But Xu Yunhan was sure that Ah Mo didn't have that consciousness, he didn't have any concept of money at all and didn't care about power, so a person was still classified as not an ordinary person by Ah Mo, one can imagine how the meaning could not be surprising.

Trying his best to suppress the gaze he wanted to cast on Ouyang Lie, Xu Yunhan asked softly, "What do you mean?"

Ah Mo seemed to be worried about something, "I'll tell you when I get home." Then he turned his head away self-consciously.


What's the matter? Xu Yunhan stared at the sky speechlessly. How can there be such a person who arouses people's curiosity and doesn't reveal the answer when it comes to key points.What happened to Ouyang Lie? Why did Ah Mo say that he is not an ordinary person? !

"Xiaohan~" After a while, Xu Da came over and patted Xu Yunhan on the shoulder, "Mr. Liu and Professor Song are here, come with me to say hello to them now. Ah Mo and Xiao Lie are here Just wait, we'll be back in a while."

"Ah good."

Xu Yunhan hurriedly stood up and followed Xu Da, rubbing her palms quietly, already sweating a little. She was a little nervous about meeting Professor Song who might become her teacher in the future.Although she did not get good grades in elementary school and had a bad record of frequently skipping classes in high school and college, she is not an arrogant and wanton bad student who is not afraid of the teacher. On the contrary, she is actually very afraid of the teacher!

To say that it made her feel angry, the first is the police; then the second is the teacher.

Xu Da led Xu Yunhan across the aisle in the middle of the venue, and led her to the VIP area in Area B. From a distance, Xu Yunhan had already seen Mr. Liu Xiangwen and his son Liu Dong.He also noticed a gray-haired, slightly old man sitting next to Mr. Liu, who looked to be in his 60s.

This should be Professor Song Huaiyi, right?Xu Yunhan secretly guessed in her heart, um, but why does it look familiar? !

"Brother Xiang Wen, long time no see." Xu Da stepped forward to greet him warmly, then looked aside, and said, "The one next to him is Professor Song. Oh, I've known you for a long time. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Hello." Song Huaiyi nodded lightly.

"Hey... Let me tell you, Xu Da, you crossed the river too quickly and demolished the bridge. You just glanced at me, and then went inside to greet Professor Song." Liu Xiangwen looked at Xu Da pretending to be dissatisfied.

Xu Da smiled and said, "Blame me, blame me. I'm too anxious to hope that my son will become a phoenix. I'll be the host to plead guilty sometime. It's okay." Although Liu Xiangwen and Mrs. Liu are much older than Xu Da, the two People have very compatible temperaments, so they become friends who forget the year, and the conversation between the two is naturally a little more casual.

Hearing what he said, Liu Xiangwen curled his lips and scolded with a smile, "Your meal is really useful. It is also a treat for the host and a thank you banquet. Now there is another reason to apologize. Xu Da, You kid can't be more generous, just ask for ten or eight times."

Xu Da didn't accept this, but waved to Xu Yunhan, and after she approached, he introduced her and Song Huaiyi.

"Professor Song, hello." Xu Yunhan greeted respectfully, and of course he did not forget to greet Liu Lao and Liu Dong.

Song Huaiyi looked at her, hesitated for a while, and said, "Have we met somewhere before? Let me think about it... By the way, in Yunnan, about two months ago."

After his reminder, Xu Yunhan also remembered that because of her grandfather Xu Qingnian, she was involved in the theft of the Eastern Qing Tomb, so she was asked by He Yi, a policeman, to go to Yunnan to assist them.Later, for unknown reasons, the operation ended in a hurry, and she was finally taken to help sort out the real antiques mixed with the imitations.It was in that room that Song Huaiyi was there at the time.

No wonder she felt that Professor Song looked familiar, so she had seen it before.Xu Yunhan smiled and said, "Yes, it turns out that I have met Professor Song a long time ago. I was not sure when I saw you just now, so I didn't dare to mention it, for fear that you would think I was trying to get a relationship."

Song Huaiyi looked at the little girl in front of him, and recalled the scene at that time. She was also asked by the police to identify the authenticity, but until the end she didn't pick out any real ones. To be exact, she didn't pick out any fake ones. No.Does she not want to identify and choose, or does she really know nothing?After thinking about it, Song Huaiyi asked,
"How did you come into contact with the field of antiques?"

(End of this chapter)

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