Tibetan play style

Chapter 266 Like a Madman

Chapter 266 Like a Madman

"What about you, I don't know you anymore? You're really uneducated, and you don't know how to say hello when you see people." Bai Hui stared at Xu Yunhan coldly. She obviously didn't respond when she saw herself. With a snort, he mocked.

Today's Bai Hui is wearing a white mink velvet jacket with a pink lace princess dress inside, matching her petite stature and her pink face with makeup.

People have to say admiration, what a beautiful and delicate little white flower.Men are moved when they see it, and women feel pity when they see it.It's a pity that this little white flower is now infected with "madness" and utters bad words from time to time, so she can't play the role of little white flower as well as before.

When he went to have dinner with Jing Shuo that day, Xu Yunhan saw Bai Hui go crazy once, and he still has lingering fears.

Xu Yunhan looked up at her wrists. It seemed that she had already taken off the green agate bracelet. Otherwise, this little white flower would not be able to walk the streets so freely now, and she might have been admitted to some kind of snake spirit hospital long ago.

It's not a joke to enter the body with evil spirits. In fact, Xu Yunhan also doesn't quite understand what's going on. This is what her grandfather often warned her father.

"Who is talking, where is someone? Why didn't I see it, Xiao Bei, did you see anyone in front of us?" Xu Yunhan looked around as if he didn't see Bai Hui standing in front of him, and then said to Dai Xiaobei beside him .Xu Yunhan was naturally annoyed by Bai Hui who always picked on her every time she appeared, and would not be polite when speaking.

"No, there is no one, is there someone who can say such unqualified words?!" Dai Xiaobei who also met Bai Hui, oh, also remembers Bai Hui's superb mother and her wretched cousin, the memory is still fresh , Dai Xiaobei wrinkled his nose and sniffed while talking, "Why is it so smelly, who has bad breath and ran out on the street without brushing his teeth!"

"You guys!" Bai Hui, who had lost one against two, became anxious, and pointed at Xu Yunhan and Dai Xiaobei one by one, and finally pointed at the tip of Dai Xiaobei's nose, who had just scolded her for her bad breath and didn't brush her teeth, almost poking Dai Xiaobei "You two sluts dare to fight against me, you really don't know how to live or die, believe it or not... Ouch!"

Before Bai Hui could finish her harsh words, Dai Xiaobei, whom she pointed straight at, grabbed her wrist and twisted it hard.Although the fake and weak little white flower is not really that weak, but she is just an ordinary daughter with no strength to restrain a chicken. When she competes with a tough fake loli, she immediately loses the upper hand and screams in pain.

"Let go! Let me go!" With tears in her eyes, Bai Hui struggled for a while but couldn't escape. She turned her head and stared at Dai Xiaobei who was holding her arm. "Is there no one alive in the store? The customer in the store beat someone! Come on! I want to complain about your store! You must complain!"

I don't know if the shopping guide lady in the store really only noticed the movement here now, or because she was worried about the word "complaint" in Bai Hui's mouth.In an instant, together with the shopping guide lady who had just left to help Dai Xiaobei get the new men's clothing, Hulala appeared.

Swish Swish Swish~ Four shopping guide ladies appeared all of a sudden, all with warm smiles on their faces, they rushed up, first they separated Dai Xiaobei and Bai Hui who were pulled together carefully.Then he kept apologizing, but asked what happened just now, and blamed all the faults on them as soon as he opened his mouth. It was their negligence, and they cleverly diverted the sight and attention of the topic.

"Sorry, it's all our fault, we neglected everyone."

"Miss Bai, the clothes you bought have been packed. Is there anything else I can do? Or would you like to look at the other ones?"

"Miss Dai, the new men's clothing has been brought, and I will show it to you now?"


Bai Hui signaled the shopping guide to put the shopping bag containing her shopping on the coffee table in front of the sofa, rubbing her sore arm with one hand, cursing Xu Yunhan and Dai Xiaobei in her heart, staring at them viciously .

