Tibetan play style

Chapter 294 The results are out

Chapter 294 The results are out

"I am 28 years old this year, and I am indeed not young."

Xu Yunhan said frankly that as for Zhang Peipei's angry stare just now, she didn't take it to heart, and it was understandable.Any woman who is taken out for comparison by others and draws the conclusion that she is older than others will be angry.

"28 years old?! I can't tell at all, look how good this skin is..." Guan Meiling looked at her in surprise, and pulled her over to discuss the way of beauty care. Cun Zhiqin also came over, All the women present gathered here except Zhang Peipei who was sulking.

The men sat together to chat about business and news. Zhang Ruizhao, who was still studying and was not interested in these things, took out a game console from his schoolbag and played games online.

That day Xu Yunhan had lunch at Cun's house before leaving, and Cun Ruizhu took her all the way home considerately under the order of the old man.

Not long after she got home, she received a call from Uncle Xu, saying that the results of the postgraduate entrance examination had come out, and asked her to check her scores online.

"Go and check it quickly, and call me when you find it."

Public courses: Politics 59, English 78, professional courses: 126 and 134, with a total score of 397!Compared with the re-examination scores of the Department of Archeology of Beijing University over the years, the conclusion is gratifying.

Her score is unexpectedly high!Seeing the numbers displayed on the screen, Xu Yunhan was stunned for a long time. She has always been a student with poor grades since she was a child, and she was able to catch the last train of a high-scoring winner. It was so exciting.

Immediately called Xu Da to report the good news.

"Great, it seems that you have no problem entering the re-examination, but I just don't know the results of other applicants for this major this time. Didn't Professor Song leave a call for you last time, you should call him quickly and say Speaking of your grades, it’s best to ask him to have a meal and talk about your exams. Make a good impression on Professor Song.”

Xu Da couldn't care about the customers and business in the store for the time being, and after telling Ouyang Lie to take care of the customers, he concentrated on discussing with her on the phone.

"Okay, I'll contact Professor Song later."

As for the matter of asking a master to learn how to gamble with a master today, she talked about it for a while, but in the end she still didn't take the initiative to tell Xu Da.Obviously, if Uncle Xu knew that she was betting on stones, he would definitely educate her and stop her from continuing to gamble on stones.

But if she didn't gamble with stones, it would be difficult for her to find something with aura to replenish her spiritual power. For example, the ancient jade with aura that she encountered that time was even rarer than the top-grade jadeite.

So she had to continue betting on stones, which was a helpless move, but in fact she was really interested in betting on stones.

After hanging up Uncle Xu's phone, she contacted Professor Song Huaiyi, but Professor Song didn't remember who she was at all. After Xu Yunhan mentioned Liu Xiangwen and his son, he remembered her and after knowing her grades After hesitating for a while, he agreed to her proposal to go out for dinner together.

There is a proverb: things should not be delayed, late will make changes.

So Xu Yunhan decisively made an appointment with Professor Song to have dinner on the same day, and called Liu Xiangwen to ask Mr. Song what kind of food Professor Song likes to eat. After learning that Professor Song would be vegetarian every year and year after year, she found a famous vegetarian restaurant. museum.

After everything was arranged, she went into the study to read, and all she read were books on archaeology. A while ago, she was busy studying the rare books left by the family, and she was too busy using her spiritual power, so she didn't read any books on archaeology.I'm going to have dinner with Professor Song in the evening, so what if I don't hug Buddhism temporarily!
In one breath, I saw 04:30 in the afternoon, then put on my makeup and appearance, and was ready to go. After thinking about it, I took a book and stuffed it in my bag, so that I could look through it in case of a traffic jam.When I got downstairs, I talked to Aunt Min, then went to the garage and drove away.

She made an appointment with Professor Song at six in the evening, and there was no traffic jam on the road when she left early, so she arrived at this vegetarian restaurant at 05:30, and the waiter directly led her into the pre-booked private room, and Song didn't wait long. The professor even arrived early.

Xu Yunhan secretly rejoiced that today she deliberately went out early and there was no traffic jam, otherwise she would definitely arrive later than Professor Song.

"Professor Song, hello, please sit down."

Xu Yunhan hurriedly got up, took two steps forward, and opened the chair for the guests, the guest seats in the entire private room.

"Hello, thanks."

Song Huaiyi slightly raised the corner of his mouth and nodded lightly.

During the dinner, Song Huaiyi didn't say much, he has always adhered to the habit of "eat without talking, sleep without talking". After Xu Yunhan noticed it, he also ate quietly, and paid attention to what dishes Professor Song liked, and she turned the rotating tray without any trace , to make it easier for him to pick up vegetables.

After a few times, Song Huaiyi naturally noticed her small movements, but he didn't say anything at the moment.After finishing the meal, Xu Yunhan invited Professor Song to the special tea-tasting room in the Suzhai restaurant, "My uncle likes to drink tea very much. I really like this tea."

After speaking, he asked the waiter to serve tea, and said apologetically, "This restaurant does not have a professional tea master, and the conditions are limited. I hope you will forgive me."

Song Huaiyi took the teacup handed over by the waiter, frowned slightly, and glanced at her lightly, "Where do young people learn so many silly polite words..."

"..." Wasn't that because at the beginning I didn't know how you always acted? After realizing that he didn't like nonsense, Xu Yunhan talked a lot, and asked in one mouth, "Do you think I can become the best man this time?" Are you a graduate student? Look at my grades, are they passable?"

Although at the beginning it was because of Uncle Xu that I decided to take the postgraduate entrance examination, but later I really felt that it is good to study for a high degree. Now I know the grades, and the grades are not bad.Under such circumstances, of course I very much hope to be admitted.Didn't everyone say that a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier!

Song Huaiyi noticed the eager anticipation in her eyes, and showed the first smile of the night, but it disappeared soon. He is a person who doesn't like to smile, "I will only agree after you tell me your grades." Came out for dinner. What does that mean?"

Explain what...?
Xu Yunhan's mind was stuck for a while, and then she cleared it up, smiling brightly, and said cheerfully, "It means I have great hope!" It seems that her grades this time are really good, hehe~
"However, the final result will not be confirmed until the re-examination is over. Your initial test results will definitely be able to enter the re-examination, so you should review carefully during this time. I will recruit three places this year, and one of them has already been confirmed. It is an undergraduate student. Peking University students from the Department of Archeology were directly recommended, so there are only two places left, so let's work hard."

She didn't enjoy herself for a long time, and then she was poured cold water by Professor Song, she cheered up and asked what books she needed to read for the re-examination.

 It is really not easy to take the postgraduate entrance examination. Mango is here to offer some help to students all over the world!
(End of this chapter)

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