Tibetan play style

Chapter 297 An open and honest talk

Chapter 297 An Open and Honest Conversation

"The mentality of the Xu family has really been lost. What good would it do for me to lie to you? As for why my appearance changed so much when I returned to my hometown that time, it was actually because of a method I found in my hometown. It was left to me by my grandfather. If you want to ask me exactly what happened, I’m actually in a daze now. I just remember that I slept for a day and a night, and when I woke up the next morning, I found myself so thin that I was now. "

Although she had some trust in Luo Feng, Xu Yunhan still wouldn't reveal Yuchan's secrets to anyone, so she explained to him with a mixture of truth and falsehood, admitting that it was indeed the adventure that happened when she returned to her hometown last time. Change, but because it is a family secret, it is inconvenient to tell outsiders in detail, and the specific process of the adventure, I'm sorry, she is in a coma and sleeping, so I don't know.

Just like this, the description is clear, but in fact no real information is revealed.

Luo Feng looked at her thoughtfully, and after pondering for a while, he said, "That's right, since it's a family secret left by the elders, then it's inconvenient for me to ask more questions."

"What's the mental method you're talking about? Like martial arts secrets or something? Internal Qigong?" Xu Yunhan looked at him curiously, "And the magical technique you said to find the family together, do you mean the mental method? ? Your family is incomplete, and mine is even more lost. Where can I find it? Can I find it back?"

Seeing that he stopped asking questions, she was greatly relieved, and at the same time threw out N questions in succession, changing the topic to something she was interested in.

"The minds of our two families are different, but they are not martial arts in the traditional sense, but a mental method of cultivating spiritual energy, so as to obtain spiritual energy and then control spiritual energy. With spiritual energy, you can learn other techniques, and you also have It has the ability to transcend ordinary people. But at present, my family's mental method is only the part of external body training. After practicing, it can only strengthen the body, and the energy and blood are more abundant than ordinary people.

I don't know exactly what the mentality of the Xu family is, after all, the mentality of our two families is different.Although incomplete and incomplete, lost and lost, we are not powerless. The ancestors of our two families may have figured out the current situation, or they themselves are very thoughtful.I found a record from the ancestors of the Luo family, which stated that the mental methods of the Xu and Luo families were copied in detail and followed a couple of the Xu family into the burial and tomb.

The couple of the Xu family, the male is the head of the Xu family, and the female is Xu Luo, the younger sister of the head of the Luo family in Guixi at that time.The record mentioned that the reason why the two minds were buried together was to leave a way for the younger generations of the two families.I guess it should be that the ancestors had considered the wars and strife that the country endured later, and the Xu Luo family gradually declined during that time, so they kept the backup of their mental methods in the ancient tomb.

I have been looking for the descendants of the Xu family all these years, just hoping to find the ancient tombs of the ancestors together, and find their respective minds.It is mentioned in the recorded text that if you want to find the ancient tomb, you must have two blood descendants present at the same time, and the younger party will never be able to see the entrance of the ancient tomb. "

Luo Feng patiently explained the whole thing clearly. He has been looking for the possible location of the ancient tomb all these years, but he doesn't know if he really needs the blood descendants of the Xu family to do it together.He worked part-time as a tomb robber and traveled all over the world, breaking through many tombs, but he really couldn't find the Xu couple.So he began to look for people to inquire more seriously about the descendants of the Xu family in Huaiyang.

Just when he was about to give up in despair, he met Xu Yunhan. It was not surprising that her surname was Xu, but she was able to detect the existence of evil spirit, which caught his attention.Later, he took the initiative to provide her with low-priced antiques, approached her, and found someone to investigate her, and finally lived up to expectations. She is a descendant of the Xu family in Huaiyang.

He seemed to see the hope of rediscovering the family's mentality and revitalizing the Luo family!

Luo Feng burst out a very large amount of information at once, and Xu Yunhan chewed and digested it slowly for a while before integrating all the information.

"Then what mental method is for cultivating aura? Is it true or not? Why does it feel like you are telling a fantasy novel? Is there really any aura in the world?" She asked back with a face full of doubts and disbelief. Don't lie to me. expression.

"Since evil spirits can exist, why can't spirit energy be real?"

"Okay, let's not talk about aura and mentality for now, where is the tomb that you mentioned that hides the spirituality?"

Luo Feng shrugged and spread his hands, "Unfortunately, I don't know, I haven't been able to find it, and I don't even have a clue."

"..." Xu Yunhan was a little speechless, "There are no clues, so what's the point of going to the tomb together to find the way of thinking."

"I searched alone and couldn't find it, but it doesn't mean that the two of us searched together and couldn't find it." Luo Feng said, "I've been researching this for a long time, and I think it's very possible that someone in Xu's family can help find the tomb. For other information, the Luo family recorded the information that the tomb contained mental methods, while the Xu family kept the information about the location and orientation of the tomb. It would not work without any one of the materials, so this requires the cooperation of the two families."

Is that so?Xu Yunhan couldn't believe it, thought for a while, and said, "I haven't seen any records that mention the tomb of Xu's ancestors, but I will pay attention to it, and I will contact you if there is any. As for looking for the tomb to find the heart Let’s discuss this matter when we find clues about the tomb.”

During the meeting and conversation with him today, I have learned all the information she wanted to know. As for the thoughts of the two families that Luo Feng mentioned that the tomb had been buried together as funeral objects.At present, there is not even a reliable clue. She plans to wait a few months to read through the two boxes of ancient rare books uploaded by her ancestors at home to find out if there are any relevant records.

Even if the two families had an old relationship in the past, and they were good friends for thousands of years, she would not blindly believe everything he said.People's hearts are separated by belly, she doesn't know this person yet, and she has to wait and see.

Maybe the mental method really still exists, and she doesn't deny that when he said that practicing the mental method can cultivate aura, she was eager to move in her heart.If she can practice spiritual energy, wouldn't she not have to work hard to find things that contain spiritual energy to enhance her spiritual power?

But why is it to practice spiritual energy instead of spiritual power?Judging from the spells she read from those ancient and rare books during this period, they all rely on spiritual energy, and none of them mentioned the word spiritual power.

Could it be that they don't know that there is soul power, spiritual power? !However, she found out through experiments that spiritual power can be transformed into spiritual energy, just like when she sealed Ye Yue's acupuncture points, she first transformed spiritual power into spiritual energy and then used the spiritual energy.

She said why those spells are so troublesome, why not use spiritual power directly, it turns out that the mental method used in conjunction with it is to cultivate spiritual energy.

"Okay, think about it yourself, and find out if there is any relevant record in your family. If you find it, please contact me." Luo Feng earnestly asked, "I hope you can cooperate with me. I believe that if the Xu family The ancestors have spirits, and they will definitely want you to do this."

"..." Xu Yunhan laughed dryly, why did he feel like he was trying to fool himself into a pyramid scheme? I still remember the clean and scholarly man I saw in Panjiayuan Ghost Market for the first time, but now that image gradually faded away. Annihilated with her memory.

(End of this chapter)

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