Chapter 33
This underground black market is really dark enough, out of four items, three of them are fakes, and there is one imitation that can only be regarded as a collection value, Xu Yunhan can't help but be very disappointed in this black market that has been blown up by legends to be very mysterious.

"These three objects, according to the number plates placed in front of them, were marked as one, two, and three at a time, and the base price was 5. Just like before, the price increase each time should be more than [-]. Everyone corresponds to each object. Everyone, let’s start with Lot No. [-] Bronze Sakyamuni Buddha Seated Statue, and everyone can bid.” Ren Qiang’s loud voice still sounded on time [-] minutes later.

"Forty-five thousand yuan." A man in his fifties shouted first.

"Okay, the owner of Zhuang offered [-] yuan. Are there any other bids from other friends?"

"Fifty thousand." This time it was a beautiful woman's voice, but it was obviously shouting for the fat boss who was hugging her.

"Sixty thousand!"

"A friend bid again. These two bronze Buddha statues are objects from the Yuan Dynasty. There are only two of them and they are not the same. It is a rare opportunity." Ren Qiang introduced the two Buddha statues again. Of course, he hoped that the transaction price would be higher. The higher the better, the commission he got would also increase accordingly.

"I will offer [-] yuan for Lot No. [-]." A man who had not participated in the bidding before suddenly raised the price with a loud voice.

The price suddenly nearly doubled, and no one else made any further bids. After Ren Qiang shouted three times, the bronze statue of Sakyamuni Buddha was included in the owner's pocket.

Later, the Buddha statue was sold by the high boss at a transaction price of 16 yuan. At this time, the others regretted the [-] yuan statue just now, and they should continue to increase the price. Why did they just give up at that time.

"Blue and white leaf pattern bowl, 40 yuan, the third time, do you have any other bids?" At this time, the auction of the three objects on the table has come to an end, Ren Qiang's voice is full of excitement, after confirming that no one bids again, Shouted loudly, "Deal! Please come forward to complete the deal, Mr. Tang!"

A middle-aged man dressed in gentle clothes and wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses went forward happily carrying a handbag. Xu Yunhan recognized this Mr. Tang. This is not the Tang surname who appeared on the CCTV treasure appraisal program. Are you an expert?It turns out that such a well-known expert figure has at least some real skills, and he will pay tuition in this line of work.

Later, an ancient jade pendant, a peony vase with twined branches, and several bronze wares were exhibited, all of which were fake.But it is undeniable that many of those objects were made with very clever counterfeiting techniques, if Xu Yunhan only relied on his eyesight, he would definitely think they were genuine.Sure enough, those very real fakes were finally sold at high prices, and only a few items that were a bit inaccurate at first glance were not sold.

Xu Yunhan looked at the people around the room, and after thinking about it, she probably understood. First, the time given to appraise the object is too short. Second, this kind of atmosphere of being sought after by everyone will make people feel dizzy and dizzy. The most important thing is It comes from the word 'black market'. It seems that many people, including Xu Yunhan, had great expectations for this black market before they came. The painting that I bought can barely be regarded as a cultural relic, and the things behind it are more modern than the other.

Nowadays, the domestic antique and cultural relics market is very hot, and the number of domestic cultural relics collections is increasing day by day. The temptation of huge profits has also created many counterfeiters.And many rules in this industry also make it difficult to standardize the market. These counterfeiters, such as the black market boss, are not afraid of the police to investigate. Even if they are investigated, what can they do? These sellers will never give You issue an invoice to indicate what kind of antique it is. If the police come and someone else auctions modern handicrafts, it's none of the police's business!

"Let's go, it's almost twelve o'clock." Xu Yunhan has no interest in staying any longer, it's better to go back to the hotel for a beauty sleep.

Seeing that the auction was over and there were no items related to the case, He Yi nodded and agreed to leave.

Ren Qiang looked at the people leaving one after another, he didn't care, he was still smiling, anyway, he made a lot of money tonight, of course Ren Qiang knew what was going on with these things, even the auction order of these things was The few of them discussed and arranged, except for the original imitation of Castiglione's "Hundred Horses", which is still of some value, the other things are specially made by them to fool these self-righteous bosses. People who are successful in other fields have the words "stupid money and more" on their faces.

As for the order of the lot, it was set in line with people's psychology. The initial reserve price of the first painting that was not fake or real was only 5000 yuan, which would create a black market for good things. , and the illusion of cheap prices will lead to more expectations for the upcoming items. Such preconceived ideas will directly affect people's judgment and relax their vigilance.

This genuine piece stuffed in a pile of fakes is specially used by the seller for fishing, which is very confusing.

There used to be such a joke in the industry. It said that a man who specialized in collecting antiques went to the countryside to search for objects. When he walked to the door of an old farmhouse, he found that the plates that the cats were eating were actually old objects. The man suppressed it. Excited in his heart, he immediately took out a good cigarette and approached the old farmer, saying that he had taken a fancy to the three kittens, and his old mother was bored in the city, so she wanted to buy a kitten and take it home to relieve her boredom. Pay a high price for the kitten.

The man carried the bamboo basket containing the kitten, smiled and said, brother, it’s a long way, the kitten will be hungry on the way, why don’t you give me some kitten fish or something, just put it in that broken plate, the man is far away Pointing to the porcelain plate on the ground, he wanted to step forward to pick it up.

When the old farmer saw it, he quickly ran over to stop the man, and said, don't move, brother, I sold more than 30 kittens in a month just by relying on the broken dish you mentioned.

There are too many weird things in this business, and there are many methods of fishing and baiting. There is a reason for saying that buyers are not as good as sellers.But this time the black market dares to take out these junk goods for auction, and it is really not afraid that these people will come to make trouble. It's because you are capable, so it's normal to pay tuition fees. If you look back and settle the score, it means that you are not particular, and you will become a laughing stock in this industry. You can only admit that you are unlucky.

Xu Yunhan and Xu Yunhan walked out of the clubhouse and drove straight back to the hotel. He Yi went to the investigation team's room, and Xu Yunhan went back to the room to sleep. She didn't want to stay with a bunch of policemen, anyway, she came to make soy sauce.

 Kitten fishing, wow ha ha ha, watching this allusion is ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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