Tibetan play style

Chapter 243 Valuable Character

Chapter 243 Valuable Character

The reason why Xu Yunhan said that was because she had seen an interview about old Mr. Cun Baoting in a book on gambling with stones, and there was a photo of him on it.I didn't think about it before, so I didn't pay attention to it. Looking at it now, isn't the old man in front of me the person in the photo on the interview page!

The jadeite king Cunbaoting first had close contact with jadeite because his ancestors transported a large piece of jade back from the old mountain jade field in Menggong, Myanmar. waste jade.So his ancestors put it at the gate at will for tying and dismounting horses.

As time goes on, the skin color of the jade is gradually worn away by the leather strips of the guests and the horse's feet.A few generations later, until Cunbaoting’s generation, the piece of wool was still quietly placed at the door of his house. The means of transportation in the new era is no longer horse-drawn carriages, and the sport of horse riding has also disappeared from people’s daily life. .

Therefore, the wool material originally used for tying horses and getting on and off horses is useless. Cun Baoting, who was just in his early twenties at the time, wanted to remove some wool materials that were blocking the way at the door, but suddenly found that the horse tying stone was exposed. Emerald spots.So he hurriedly carried it to the Jieyu workshop and asked the jade worker to untie it. It turned out to be a piece of bright green emerald jade.This is the first stone betting experience of today's Jade King. Starting from this piece of wool, Cun Baoting began his life that is closely connected and inseparable from jade.

Later he went to Tengchong, Yunnan, where he was very good at betting on rocks, and became famous within a few years. At first, some people attributed it to his good luck, but it seems that his good luck has not been exhausted after decades.Cun Baoting is as good as ever in betting on stones, but only a few times out of countless bets on stones in his life, and these times, it is not that there is no green, but that the emeralds are not so good. Compared with the cost of wool, it is a bit of a loss.

However, the title of Jade King is not just because of his stone gambling level, but more refers to the large-scale jadeite industry he operates.Decades ago, when he was in his early twenties, Cun Baoting entered the Menggong Jade Factory, where he was the first to contract post taxes.When the mining of Laoshan jade gradually became scarce, he seized the mining rights of Xinshan jade, occupied half of the jadeite market in China and Southeast Asia, and became a well-known billionaire and jadeite king in Yunnan and Myanmar.

Such a legendary person did not expect to meet here, how could he meet in BJ, does this old man live here now? !Xu Yunhan was very surprised, and he couldn't connect the smiling, warm and kind old man in front of him with the serious and serious appearance in the report.

Being recognized by her, Cun Baoting's eyes lit up, he stroked his beard with a smile, and said slowly,

"It seems that the little girl is not ignorant of stone betting, and she is here to pick stones today?" Since he can say his name at once, how can he call wool a stone, and he has seen her before. The action of picking wool was like playing around, and Cun Baoting couldn't help but wonder, could this little girl just come into contact with stone gambling? !But even a novice would not choose wool like that, would he?

"Well, I'm also here to pick stones today." Xu Yunhan took out the money to pay the owner of the noodle shop, and then said to Cun Baoting, "You came here to shop too?"

He owns a huge emerald kingdom in his hands, how could he come to visit these small wool shops? !
"Yes, I like to hang out here. How is it? Did you gain anything today?" Cun Baoting said with a chuckle.

As for the people around him, they stood beside him with their hands down quietly and respectfully, and they would not interrupt the conversation between the two of them, but in their hearts, they all felt sorry for the girl who asked Mr. Cun to take the initiative to talk to him and offered to help her choose woolen materials. Curious, they all secretly speculated about her origin.

"Choose one you like, what about you?" Xu Yunhan thought for a while and asked in surprise, "But I'm curious, you always want jadeite, so you still need to come here to look for it, you are the emerald king!"

"What kind of emerald king? It's all nonsense from the big guys in the circle. How can I afford such a king, old man. Now that I am old and my eyesight is dim, so I hardly participate in stone gambling, otherwise I would say no." If you are not careful, you will lose all your wealth. Now I only look at it, and I don’t buy anything. It’s just for fun. I’m here mainly to see everyone betting on stones. The atmosphere here is very good. Well, it's always very lively."

While talking, Cun Baoting looked towards the table where Xu Yunhan was sitting just now, and glanced left and right, "Huh? Didn't you say you bought a stone? Where is the stone you bought?"

"You are too modest." Xu Yunhan, who is so energetic now, doesn't look like he is old and dim, and Xu Yunhan smiled in his heart, "I haven't bought any stones yet, I just said I picked one, but I haven't bought any stones yet. Buy it, otherwise how can you continue shopping with a heavy and big stone. So I just remembered the location of the store and planned to buy it before leaving.”

"Oh? Is that so, then you are not afraid of going to someone else to buy the stone you fancy later?" Cun Baoting said to her with a smile, his eyes full of jokes.

Xu Yunhan shrugged, and said indifferently, "It just means that I have no fate with that stone. If someone else bought it, I will pick another one." Anyway, that piece of jade is not the best jadeite that can absorb energy. It's not very precious, so she naturally doesn't value it too much.With her abilities, it's relatively easy to pick wool with that kind of heat.

Such an unexpected answer stunned Cun Baoting for a moment, then he burst out laughing, patted Xu Yunhan on the shoulder, and said approvingly, "There are too few stone gamblers with your kindness, even if it is me This octogenarian sees the wool material he really likes, and he can't wait to buy it in his hands, and then he will explain the answer to the mystery."

Xu Yunhan waved her hand, and explained rather embarrassedly, "Don't praise me like that, you are absurd, but I think it's because you have a high level of experience. If you like it, you will be able to produce good emeralds, for sure. Afraid of being bought away. And the stone I chose is probably really a stone, so even if someone buys it first, I will not be so disappointed, because maybe I can avoid the disaster of bankruptcy. Every time I do this Think, I'm relieved."

Cun Baoting did not agree with this statement, and her explanation made him feel a little more fond of her, "Little girl, your mentality is commendable, it has nothing to do with your level of experience, but It only concerns people’s hearts. In fact, betting on stones is a kind of gambling, and people who play stone betting are gamblers. At all costs, just to win the gamble! Therefore, when encountering wool fabrics that perform well, everyone will want to buy them, even if there is still a high probability that they will not be green, but the gamblers who are dazzled by those external performances are I can't take care of it anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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