Tibetan play style

Chapter 229 True and False Jade Jewelry

Chapter 229 True and False Jade Jewelry
It is often heard that "men wear Guanyin and women wear Buddha", but this is not always the case. In many places in the south, men wear Buddha and women wear Guanyin, and there is no limitation.A former colleague of Xu Yunhan once went to Wutai Mountain for sightseeing. Because the colleague is a jade lover, he asked the eminent monk on the mountain about this matter. The eminent monk said that Avalokitesvara and Buddha are male bodies, and there is no limit to wearing Avalokitesvara and Buddha.People wear jade articles for good luck and peace, so no matter what jade article they choose, it is a sincere blessing.

Xu Yunhan picked up the jade pendants in the box one by one to look at them. While admiring the exquisitely carved jade pendants, they looked particularly interesting, while listening to Tong Jihuan next to her introducing common styles of jade pendants and their auspicious meanings.She never knew that the original simple jade pendant could have so many sayings, and there are so many styles!

Cough~ The jade pendants in her previous impressions were only those common Guanyin Buddha statues, twelve zodiac signs, animals and so on.I have never heard of or seen what Tong Jihuan said, Samsung Gaozhao, Crane and Deer Tongchun, Wufu Pengshou, pomegranate, persimmon, magpie... all kinds of strange styles and sayings, Xu Yunhan I have to admire the imagination and association of human beings!
The implication of the crab jade pendant is that the world is rich!Xu Yunhan was very interested and dumbfounded when he heard such a lecture.

Relatively speaking, the jade pendants in the jewelry box held by Xu Yunhan were quite common. After seeing the pendants placed on the surface, she flipped through the ones below and picked up a small and mini string bean Zifei pendant.

Tong Jihuan glanced at the jade pendant in her hand, introduced it as usual, and said,
"This is called Four Seasons or Ping An Bean. It is composed of a single four-season bean pod. Usually, there will be bats appearing on the side of the pod. The origin of Ping An Bean is that monks in ancient temples usually used this kind of bean pod as the main dish. Over time, people put the four-season bean. The bean pods are called Four Seasons Ping An beans. They represent the three stars of "Fu Lu Shou" respectively. The reason why they are called "Four Seasons Beans" means that with the three stars of "Fu Lu Shou" under the arch, you can keep you "Peace in Four Seasons" and you can be lucky .”

But at this time, Xu Yunhan did not listen to Tong Jihuan's lecture as carefully as before, but looked over and over again, and touched the green bean safety button in his hand.

On the other hand, Guan Zeyu noticed her strangeness, glanced at the purple jade green bean jade pendant, frowned slightly and asked, "Xiao Han, what's wrong with you? Don't you like this jade pendant style?"

Tong Jihuan also stopped his detailed and wonderful introduction, and looked at Xu Yunhan with the same doubt.

"That... I don't think this jade pendant is jade. Take a look." When Xu Yunhan held the green bean pendant, he confirmed that he could not feel the slightest bit of temperature. After several attempts.She was sure that this purple jadeite pendant was definitely not made of her purple jadeite material, not even jadeite!
After the atmosphere condensed for two seconds, Guan Zeyu calmly reached out and took the green bean jade pendant in her hand, flipped it back and forth for a while, and threw it on the ground, the original crystal clear purple jadeite pendant was instantly smashed to pieces!
Tong Jihuan's eyes widened, and he stared at the slag of the green bean jade pendant on the ground in disbelief. After seeing Guan Zeyu's reaction, there was something he didn't understand, so he said in surprise, "It's fake?! How could it be like this..."

Tong Jihuan couldn't come up with a conclusion for a while, the raw material of these jewelry was jadeite provided by Ms. Xu herself.After all the jewelry was finished, he went to check and accept it himself, and then sent it to the company's vault, without anyone's hands in the process!
"Master Tong, check all these jewelry first." Guan Zeyu said with a cold face, and then looked at Xu Yunhan with a calm face, "Don't worry, how many grams of the jade you gave us before, we will finally How much must be returned. There must be something wrong in the middle."

Guan Zeyu was furious in his heart. He had never been so ashamed before. They asked others to order jewelry from their jewelry store, and even proposed to borrow other people's jewelry to participate in the jewelry exhibition. In the end, the jewelry they handed over to them was fake!This is simply slapping yourself in the face!

Xu Yunhan looked at the jewelry boxes on the table and said, "There shouldn't be many problems. The jewelry I looked at before is all right. It seems that only this box of jade pendants is not right."

The first thing Tong Jihuan checked was the box of jade pendants. After hearing what she said, he pointed to the pendant that he just jumped out of, "Well, there is indeed something wrong with this box of jade pendants. There are twelve jade pendants in total, and five of them This pendant is a fake! It’s all made of plexiglass and has no technical content. Anyone who knows a little bit about jade can tell it’s fake at a glance.”

