Tibetan play style

Chapter 284 The First Move

Chapter 284 The First Move

Xu Yunhan didn't recognize it at first, but when he took a closer look at the arrogant and confident expression on the face of the woman in front of him, it looked familiar~
Isn't this the woman I met when I went to Shenghui Jewelry Shop to discuss things with Tong Jihuan last time, her name is Ye Yue.

"Ms. Ye, hello, long time no see~" Xu Yunhan smiled at her and said.

Ye Yue came from a good tutor, so of course she knew how to reach out and not hit a smiling person, and there was a smile on her face, which was considered friendly to Xu Yunhan, but her words were not so friendly.I saw Ye Yue sized up Xu Yunhan and Jing Shuo beside her for a while, and said,

"It seems that the two of us are quite destined. How can we meet you everywhere, and always on Ze Yu's territory. I can't help but wonder what is the relationship between you and Ze Yu. But in private I don't seem to have heard Ze Yu mention you, Miss Xu."

"Miss Ye and I have only met once, can you just ask such a private matter?! Besides, the relationship between me and Guan Zeyu seems to have nothing to do with you." Xu Yunhan glanced at her, feeling a little unhappy, Why do I always meet this kind of woman suffering from snake spirit disease?

Ye Yue sneered twice, "It has nothing to do with me, I'm Ze Yu's fiancée, so I hope you stay away from my family, Ze Yu, women should love themselves."

"Why didn't I know Mr. Guan of Dingsheng Group had a fiancee?" Jing Shuo frowned, and looked at Ye Yue suspiciously, "Miss, faking scandals is not a sign of self-love for a woman."

Jing Shuo is also a member of the upper class. Although he doesn't know Guan Zeyu or all the people in this class, he still knows the basic situation of most people.This is something he has to learn from childhood, in case he will use it on which occasion someday.After coming to this wool auction today, Jing Shuo knew that it was organized by Dingsheng Group. He had heard about the young and promising Mr. Guan of Dingsheng Group, but he didn't expect Xu Yunhan to have contact with him.

Guan Zeyu was rumored to be a man with a lot of gossip, and Jing Shuo was not very happy about Xu Yunhan getting involved with Guan Zeyu.But he has no position...

Just as he was feeling unhappy, an annoying woman rushed out, and she even brought Xu Yunhan and Guan Zeyu together in a nonsensical manner. Jing Shuo immediately turned black and refuted and mocked Ye Yue.What's more, this woman is obviously lying, he has never heard the news that Mr. Guan of Dingsheng Group is engaged.

Ye Yue, whose lie was exposed on the spot, couldn't help but glared at Jing Shuo angrily, "What kind of onion are you? Don't talk nonsense if you don't know anything."

When Jing Shuo didn’t take over the family business or Jinnian Group, he always followed his grandfather Suo Yunyong, who loves antiques, history and old traditions, all over the world. He went to many ancient countries and admired many old objects from various cultures and nationalities. .Not being in the capital for a long time, naturally not many people knew him, and apart from a few close friends, he didn't know a few people from other powerful families in the capital.

What's more, Ye Yue's family is not really a wealthy family, it just has some money.Not from the same circle, plus Jing Shuo's low-key personality, Ye Yue naturally didn't know him.

Jing Shuo frowned impatiently, unwilling to continue to talk to Ye Yue, as it would only embarrass himself to continue entangled with such a naughty woman, so he said to Xu Yunhan, "Xiaohan, let's go over there to look at woolen materials."

"What's the matter, you feel guilty and want to run?!" Ye Yue snorted coldly, and chuckled contemptuously.

Is it tolerable or unbearable, why is this Ye Yue so bad, she said that she can forget it, and scolded Jing Shuo together, Xu Yunhan couldn't bear it anymore, secretly mobilized her spiritual power to gather at her fingertips, thinking back The method recorded in the ancient books...


The spiritual power transformed into spiritual energy blocked Ye Yue's Yamen acupoint on the back of her neck at this moment, and it gradually became tighter and tighter... For a person with such a smelly mouth, let her smelly mouth stop for a while, Xu Yunhanshen It took only a few seconds to finish all this unknowingly, and then said, "Jing Shuo, let's go, the air here is not good, there is always such a bad smell. As for Miss Ye, please do it yourself .”

So Jing Shuo stretched out his arm in a gentlemanly manner, and Xu Yunhan held him and left. Ye Yue's eyes widened, and when he was about to scold someone, he suddenly felt a tingling pain in his throat. He coughed a few times and came back to his senses. Shuo and the two have already walked away.

Hmph, you guys are running fast, Ye Yue cursed in a low voice, then went to the wine counter and asked for a glass of juice to moisten her throat.Could it be that I drank too much wine last night, why is my throat so uncomfortable...

"Would you like to sit down and rest for a while?" Jing Shuo looked at Xu Yunhan with concern and asked, he would naturally be in a bad mood when he met the kind of person just now.

Xu Yunhan turned her head and glanced in the direction of Ye Yue, and shook her head in a good mood, "I want to continue looking at woolen stuff, if you are tired, find a place to sit and have a rest."

"I'm not tired, so I'll accompany you to take a look there, there are still a lot of woolen stuff to look at." Of course Jing Shuo was willing to accompany her on a stroll.

In this way, Xu Yunhan, accompanied by Jing Shuo, spent most of the day looking through all the woolen materials in the venue, and she really let her find two pieces of emeralds rich in spiritual energy. One piece is the wool in the dark mark.

Xu Yunhan didn't plan to buy wool for famous watches, because the five pieces of wool that were listed as clear bids all performed very well, and it was auctioned by public bidding, and in the end the fight was all about financial resources, which Xu Yunhan was far inferior to those wealthy businessmen. money people.

So after reading all the wool, Xu Yunhan's main goal was the aura-rich dark-marked wool and a few good jade stones that belonged to the dark-marked wool.After she was optimistic about the wool, she didn't write the bidding document and put it in the box at the first time, but planned to wait until the last moment to write the bidding and bidding.

Although she can see the situation in the stone clearly, she can't see the current price of the corresponding woolen material, let alone the ideal price of the corresponding woolen material in people's minds.Even if the other few pieces of wool were not thrown down, Xu Yunhan would be fine, but she planned to buy that piece of emerald wool full of aura.

So Xu Yunhan had to take special measures, that is, to bid at the last moment, and use the perspective ability to look at the bid prices of other people in the box before bidding.In this way, she can win the bid as much as possible by filling in a price higher than the highest price among them.

Well, this is indeed a somewhat shady method, but it is the safest way to buy that dark-labeled wool full of spiritual energy. Xu Yunhan is not a pure saint, so act according to what you think in your heart.

(End of this chapter)

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