Tibetan play style

Chapter 236 Audition Stone

Chapter 236 Audition Stone

Although the chances of good jadeite appearing in those woolen materials in those stores are much higher, but the price is also much higher!Xu Yunhan planned to search the wool fabrics outside first, and then look inside the store if they didn't.

Therefore, she should stay outside all the time today. It's the twelfth lunar month and it's freezing, but for the sake of high quality and low price, and because she has advantages that others don't, why not use it to maximize her benefits!
Xu Yunhan, who had already been prepared for this weather, was fully armed at this time. The last down jacket was paired with heavy and dull snow boots, a thick neckerchief, a furry and warm earmuff mask, a woolen hat, and fleece gloves.The whole attire looked incomparably bloated and clumsy, and she was quite tall. As we all know, if a tall person wears more clothes, she will look a little... strong...

Another disadvantage is that it is very inconvenient to squat and stand up.After wandering around for a while, Xu Yunhan returned to the alley, intending to start looking at the raw materials outside the first jade shop.He took off the already warm gloves on his hands, touched the cold wool, and was so cold that he shivered on the spot.

"Beauty, there may be emeralds in those woolen materials. If you like it, bring it here. I will calculate the price for you." The boss who happened to be sending a customer out of the store saw a woman squatting outside, looking through those pieces. Wool, he yelled.

The boss greeted her politely instead of warmly, and then went back to the shop, not wanting to waste time and energy on Xu Yunhan.There are still customers in the store that need to be entertained. Only when there are no customers, he will spend a little time dealing with those laymen outside who are often seen more than buy, or tourists.

Xu Yunhan, who was ignored, didn't care, she wished that no one would be watching, so that she could speed up, and change to another one if it didn't feel hot or abnormal!In this way, she can judge in a few seconds that Yuchan is not interested in the wool she touches.

After touching the woolen fabrics around her, Xu Yunhan quickly moved to another place to continue touching. If there was no woolen fabrics outside this shop, she would decisively change to another one. If it was too cold, she would get up and do some exercise, jumping and so on.

In this way, she quickly finished reading all the raw materials outside the first three stores, and there was nothing suitable for Yuchan's appetite, which made Xu Yunhan complain in her heart that Yuchan was picky and hard to serve.However, she didn't gain anything at all, at least she still bought a piece of wool that felt quite hot to the touch. According to her usual experience, the jade inside should be good.

And what is gratifying is that it only cost her 47 yuan to buy the 8000-kilogram piece of wool!Just by the hot heat in it, she can be sure that the emerald in it will definitely not be worth only eight thousand.But if the emerald inside is covered with moss or cracks, she can only admit it. Now she can't use the perspective ability, and can only rely on the feel to choose the wool.

After ordering some pink cash bills and confirming that the number is correct, the shop owner said to her with a smile on her face,
"Do you still need to explain the stone now? You only need to pay 200 yuan, and you can immediately reveal the answer, and see if there is any emerald in the piece of wool you chose. Besides, the customer before you has won the bet, If you talk about the stone now, you might be able to get good luck, and there will be a big rise! The story of getting rich overnight is not just a legend in the stone gambling shop!"

At this moment, there were no other customers to explain the stone, so the very business-minded boss of Yushi naturally followed the concept of making money or losing money, and actively induced Xu Yunhan to spend money to explain the stone.

The woolen fabrics displayed in the open air outside the store are not packaged, and you need to pay extra to unravel the stones on the spot. Xu Yunhan touched the piece of woolen fabric he bought with his hand down. It was higher than his knees. Xu Yunhan felt the temperature in his palm, Well, she found woolen hand warmers to be quite nice.

It would be great if I could find a wool that can be held in the palm of my hand and emit scorching heat. It would be great to use it as a hand warmer in winter!Natural and pollution-free, energy-saving and trouble-free!

"No, I'm not going to unravel the stone for the time being." Xu Yunhan replied to the boss while touching the wool to warm his hands, "Also, I plan to continue shopping. Can this piece of wool be placed here for the time being? Come pick it up soon."

"Of course. You can use this marker pen to mark the wool, so that you don't remember which piece it is later." The boss handed her a fluorescent marker pen, you only need to mark the wool. Don't be afraid of making mistakes, the fluorescent green is quite conspicuous, and this method can also avoid disputes between the two parties.

Although she had her own way of identifying the wool, Xu Yunhan still used a brush to draw an abstract flower as a marker.In fact, the reason why she felt relieved to store this piece of woolen material in the store was that it was a piece of woolen material that was put out in the open air, and the boss would not falsify and smash his own house because of such a piece of poorly performing woolen material. Shop sign.

After walking out of this store, Xu Yunhan continued to squat down outside another store, touching stones continuously.If the store doesn't have one, just change it to another one, and repeat the action like this.

This Kinky Stone Street is crowded with pedestrians, but most of them come for the woolen materials or jadeite products or jadeite accessories in the shop.Few people will look at the woolen materials on the ground in this cold weather. It is so cold that even tourists are not interested in reaching out to touch those cold stone eggs.

In this way, Xu Yunhan's behavior became somewhat conspicuous and weird.

"Little girl, what are you doing? I saw you just squatting in the pile of wool outside the store in front of you for a long time. Are you here to visit this store now?"

Xu Yunhan was about to reach out to touch a piece of wool at his feet, but was startled by a sudden voice next to him, retracted his hand and looked up.I was illuminated by the sun, so I couldn't see clearly from the reflection. I could only vaguely see an old man wearing a thick padded jacket. I didn't recognize him. Xu Yunhan looked around and found no one else.
"Are you talking to me?"

The old man smiled and said, "Otherwise, maybe I'm talking to the stone?! I've been seeing you squatting here all the time. I was a little curious so I came to ask. I didn't bother you."

Xu Yunhan laughed twice, how much she wanted to answer directly, I'm sorry, but as the saying goes, you don't hit a smiling face, and the other person is an old man, so she could only reply sullenly, "It's not an interruption, I'm squatting here , just want to pick the stone I like."

Stone? !The old man grinned, thinking that he really came to buy stones. People in the stone circle would never call wool material that way, because they were afraid that if they were called stones, there would be no emeralds in it.Then he looked at Xu Yunhan with narrowed eyes and said,

"Have you picked one you like? What kind of stone do you want to choose? Would you like me to help you?"

(End of this chapter)

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