Tibetan play style

Chapter 240 Ah Mo, who came home late

Chapter 240 Ah Mo, who came home late

After returning home, Xu Yunhan greeted everyone to eat packed desserts together. Aunt Deng, who hadn’t recovered from the jet lag, had already gone to bed early, and Xu Yuntian, who had been lying on the bed for a whole day, dared to take advantage of her mother’s deep sleep Come out for activities.

Chen Min went into the kitchen and brought out a few small porcelain plates and spoons, put them in front of several people, and then said to Xu Yunhan, "Xiaohan, please call Ah Mo, she didn't come back with me after dinner in the store tonight, Said there was something to do. But it's almost ten o'clock and you haven't come back yet, so you should call and ask."

Xu Yunhan originally thought that Ah Mo was in the room upstairs, and was about to get a plate with a snack for her, but she didn't expect that she hadn't come back yet.Taking out her phone and checking the time, Xu Yunhan frowned,
"Well, I'll call her. Eat slowly. The tiramisu tastes good, so I'll go upstairs first."

As soon as he got up, Xu Yuntian came closer, "I'll find a reason to ask my mom to go to the store at noon tomorrow. I just talked to my dad about it on the phone."

Xu Yunhan looked up at him, "Then it's okay, don't worry, father and son are united, there is nothing we can't do. But I have something to go out tomorrow, if you have something specific, you can contact me then."

"Okay." Seeing the hopes of his parents and good family members, Xu Yuntian, who has always been cruel, smiled very silly at this time, making Xu Yunhan couldn't help but rub his hair like a puppy, and then smiled Go upstairs.

After returning to her bedroom, Xu Yunhan took out her mobile phone and dialed Ah Mo's phone number, and the free ringtone of the song 'I'm looking into the distance~ above the moon...' came out non-stop.Repeating it over and over again, calling and listening again when the busy signal came, until she was about to throw up, but no one answered the phone.

Did this Ah Mo mute the phone again, or did he not bring his mobile phone? !How about going to her bedroom to see if she really didn't bring her mobile phone?As soon as this idea came up, Xu Yunhan remembered that Ah Mo had made a clear request not to allow anyone to enter her bedroom without authorization, and then thinking of Ah Mo's background later, Xu Yunhan immediately dismissed the idea of ​​going to her bedroom.

It's around ten o'clock in the evening, it's not too late, so let's wait, if Ah Mo doesn't come back until tomorrow morning.After making up her mind, Xu Yunhan took a change of clean clothes and went into the bathroom to take a bath, and then took a bubble bath to warm her body and soothe her spirit before she finished.

Wrapped in a bath towel, Xu Yunhan kept wiping her wet hair with a dry towel with both hands. Xu Yunhan walked out of the bathroom to the dressing table to apply skin care products on her face, and then dried her hair before going to bed.

Picking up the mobile phone and calling Ah Mo again, there was still no answer. Checking the time, it was almost eleven o'clock, Xu Yunhan thought about it, put on her nightgown, left the bedroom, and went to the study next to her.She planned to wait for Ah Mo, in order to avoid falling asleep, she might as well come to the study to read a book.

As soon as he approached the desk, Xu Yunhan suddenly felt a severe headache when he saw the yellowed old notebook and the notebook next to the notebook spread out on the table.Uh... It's late at night, she should go to bed later, she doesn't want to struggle late at night with those obscure classical Chinese in the manuscript.

Close the notebook and notebook and put them in the desk drawer. It is better to find a book that is not so tiring to read. Xu Yunhan finally found a collection of antique books to read.There are exquisite and clear pictures, detailed annotations and introductions, which seem to be a bit of a no-brainer.

But it's easy to read. At the same time, there is a disadvantage, that is, it is easy to make people sleepy. After reading most of the book, Xu Yunhan's head began to blur, and his eyes became hazy and blurred.Seeing that the time was getting closer, Xu Yunhan tried his best to open his eyes and put the book in his hand back on the shelf and left the study.

As soon as he walked out of the study, he heard footsteps coming from the stairs. After careful identification, it seemed to be the distance from the first floor to the second floor. Xu Yunhan approached the stairs and pressed the switch of the wall light in the stairwell. The upper body looked down.

"Amo? Are you back?"

Looking down from above, a petite figure could be vaguely seen, Xu Yunhan called softly and tentatively.

The figure who was walking up paused for a moment, and then also leaned out and looked up. The girl wearing a black down jacket and a woolen cap turned out to be Ah Mo.Ah Mo looked at her in surprise, "Xiaohan? Why haven't you slept yet?"

"Wait for you, why did you come back so late, I made so many calls but no one answered, did you turn your phone to silent or didn't bring it at all?" Xu Yunhan said angrily, while tightening her body nightgown, the temperature in the stairs is colder than that in the room, so I walked down the stairs.

"I forgot to bring my mobile phone when I went to the store in the morning. Go and have a rest." Ah Mo laughed dryly. She was never used to carrying a mobile phone that was like an automatic tracker with her, and sometimes she carried a mobile phone with her. On the contrary, it will be inconvenient.

And it's also very unsafe, because through that cold little thing, you can find other people related to her. This is what Ah Mo hates the most. If something happens to her, she must not implicate Xiao Han and the others.Ah Mo quickly went up to the second floor and walked towards her room. Xu Yunhan staggered and grabbed her arm, "I haven't said a few words yet, what are you doing so fast?"


Ah Mo, who was suddenly grabbed by Xu Yunhan, gasped suddenly, and his body trembled. At this time, Xu Yunhan, who was so close, saw that something was wrong, so he quickly let go of his hand, looked around Ah Mo's body up and down, and focused on observing her arm, asked repeatedly, "What's wrong with you? Are you injured?"

Ah Mo, who was touched by the wound just now, turned pale from the pain, but cold sweat was breaking out on his face in the cold weather, and he leaned weakly against the wall next to him. After the intense pain subsided, he raised his eyes to look at her , thought for a while and said, "Well, the left arm is hurt, but it's not too serious."

"What did you do, go, go to the hospital to treat the wound." Xu Yunhan walked up to her worriedly and gently supported her, pressing most of the weight of Ah Mo's body on her.

Ah Mo shook his head, and resolutely refused, "It's just a skin injury, there is no need to go to the hospital, I have medicine for this kind of injury in my room, just apply the medicine for me." Seeing Xu Yunhan's hesitant expression on his face, Ah Mo After repeatedly expressing that he would not make fun of his body, Xu Yunhan gave up the idea of ​​forcing her to the hospital.

Helping Ah Mo to walk into her bedroom slowly, Xu Yunhan paused at the door of the room, Ah Mo seemed to know what she was thinking, looked at her with a smile, and said, "Don't worry, there will be no danger, I will Next to you, so you can come into my bedroom without worry."

 This month, we will try our best to ensure that the mangoes are changed once a day, and next month, we will resume two changes a day. This month is really an eventful month, and we should travel far away, so there is really not enough time.But everyone, don’t abandon the mango, as long as you have time, the mango will code!Mango is still very hardworking~ Our support is the motivation of Mango!

(End of this chapter)

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