Xu Yunhan glanced at the pendants, there was a purple grape pendant, a black gourd pendant, a purple water drop jade pendant, a purple peanut, and the green bean jade pendant that had been smashed by the furious Guan Zeyu, exactly five pieces in total .At this time, these glass products and the seven real jadeite pendants that she took out first one by one were in two rows facing each other, and the difference could be seen from a distance.

The surface of those glass products is very bright, and the transparency is higher, but it is not as restrained as real jadeite, and the color of the glass product is quite single, rigid and without aura, far from the natural emerald. That charm!

This level of counterfeiting is too low, Xu Yunhan thought, it is not as high as the level of counterfeiting of those jade ornaments sold in some tourist attractions.She was not in a hurry when this happened. Anyway, she discovered the problem when she was inspecting the finished jewelry, so if there is any loss, the jewelry store that received the order must be responsible.

It's just a pity that those few jade pendants, the style and shape she likes very much!

After a while, Tong Jihuan checked all the jewelry, and sure enough, as Xu Yunhan said, only the jade pendant had a problem.

"What's the matter? Master Tong, didn't you check it before bringing it?" Guan Zeyu asked with a worried expression after listening to his report.

Tong Jihuan didn't know how to answer for a while, and tried to recall the whole process of making and processing these jewelry, until he took them into the vault.If there is no special key and magnetic card in the company's safe, it is impossible to enter without knowing the password.

Before taking it into the warehouse, he read it all, and there was no problem. However, after he went to the company to take it out early this morning, because it was getting late, he didn't check everything as usual, but focused on the set that was the most important. Expensive purple emerald jewelry.

When entering and exiting the warehouse...Could it be...Tong Jihuan thought of this, but he didn't dare to hide the slightest information, and explained all the information and details he knew in detail.

After listening, Guan Zeyu frowned, looked up at Xu Yunhan, "I'm really sorry this time, something like this happened, and it will take some time to investigate and deal with it. I will definitely try my best to find the original five pieces of jade. Pendant, if you don’t get it back, the company will compensate you with three times the market price. In addition, you will be exempted from all the expenses of custom-made jewelry in our jewelry store this time, so as to express our apology. Once the follow-up processing results Come out and I will contact you personally."

Speaking of this, Guan Zeyu smiled, "I hope Xiaohan, you will not doubt the credibility of our jewelry store because of this incident, so you will no longer lend us this set of violet flower jadeite jewelry. We will communicate with you at that time. You sign a contract, if there is any problem with this set of jewelry in our hands, all losses will be borne by us. So please rest assured."

"Since I can get Mr. Guan's guarantee, then I have nothing to worry about. Okay, then I will take these jewelry away today. As for the other five jade pendants, I will wait for your news."

Looking at the expressions of Guan Zeyu and Tong Jihuan, it must have been done by insiders of the company. The so-called 'family ugliness should not be publicized', so Xu Yunhan readily agreed to the conditions proposed by Guan Zeyu, and then asked to leave.

Although there was a problem with the jewelry customization this time, there was no loss for her. The jewelry processing and design fee was originally waived, and now the cost of jewelry made of other materials is also waived.And even if the five jade pendants couldn't be found, she could still get three times the amount of compensation, so she wouldn't lose money no matter what.What's more, the jade pieces in question were not the ones she cared most about, so Xu Yunhan didn't have any dissatisfaction or unhappiness in her heart.

"Well, thank you for your understanding. Is there anything you need to modify about these jewelry?" Guan Zeyu, who temporarily suppressed the anger in his heart, said to her gently with a smile.

Xu Yunhan smiled, "No, I'm very satisfied."

Guan Zeyu nodded, turned his head to Tong Jihuan and said, "Then please ask Master Tong to send Xiaohan off for me."

"Okay." Tong Jihuan agreed, and then quickly took out a black alloy box from under the coffee table, put the precious jade jewelry on the table into the jewelry box, and put them into the black box one by one.Picking it up, he said to Xu Yunhan, "Miss Xu, did you drive here today?"


"Okay, then I'll send you directly to your car, which is safer." Tong Jihuan stood up with the box in his hand, and said to Guan Zeyu respectfully, "Mr. Investigate this matter as soon as possible, and give Miss Xu a satisfactory answer."

Guan Zeyu, who had already sat back at the desk, gave a faint grace, and then said to Xu Yunhan, "Sorry, there are still many things that have not been dealt with, so I can't invite you to dinner today. I can only find a chance to invite you next time. Wait for me Telephone."

……wait for my call……

Xu Yunhan's heart skipped a beat, she agreed softly, and followed Tong Jihuan out of Guan Zeyu's office.

"Miss Xu, I'm really sorry this time. My fault is not small." Tong Jihuan sent her to her car all the way, put the black box with jewelry under the passenger seat properly, and then said to her.

"It's not your fault, who would have thought that such a thing would happen." Xu Yunhan said he didn't care.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few more words, Tong Jihuan instructed some precautions for daily jewelry maintenance, and then left. He still has to investigate the jewelry exchange.

(End of this chapter)

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