Tibetan play style

Chapter 224 Busy Electric Chapter

Chapter 224 Busy Phone Call

In China in the 1st-2nd century AD (Eastern Han Dynasty), there was the term ancient studies, which generally refers to the study of ancient knowledge.In the mid-Northern Song Dynasty, a study of bronze Yi wares and stone carvings—Golden Stone Science, the predecessor of archaeology—was born.At this time, the words Kao and Gu also began to be used together.The "Archaeological Map" written in 1092 AD was the first to use the term archeology, but at this time it refers to the textual research of ancient characters and ancient articles.

Archeology is an integral part of historical science in China.The archeology major of Peking University is the best in the country, and the corresponding requirements for students are also very high.It is said that most of their undergraduate students who have the qualifications for postgraduate research will be screened out after passing the interview, let alone those who are sent to Peking University for interviews by other schools, let alone those who go to Peking University for postgraduate entrance examinations.It's hard anyway!

The professional courses are very difficult, and in addition to the professional courses, politics and English are also required, and the difficulty of these two subjects is not low.It's okay to speak English. Xu Yunhan spent a lot of time and energy on English, which is a necessary skill in the workplace, in order to make money from work.But politics has become a subject that is more difficult than professional courses for her, my God!Why is politics indispensable in all exams in our country!Every day when reciting politics, Xu Yunhan would howl like this several times.

Since her preparation time was relatively late, after returning from the auction, she left all other things behind. The custom-made jewelry of the jewelry store is also delayed until after the exam is over before being accepted, and it has been closed for more than two months of study.

When concentrating on a certain thing, time seems to pass extremely fast, and Xu Yunhan who walked out of the examination room is not used to it. Is this the end of the test? !

"Han Chi!"

As soon as he walked out of the teaching building, he saw Dai Xiaobei and Ah Mo standing next to a bright red BMW X5. Xu Yunhan walked towards them in surprise, "Why are you two here?"

"Of course I came here specially to welcome you. Congratulations to our top student for officially leaving the customs!" Dai Xiaobei patted her on the shoulder triumphantly, entrusting her with a heavy responsibility, "So today you want to treat me!"

Amo smiled approvingly.

Xu Yunhan rolled her eyelids and looked at her with dissatisfaction, "I'm finally freed from those two months of inhuman hardship. You didn't say you'd comfort me, but you came to blackmail me! Your Fan Disheng knows you're so stingy. Are you stingy!"

Dai Xiaobei smirked twice, "No matter what, you pay the bill today, Ah Mo and I are beating local tyrants! The hard-working people are definitely on our side! Tonight it's just the three of us, let's go and eat big first. After dinner, go shopping! Sisters, I’m going to start buying winter clothes!” While talking, she dragged Xu Yunhan into the car, she knew that Xu Yunhan didn’t drive today, and Aunt Min drove her to pick her up for the exam these two days.

Xu Yunhan, who was stuffed directly into the back seat, failed to resist. He was destined to be exploited by these two women tonight, so he took out his phone and spoke to Aunt Min.Neither she nor Ah Mo will go back to have dinner tonight. After glancing at Dai Xiaobei who was driving happily, Xu Yunhan added, and it is estimated that they will come home late today.

Hearing Xu Yunhan calling Aunt Min from behind, Dai Xiaobei said loudly, "Aunt Min, don't worry, I will send them both home tonight."

"Stop shouting, the phone is already hung up..." Xu Yunhan pointed to the phone in her hand with a smile and said, "And how can you be so confident that you can send us back safely?! I see, among us You are the most unreliable! Aunt Min may be even more worried when she hears that she is with you."

Dai Xiaobei smiled smugly, and replied with certainty, "Impossible, when I stayed at your house last time, I revealed the fact that I am a master of martial arts when I chatted with Aunt Min! Do you still need to be afraid?"

"..." Xu Yunhan was about to continue looking for words to fight back, but saw the screen of the phone light up, and before he picked it up, he heard Uncle Xu's slightly nervous and excited voice.Uh... Undoubtedly, Uncle Xu came to ask her how she felt about the exams in the past two days, how did she answer the questions, did she finish the test papers, and so on.Knowing that Uncle Xu cared about him, Xu Yunhan answered them patiently.

Then I chatted with Uncle Xu for a few words. Dai Xiaobei went to the store to pick up Ah Mo half an hour ago, so Xu Da knew that the three girls were going to celebrate tonight, so he told him to be safe and hung up the phone.

Just as Xu Yunhan was about to put down the phone, the phone in his hand rang music again and kept vibrating. It turned out to be Guan Zeyu who hadn't contacted for a long time.

"Did you finish the exam?" Guan Zeyu's voice was still so magnetic and pleasant to hear.

"Well, I just left the exam room." I wanted to ask him how he knew he was taking the exam, but after thinking about it, he understood.When I called Tong Jihuan to discuss the acceptance of her custom-made jewelry, I said that he must have told Guan Zeyu.