"What are you looking at? I've never seen a beautiful woman! Look again, and I'll beat you up again. What are you doing staring at us with that look? If you have the ability, bite me!" Xiao Bei was so stimulated by Bai Hui's poisonous eyes that she went completely berserk. Few people in the Forty-Nine City dared to stare at her like Dai Xiaobei, and threatened her with his fists.

This kind of little white flower who pretends to be weak and is actually more hateful and cruel than anyone else is the most annoying!

Bai Hui was taken aback by Dai Xiaobei's loud yelling, and immediately burst into anger, but she had already experienced Dai Xiaobei's strength value just now, so she was obviously not her opponent, and she went to the street alone again today , without a helper, Bai Hui still hasn't lost her mind.Since the hands won't gain the advantage, let's use the mouth, so Bai Hui glanced at Xu Yunhan and the others disdainfully, and said with a sneer,
"You don't care where I look. I don't want to look at things like you. I'm afraid it will stain my eyes. I'm unlucky today, but I met you. It's really unlucky." Then Bai Hui looked at you with contempt. Dai Xiaobei who shouted at her just now, "Hmph, I mean short! Don't you know how to punch a three-legged cat? Why are you so proud? The less educated you are, the more brutal you are."

Dai Xiaobei, who was ridiculed for being short, was immediately annoyed, and imitated Bai Hui's arrogant pointing at her before, pointing up and down in a circle, and took a few steps forward until she was wearing a pair of high-heeled shoes with a heel of seven or eight centimeters Beside Bai Hui, she raised her hand to make a comparison.

"You have the right to call me short?! After you take off your high heels, you are a few centimeters shorter than me." Dai Xiaobei raised one foot, "Please open your eyes to see clearly, I You're wearing flat shoes, okay?"

Dai Xiaobei is most annoyed by others talking about her height. She can't afford to be hurt by a girl who always sits in the first row of school since she was a child!Can't afford to hurt!

The indistinguishable Bai Hui directly ignored her justification, stepped on her high heels arrogantly, looked down at Dai Xiaobei beside her, snorted coldly, ignored her and turned to look at Xu Yunhan who was aside.

Compared with the small friction with Dai Xiaobei, Bai Hui really hated this shameless woman who often seduces her brother Jing Shuo.At this time, Bai Hui noticed that the shopping guide in the store brought out a lot of new men's clothing for Xu Yunhan and the others. She was surprised. This woman would not come to buy gifts for Brother Jing Shuo like her. How could she know that Brother Jing Shuo liked it? this brand? !

This bitch really has plans for her elder brother Jing Shuo!The bitch doesn't even look in the mirror to see what she looks like, but dare to think about her big brother Jing Shuo. Bai Hui looked at Xu Yunhan viciously, and said sharply,

"Bitch, you'd better stay away from Big Brother Jing Shuo! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!" After speaking, Bai Hui gave Xu Yunhan a gouging look, turned around and left with her shopping bag.

"Who are you calling a bitch? Stop and see if I won't give you two punches today!" Dai Xiaobei was furious when he and his sister were insulted again and again, and was about to run over to catch Bai Xiaobei. Hui, but was grabbed by Xu Yunhan, "Xiao Bei, don't go. That woman has a brain problem, she is a lunatic. I have seen her madness last time. Don't stimulate her, lest she lose her mind and go crazy again." Crazy like last time."

Xu Yunhan spoke in a serious manner, which made the other people in the room stunned. Xu Yunhan was right. Last time, Bai Hui's reaction was no different from that of a lunatic. It hasn't completely disappeared, anyway, in Xu Yunhan's opinion, Bai Hui's skill in playing the weak little white flower is far worse than when she was normal.

When Dai Xiaobei heard what she said, he chuckled, and most of his anger dissipated, "Hanhan, you are more poisonous than me. That's right, isn't that woman just like a lunatic?"

"Is that lady crazy?" The shopping guide ladies who had watched the whole farce muttered with puzzled faces, "It shouldn't be, talking or something is quite normal..."

(End of this chapter)

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