Tibetan play style

Chapter 245 Tahitian Black Pearl

Chapter 245 Tahitian Black Pearl
The mother-of-pearl from which black pearls are produced is a black butterfly oyster that secretes black nacre.The beauty of black pearls lies in its natural black tone with various colorful colors. The most appreciated are iridescent colors such as malachite green, rich purple, and sea blue. Its strong metallic luster will change with the rotation of the pearl, not other Color-changing pearls are comparable.

In ancient China, black pearls represented wisdom.It is guarded between the dragon's teeth and emits an alluring luster.However, whoever wants to get it must first conquer the dragon.The size and power of the dragon make people fearful, so the person who can conquer the dragon must have extraordinary wisdom and bravery, only such a person is worthy of the black pearl.

According to legend, when a drop of dew falls into the sea, if it happens to be caught by a seashell with its mouth open, it will form a crystal white pearl.If the weather is bad, dewdrops from the gray sky fall into the seashells and form a black pearl.This legend has been passed down from the 15th century to the present. People think that black pearls are the tears of the sky when they are sad, so the color is deep and dignified, unlike the lightness and brightness of ordinary white pearls.

In ancient mythology, Tahitian black pearls were a gift from the Creator, the god of harmony and beauty.Therefore, it was valued by the royal family, and it was later called "Pearl Queen" and "Pearl Queen".Natural Tahitian black pearls are very rare as there is only about one black pearl contained in about 1 oysters.

With the excitement of seeing the natural black pearls, Xu Yunhan followed a few people to a small two-story building.It was already past one o'clock in the afternoon, and the popularity of Qishi Street was much higher than that in the cold morning.There are many pedestrians coming and going on the not-so-spacious street, which is very lively.

The two-storey building in front of me is in a quiet corner, and the outside is not full of woolen goods like other shops, but it is clean and there are only a few pots of cold-resistant potted plants on both sides of the gate.Therefore, it is not like other shops where customers and tourists stop to pick wool outside the shop. The outside of this two-story small building is very deserted, which can be described as empty.

But to my surprise, when I walked into the small building, there was a lot of people's voices. The first floor is a hall formed by the opening of two shops. Except for a group of leather sofas in the corner of the wall, the rest of the place is full of Different shapes of emerald wool.There were already [-] to [-] people in the hall, some were carefully inspecting the wool, and some chatted together.

As soon as they walked into the entrance of the hall, the noisy atmosphere immediately quieted down, including those who were seriously looking at the wool, all stood up straight and looked at them.Xu Yunhan was taken aback, and only reacted after regaining consciousness. These people must have recognized the famous Jade King Cun to react like this.

"Oh, Brother Cun, you're here. I was just about to give you a call?" Sure enough, an old man walked up to Cun Baoting with a warm smile.

Cun Baoting raised his wrist, looked at the time on his watch, and said with a smile, "The appointment time is two o'clock in the afternoon, and I'm not late."

"You are still punctual as always, but you never arrive early." While talking, Ji Zhongsheng smiled and nodded to the rest of the people standing beside Cun Baoting, including Xu Yunhan, and then turned to everyone in the hall The person said, "Since everyone has arrived and the time is almost up, friends present who are interested in betting betting can go upstairs to have a look, and friends who are not interested in betting betting can look at wool on the first floor, everyone. Feel free."

After Ji Zhongsheng finished speaking, he gave a few instructions to the clerk he hired, and then led everyone down the stairs to the second floor.There are two rooms upstairs, one of which with the door closed should be a lounge or office, and the room next to it is a warehouse.Ji Zhongsheng briefly introduced the situation upstairs, and soon led a group of people into the room that was used as a warehouse.

As soon as she walked into the room, Xu Yunhan couldn't help rubbing her nose, and covered her nose slightly with her hands. There was a stench in the air in the room, which was really unpleasant.Glancing at the others, most of the reactions were the same as hers.

Ji Zhongsheng, who was walking in front of the big guys, didn't have any reaction to the smell. He was already prepared in his heart, and walked straight to an inflatable pool in the room, pointing to a bunch of different sizes in the pool. One's black disc shell, said,
"Oh, friends, you're used to the smell. Think about it, there may be natural black pearls in it. If you think about it this way, you still think it smells bad?! Surely not. These black disc shells can be It is Tahiti Island from the remote South China Sea French Polynesia Islands, the main origin of natural black pearls.

It took me a lot of effort to get these black-plated oysters. It is well known that the output of natural black pearls is very low. A black pearl oyster can only produce a few black pearls, and the number that can be called jewelry is even less.Because of this, the price of natural black pearls is very expensive, and some black pearls are as high as tens of thousands of yuan.Therefore, betting on beads, especially Heidibei, is quite a gambling, and it is quite fun.

Since the number of Tahitian natural black plate shells brought in this trip is not very large, there are only nearly a thousand in this pool, so I mainly notified you old friends present to come together.My main purpose is actually to have fun with old friends.However, Lao Ji is still a businessman myself, so I still hope to get my capital back, so ah, I still have to charge some money, otherwise it wouldn't be called gambling, right? "

Hearing that many people in the crowd laughed, they joked that Boss Ji is indeed a businessman.Someone else said with a smile, since we are all friends, why do we still charge money? It hurts my feelings!

Ji Zhongsheng, who is quite fat and has a particularly round face, smiled like a Maitreya Buddha, waved his hands unhurriedly, and said to the man in his 40s and 500s who spoke just now, "What kind of relationship are you talking about at this time, Mrs. Money, and you young people have the nerve to rely on my coffin books?! Don’t worry, the price I give you is very kind and reasonable. I will never charge more, um, only [-] yuan each! Absolutely imported Tahitian black disc shells Yo! Good quality and low price, please don’t be polite!”

Before the words fell, everyone present said that the price was not cheap at all, and it was very unkind.People who are familiar with Ji Zhongsheng are even more outspoken.

"Old Ji, the more ruthless you are, the more sincere the smile on your face!"

"Yes, yes, even if it is a natural black plate oyster from Tahitian, who doesn't know that natural black pearls are quite rare. It is said that every 15 oysters are opened to find a natural black pearl."

"You only have about a thousand black shellfish here, and it is very likely that you can't even find a single black pearl. How can it be worth paying 500 yuan for one!"


The reason why Ji Zhongsheng has been emphasizing that these black plate shells come from Tahiti is only because of the international reputation of Tahiti black pearls.

(End of this chapter)

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