Tibetan play style

Chapter 375 A Guard Comes

Chapter 375 A Guard Comes
About half an hour later, a group of people came to this valley slope, and Qin Zhenhai led the big guys to come forward to welcome them. It turned out that these people were the assistants sent by the relevant departments.

These more than 30 people will be responsible for helping the archaeological team to excavate the tombs in the mountains and protecting their personal safety.

'Master, the vigor of these people is stronger than ordinary people. Cicada Bao, who was flying around beside Xu Yunhan, looked at the newcomers and said.

When he came to the area in Changbai Mountain, Cicada loves to stay outside. Such a wild forest environment that has not been destroyed by humans reminds him of the past, and the aura here is much better than the city where the owner lives. Really I want to persuade the master to settle in such a place in the future.

Xu Yunhan's eyes flicked among these people, but she didn't need Chanbao to remind her. The first moment these people appeared, she could vaguely guess their origins from their walking posture, eyes and tone of voice.

This team of people should be soldiers.

These people began to use the equipment and equipment they brought to set up tents and build camps as soon as they arrived. They acted neatly and cleanly without procrastination at all. The camp was set up in less than an hour.

The leader of the team said a few words to Qin Zhenhai, and then Qin Zhenhai called the archaeological team to move their luggage into the tent. Men and women lived separately, and every three people lived in one tent.

Xu Yunhan refused Jing Shuo to send her to the tent, after all, she was going to live with another woman now, so it was inconvenient for him to go there together.

Finding the tent that was set up near the middle of the camp, and opening the curtain, Xu Yunhan saw Zeng Yayun squatting on the ground and laying a sleeping bag inside, and another woman was also in the tent.

"Hello." Xu Yunhan waved to his two short-term roommates with a smile on his face.

"Hello." Hong Lan nodded.

"Hmph!" Zeng Yayun glanced up at her, snorted coldly, lowered her head and continued to spread the sleeping bag.

This is not the first time Xu Yunhan has experienced the yin and yang of this senior sister. She never expected that one day a woman would embarrass her because she was jealous of her. Should she be happy or feel speechless.

But for such a person, Xu Yunhan didn't want to fuss with her, so she carried her luggage into the tent with her usual expression, started packing her things, and spread out her sleeping bag.

"Sister Lan, let's go for a walk, lest we see something annoying and disturb me."

After packing up her things, Zeng Yayun pulled Hong Lan out of the tent, hehe, the meaning of what Zeng Yayun said was too clear, Xu Yunhan thought, I just don't want to see her too much.

"Hanhan, Hanhan~ Are you ready? We will have lunch later, come out quickly."

Not long after, Jing Shuo's voice came from outside the tent, