Tibetan play style

Chapter 268 The Old Lady in the Cold Wind

Chapter 268 The Old Lady in the Cold Wind

The young man who has been in this industry for several years with rich experience and a quick mind immediately understood, smiled and trotted forward, "Hello, welcome, may I help you?"

As soon as he entered the door, before he could see what the store looked like, a person popped out in front of his eyes. Xu Yunhan was stunned for two seconds, looking at the owner, Dai Xiaobei.

"Do you have small old items that are not easy to break?" Dai Xiaobei said according to what Xu Yunhan summed up for her just now.

"Okay, please come in and sit down first." The young man looked around and figured out who the main customer was, but he didn't ignore Xu Yunhan's existence. He still had to look after her from time to time, and walked half sideways. He led them to Xu Qiangui, "This is our Ronghua boss, Boss Xu. You two want to drink something. We have tea or warm water here."

Tea or warm water... Do you need something to drink with these two options? !

Xu Yunhan and Dai Xiaobei ordered warm water tacitly, Xu Qiangui smiled at the staff, he was quite satisfied with his performance just now, and his eyes signaled, um, not bad, step back and serve the water.Then he looked at Dai Xiaobei, "Little girl, you want to see small things, right?"

"Well, do you have the one that is easy to carry?" Dai Xiaobei emphasized.

"Yes, why not." The person who opened the antique store opened his mouth, how could there be no customer needs, no matter whether the symbols match or not, first bring it up for people to see, Xu Qiangui filtered the current inventory in the store in his mind, "Excuse me Do you buy it for your own collection or as a gift? If you are a little girl, you can play by yourself, I have a lot of gold and silver utensils and ornaments from ancient times, the workmanship is exquisite, and it is very suitable for you girls to play with."

"My friend bought it as a gift for male elders, not for my own collection. Boss Xu, do you have any other miscellaneous things here?" Xu Yunhan interrupted him, and then asked in a slow tone.Xu Yunhan knew what was going on as soon as Xu Qiangui introduced the gold and silver utensils and accessories. He regarded the two of them as tourists who came to hang out.

This set of rhetoric is the same as what Ouyang Lie said when he saw a young girl wandering into the store. After all, we all know that women love jewelry, so we can't go wrong recommending this kind of things.In fact, the so-called gold and silver accessories recommended by them are not antiques, most of them are antique accessories, but they must be more refined than those sold at the stalls outside, and the materials used are more elegant.But it is indeed welcomed by many women, girls and girls. What they pursue is beauty and beauty, not real antiques.

"Miscellaneous items~" Xu Qiangui looked at Xu Yunhan with a smile. It seemed that this little girl knew a little bit, so she stopped mentioning gold and silver jewelry and utensils. , then we have to exclude pottery and porcelain, and there are a lot fewer choices..." Xu Qiangui habitually draws out his voice, and after thinking about it, his eyes light up.
"Don't tell me, girl, you are so lucky. Two days ago, we just received a natural ink painting and marble screen in a gold silk frame. It is definitely an old object that opened the door. It is a proper Qing Dynasty. It is eight or nine centimeters wide and long. It is more than ten centimeters high, and it is absolutely convenient to carry. There is also a paperweight with a reclining Arhat carved in Shoushan Stone in Peach Blossom Cave in the Qing Dynasty, which is also very good.

Dai Xiaobei glanced at Xu Yunhan, and seeing that she had no objection as a consultant, she agreed, "Okay."

Xu Qiangui has such a good eye, he naturally noticed Dai Xiaobei's little tricks. Generally speaking, the buyer would care so much about the opinions of the accompanying people. In most cases, the accompanying people knew about antiques and found them specially Experts, at least know how to judge two or three points.

But... Xu Qiangui secretly looked at Xu Yunhan suspiciously. Such a young girl knows how to appraise?

Xu Qiangui didn't believe it. His son was in his thirties, and he had been exposed to antiques since he was a child, but now he still doesn't know much about it.And the little girl in front of her looked like she was in her early twenties at most, how could she have reached such a high level, but it was possible to have a little more superficial knowledge than the other girl.

Indeed, Xu Yunhan's appearance and body nourished by spiritual power said that he had just turned eighteen, and some people would believe it.Xu Qiangui guessed in his early twenties, but he tried his best to guess as old as possible.

Such a little girl said that she is an expert in antiques, who would believe it? !Xu Qiangui shook his head secretly, he must have thought too much.

When Xu Qiangui left to pick up things inside, the enthusiastic clerk came over with a tray with two cups of warm water and politely put it in front of them.

Not long after, Xu Qiangui came back with two boxes in his arms, gently put them on the table, opened them and took out two things.A natural ink painting with a gold silk nan frame and a cloud and stone screen, and a paperweight with an ingeniously carved lying arhat carved from Shoushan Stone in Peach Blossom Cave. Xu Qiangui introduced that these two pieces are things from the Qing Dynasty, and the inheritance is orderly.

"This old Jinsi Nan inkstone screen from the Qing Dynasty is a good thing to open the door at first glance. This thing is returned from overseas. It is old and authentic. It has complete appearance and exquisite workmanship. It is absolutely a rare beauty. The material of the screen frame It is the best golden nanmu, with good wood oil and high density. And look at the ink and color paintings on the stone screen, how freehand." Xu Qiangui let them hold it casually, and chattered to them,

"As for this Shoushan stone paperweight, you can see how soft and beautiful the pulp is. It was opened in the Qing Dynasty, and the carvers are very sophisticated. The peach blossom jelly is extremely moist and transparent, very warm and delicate. The texture is like lychee pulp. The peach blossom color is very bright and vivid, full of joy. Feeling, clever color carving, smooth and vivid lines, well-drawn, and very good appearance, whether it is a gift for relatives and friends or for your own collection, it is a very good choice."

Xu Yunhan took a look at it, and found that this top-notch salesman was quite honest. The two items were indeed from the Qing Dynasty, and they were of good quality.It seems that Uncle Xu's recommendation here is indeed reliable.So she nodded to Dai Xiaobei and told her that both were good, and it was up to her to choose which one to choose.

"Boss Xu, how much do you sell these two things for?" Dai Xiaobei felt that both were good, but he couldn't make up his mind, so he asked the price and made a comprehensive consideration.

As soon as he finished speaking, Dai Xiaobei raised his head and looked outside, muttering, "...Why is that old lady outside standing there all the time?"

Dai Xiaobei was sitting directly facing the store door, so she could clearly see the situation outside the store door through the glass sliding door.She had seen the old lady quite a while ago, and she didn't pay much attention at first, but when she saw it now, the old lady was still standing there, and she would glance at the antique store from time to time.

This is a bit eye-catching, so Dai Xiaobei asked this question.

Hearing that Xu Qiangui looked outside, there was indeed an old woman standing outside, holding her hands in the cold wind and shivering from the cold, looking carefully, she vaguely saw something in her arms.Xu Qiangui thought for a while, and said to the clerk, "Go out and have a look, and if the old lady has something to do, please invite her in."

 Ask for a subscription, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket! !
(End of this chapter)

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