Guan Zeyu smiled, "I've been a little busy since I came back from Myanmar, and I've got a lot of things together. After everything was settled, Master Tong said that you were preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, so I didn't dare to bother you. Now that the examination is over, what? Time to find a time to come out and have a meal together?"

Is he... is he explaining to himself?Are you dating yourself?Xu Yunhan quickly extinguished this idea, secretly despising how he had contracted the disease of self-love, but the faint joy in his heart could not be driven away no matter what.

"Whose phone is it?" Dai Xiaobei asked with a smile, secretly looking at her from the rearview mirror.

Xu Yunhan ignored her, turned her head and looked out of the window, staring stupidly at the endless stream of vehicles,

"Okay, then I'll call you again. Judging from the voice just now, it must be Dai Xiaobei. It seems that I can't make an appointment with you today, so let's make an appointment next time."

"Okay. Goodbye~" Xu Yunhan hung up the phone, stunned for a while, but noticed that A Mo and Dai Xiaobei sitting in front were staring at her, and A Mo turned around directly, Dai Xiaobei who was driving Beckham stared at the front rearview mirror.

Xu Yunhan touched her face with her hands, and said narcissistically, "What's wrong with you two, are you fascinated by me?!"

Who would have thought that the two women shook their heads at the same time, and Dai Xiaobei smiled narrowly, "No, no, it's not that we are fascinated by you, but someone else. I seemed to hear you faintly just now. It was a man's voice that came out of the phone, right, Ah Mo, you heard it too."

"En!" Ah Mo nodded heavily.


Why do you feel that she has been busy preparing for the exam for the past two months and has no time to accompany Ah Mo? When I saw her today, Ah Mo seemed to have failed her studies!It must be caused by Dai Xiaobei. In the past two months, she has often asked Amo out to play!
Thinking of this, Xu Yunhan leaned forward, reached out and rubbed Dai Xiaobei's most concerned hairstyle, "Tell me, where did you hide the well-behaved Ah Mo!"

"Oh, my new hairstyle!" Dai Xiaobei yelled immediately, holding the steering wheel with one hand, and patted her troublesome hand with one hand, "Ah Mo, don't you say help me?" , poor me!"

Just when Ah Mo was about to join the battle, Xu Yunhan's cell phone rang again after a while, Dai Xiaobei held the steering wheel and laughed happily, and kept shouting,

"The handsome guy is calling, the handsome guy is calling! Someone is in bloom!"

Xu Yunhan picked up the phone and looked at it, he was really a handsome guy, "Hi, hello, Jing Shuo."

"Have you finished the exam, are you free tonight? Let's have a meal together to celebrate?" Jing Shuo said.

"Not tonight, I have an appointment with my good sister." Xu Yunhan said while glaring at the tittering women in front of her.

"Oh, it looks like we missed the beauty's romantic date!" Dai Xiaobei yelled again as before, and at the same time, with a hippie smile, he signaled Ah Mo to look at Xu Yunhan's expression behind him,
"Dai Xiaobei!" Xu Yunhan gritted his teeth and went forward to pinch her face, apologizing to Jing Shuo on the other side of the phone, "I'm sorry, my friend just likes to make jokes."

After two seconds of silence, Jing Shuo coughed and cleared his throat, "Hehe~ It's okay, let's make an appointment next time."

After hastily hung up the phone, Xu Yunhan didn't know whether to laugh or get angry, and stared at her, "You two, I refuse to treat guests to a big meal now!"

"Oh, come on, Ah Mo and I were just joking." Dai Xiaobei pulled Ah Mo to make a very insincere apology, and rolled his eyes, "But why are you so nervous, it seems that you are really a handsome guy Call! Tell me who it is!"

Xu Yunhan's heart skipped a beat, and she looked out the window, "They're just friends, what are you talking about!"

Dai Xiaobei snapped, didn't believe it at all, and directly discussed it with Ah Mo who was next to him.The two chatted so enthusiastically. From the analysis of the men around her, which one is more handsome; which one will have a common topic with her; which one appears more frequently...

This Dai Xiaobei doesn't say anything else, but the infectious ability on his body is absolutely super strong, and in a short period of time, Ah Mo's temperament has become like this!Ah Mo, why are you swollen? What about your cold and arrogant temperament, what about your sense of mystery!Xu Yunhan roared and marveled in his heart, but in the end he couldn't bear to listen to the discussion of the two women who were getting more and more wives, so he couldn't help shouting,

"That's enough! Otherwise, I will refuse to pay the bill!"

"Okay." "Oh." The two women in front paused, and then agreed with one voice.

Seeing the two sisters who immediately became obedient, Xu Yunhan smiled, and her mood became more and more joyful.

But soon she couldn't laugh anymore. When she got out of the car and looked up at the tall and majestic buildings in front of her, Xu Yunhan bared her teeth and turned to them and said, "It's really a local tyrant! But I'm not a local tyrant! You two really The most poisonous woman's heart!"

(End of this chapter)

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