Tibetan play style

Chapter 286 Four Young Talents

Chapter 286 Three Young Talents
The three of them returned to the auction hall after dinner. It was close to the start time of the auction, and there were more people in the hall again, and it was more lively than any other time during the day.

Some people came here specially for the five pieces of marked-label wool that started shooting at night, so they only came at night.Xu Yunhan had seen the five pieces of marked wool, and they were indeed very good, and green could be seen inside, and the bright green jadeite in one of them was full of aura, which made her very greedy, but the economic strength was compared with these powerful people It's so far away that I can only give up.

However, not all of these five pieces of wool are good materials. One of them has a stone skin on the outside that is outstanding, but inside it is a kind of thick, dry, and non-moistening shit material. Whoever buys this piece must be big. Lose money.

How else can it be said that it is difficult for an immortal to break an inch of jade!

Isn't that Mr. Cun? !Not long after entering the hall, Xu Yunhan noticed Cun Baoting surrounded by a group of people, and Guan Zeyu also noticed, so the three of them walked towards the crowd.

"Hello, Mr. Cun~"

Cun Baoting, who was annoyed by the overly enthusiastic crowd and wanted to get out of the way, looked up and smiled, "What do you want me to do? Okay, let's go and talk." He squeezed out the crowd and walked towards them Winking, he led the three of them to a quiet corner.

"It's possible to hide in peace~" Cun Baoting sighed, took a sip of the cup of tea he took from the waiter, and turned to look at the three young people in front of him, especially Guan Zeyu and Xu Yunhan. After a while, he asked, "Ze Yu, Xiao Han, do you two know each other?"

"Well, we are friends." Guan Zeyu turned his head to look at her, and respectfully answered Cun Baoting's question.

"En." Xu Yunhan echoed.

Jing Shuo immediately introduced himself, "Hello, my name is Jing Shuo." Just now Xu Yunhan briefly introduced the old man in front of him in a low voice, the famous Jade King, as if he had been mentioned by a friend who played with jade before.

Cun Baoting nodded lightly, as a response to the three people's greetings, "...Jing Shuo? Suo Yunyong is yours...?"

"It's my grandpa, do you know my grandpa?" Grandpa never mentioned knowing the Emerald King, and grandpa is not good at gambling with stones, so Jing Shuo's reaction was a bit surprised.

Cun Baoting didn't answer him directly, instead he snorted indifferently, and stopped talking to Jing Shuo.

Jing Shuo, who was thrown off face, was at a loss. His way of asking questions was okay, so why did he offend this old man? !After thinking about it, I guess this guy has a grudge against his grandfather, he has become a fish in the pond.

The atmosphere was awkward for a while, and the three juniors looked at each other innocently without knowing why. Xu Yunhan, the only one among the three who got the old man's good face, thought for a while and asked with a smile, "Grandpa, are you here alone?"

"I'm not alone, I'm here with my grandson." Facing the junior who he liked, Cun Baoting put on a smile again, and when he mentioned his grandson...he rolled his eyes Turned around, looked at her, and said with an aggrieved expression, "My grandson, you are not filial. You agreed to come with me, but in the end, you came. As soon as you arrived at the venue, you went to discuss business with someone, leaving the old man alone. People put aside and ignore me."

The corner of Guan Zeyu's mouth twitched uncontrollably. He was sure that the real situation was that the old man was impatient with someone following him and sent his grandson aside.

He was too aware of how much his cousin was afraid of this grandpa, who grew up being suppressed and tortured since he was a child.

Hearing what Cun Baoting complained to him, Xu Yunhan didn't know how to reply for a while, it was obviously not good to help the old man scold his grandson, so he had to comfort him, maybe your grandson really has something important to do.

"Xiao Han, you can accompany me to find my grandson." Seeing her agreeing without hesitation, Cun Baoting was very happy, um, what a wonderful girl like this.

So in such a strange situation, Cun Baoting laughed at Yan Yan and led the three of them to look for his grandson. On the way, he met people who came to talk to him, and they all replied, "I'm sorry I'm busy now, please wait later if you have something to do."


"Grandpa~" Hearing the familiar serious voice, Cun Ruizhu couldn't care less about continuing to discuss business with the people beside him, and immediately straightened his back and turned towards the source of the voice, shouting respectfully, and after turning around, he glanced first Cun Baoting, and then noticed the three people behind his grandfather, "Ze Yu? Why did you show up? I just asked Master Tong where you were. As the master, you showed up too late."

"Grandpa Cun, hello~" The people around greeted Cun Baoting at the same time, and the old man nodded lightly. Most of these people knew his temperament, so naturally they didn't care about his cold response.

"I'm sorry, I was slow, thank you very much for the honor today." Guan Zeyu took two steps forward, patted his cousin on the shoulder, and then greeted those around Cun Ruizhu.These people not only have business contacts with Cun Ruizhu, but also have many cooperations with him.

"Isn't this Mr. Jing from Jinnian Group?" A boss who shook hands with Guan Zeyu noticed Jing Shuo standing behind and said in surprise.

"That's right, it's Boss Jing. What a coincidence, we just met yesterday, and we met here again today." Another boss laughed.

When meeting acquaintances, Jing Shuo naturally needs to stand up and socialize, "Director Zhang, President Wang..."

They are all people in the business field, and they pay attention to the network. They greeted the people they knew first, and then introduced other people who were not familiar with each other.

"It's boring~" Cun Baoting pursed his lips, leaned close to Xu Yunhan and muttered, "Doing business is extremely boring."

Xu Yunhan, who also didn't like socializing, nodded in agreement.

"Old Lin, didn't we say before that Jing Shuo, Guan Zeyu, and Cun Ruizhu are the most outstanding young talents in Beijing today? The appearance of these three together today is definitely a highlight. Many ladies came to participate, probably not for jade."

"Haha~ Mr. Lu, don't you have a little daughter who is of marriageable age..."

"..." Jing Shuo, Guan Zeyu, and Cun Ruichao.

To say that the most unsatisfactory thing in the business world is that most of the people at the same level are uncles or grandpas. Their marriages are always attracting attention and the pressure is very high!

"Ruizhu, come and get to know Xiaohan." Cun Baoting waved to his grandson, and everyone's attention suddenly rushed to Xu Yunhan beside him, looking suspiciously, this girl is...?
Originally, everyone just thought who brought the female companion, so they didn't take it seriously, and no one asked who she was, but now it seems that it is not someone's female companion. (Everyone understands the meaning of female partner here, referring to mistresses, mistresses, etc.)

 In the past few days, Mango has been working hard to make up updates. There will be another update this afternoon and one in the evening. Grab your claws!
(End of this chapter)

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