Chapter 249

Ji Zhongsheng took a closer look at the black shells she picked, and asked with a smile, "Did you only pick these, little girl?!"

Before Xu Yunhan could answer anything, Cun Baoting came over and said, "Son, you can listen to the advice I gave you just now, look, I found a pearl in those black shells I picked, That's a pure natural black pearl~" After finishing speaking, he winked at Xu Yunhan playfully, as if to express that he was right to listen to me.

Xu Yunhan smiled, and while continuing to stroke the black disc shell in the pool, he said, "You want to take advantage of the victory, buy some more?"

"Yes, but since you haven't finished picking, I'll wait for you to finish picking before buying. I'll buy all the rest you have." Cun Baoting stroked the little goatee on his chin, and looked at it with a smile. she.At the same time, he said to Ji Zhongsheng,

"Brother, look at how loyal I am, how much I help your business. You can come to my place to patronize me anytime."

Ji Zhongsheng quickly waved his hand and said, "Brother, the things you have there are very expensive, not to mention that I am a bad old man who goes to some high-end jewelry stores. But, I usually recommend your store to friends around me." , introduced many buyers to your family!"

Hearing this, the people around immediately expressed their support.

"That's right. The jewelry and jade store under Mr. Cun's name is definitely a leading brand in the industry. When my son got married, he still bought a whole set of jadeite jewelry from Cun Cun Bao Yu for his daughter-in-law."

"I also bought a pair of green jade bracelets from Cuncun Baoyu for my mother's [-]th birthday this year."

"Yo~ Boss Ning is such a dutiful son, a pair of full green jade bracelets must cost at least seven figures."

"That's not true! But it's worth spending the money on my old mother! What's more, Mr. Cun's family's things are definitely the only one, and there is no similarity. They are very valuable for collection, and they will not be lost even as family heirlooms in the future." It's a share, isn't it!"

"That's for sure~"


Cun Baoting has heard a lot of flattery and flattery since he made his fortune, and he has already dealt with it freely. With a natural and gentle smile on his face, he bowed to everyone, "You are so polite~ The most polite person in the business world The most important thing is to satisfy customers, and I hope you will continue to patronize us in the future.”

Originally, when Mr. Cun said that he would buy all the rest after she finished the selection first, Xu Yunhan wanted to be modest, but the attentive people around did not give her a chance to speak.So she had to bury her head and quietly continue to check the mother-of-pearl that she hadn't finished yet, and there were only ten or twenty black disc shells left that she hadn't seen yet.

Huh?This one... A light flashed in Xu Yunhan's eyes, and then he quickly accelerated to check the rest, "Mr. Cun, I have selected them all, and I want twenty of them here." Twenty of them were drawn out of the pile, which was exactly 1 yuan.

Two of them made her feel the heat, and the rest were fine.Xu Yunhan took out 1 yuan in cash from his handbag and handed it to Ji Zhongsheng. After the accounts were clear, a clerk began to open the mother-of-pearl with tools.

"Little girl, if you've chosen it, I'll wrap up the rest." Cun Baoting looked at Ji Zhongsheng, "Calculate how much it is, you can swipe your card."

Ji Zhongsheng nodded with a smile on his face, "Of course it's okay." While talking, he recruited a clerk to help pick up the black shellfish in the water and put them into a bucket, and then said, "Take it over and open it together."

So there were two clerks standing on one side of the scene, handling the black disc shells bought by Cun Baoting and Xu Yunhan at the same time.The people around took a few glances at first, and then they chatted about business and friendship. From the bottom of their hearts, they didn't have hope for today's gambling.How rare and precious this natural black pearl is, and how low the probability of pearls from natural black dish shells is, these bosses and rich businessmen who often deal with jade jewelry are clear.

To be honest, I can come here today to join in the show.Firstly, some of them heard that the well-known emerald king Cun Baoting would be there today, and they thought they would take the opportunity to get acquainted; secondly, they were all old friends and old friends with Ji Zhongsheng for many years. It is also appropriate to come to hold the personal field lively.In other words, the purpose of everyone's trip is not to bet on the bead.

"Please be a little more careful when opening these black-plate shells of mine. I still want to keep these shells to make decorations myself." Xu Yunhan stood next to the clerk who opened the mother-of-pearl for her, and instructed.

She didn't really do it for those shells, but to cover up her act of selecting the black plate shells so carefully in the first place.If someone asks her why she picked them for so long, she will just pull on the surface of the shell.Cough~ After all, it's because she has a guilty conscience and is always afraid that others will find out her secret.

"No problem, I try to be as light as possible when prying." For the customer's request, especially a small request from a rare beauty, the young male clerk readily agreed.It's a woman, and she's a beautiful girl, so she naturally loves beautiful shells, he thought silently, and the movements of his hands were indeed much more cautious.

"Little girl, it turns out that I like the shells of these black disc shells. If I like them, I can take them. You are welcome. I don't need them anyway." Cun Baoting pointed to the more than 200 black discs he bought. Bei said generously.

"Thank you, but I only need the shells I picked, and I don't need so many. I just think these black plate shells are beautiful in appearance, and they can just be pasted on the frame around the photo frame. They should look good." Xu Yunhan's tone Zhongman was full of longing, she felt that her level of lying was increasing day by day during this period, and she could easily pick up each lie without any effort.

"Oh my God!" At this moment, the young male clerk exclaimed, holding his left hand high and approaching his eyes, counting loudly at the same time with round eyes, "One...two...three...four!! Four black pearls!"

Now it can be said that one stone can start a thousand waves!Immediately attracted the attention of everyone around, they all surrounded him in unison.

"What, what's going on?!"

"Four black pearls? No way~"

"Oh, how can you see clearly when everyone is crowded together? Spread out a little, let him jump out the pearl first, and everyone can see it clearly!"

"Isn't it? Let's pick it out first!"

Boom boom boom... boom!Accompanied by four clear and pleasant sounds of falling into the water, four round, lustrous black pearls appeared in front of people.These four black pearls are about the same size, all around 9mm or 10mm, which is a common pearl size.But this does not affect everyone's amazement.

"It is relatively rare to produce four black pearls from a black plate oyster."

"That's true. Even the artificially cultivated black plate shells can hardly produce four pearls. The little girl is really lucky."

 Resume updating, try to guarantee [-] words per day!
(End of this chapter)

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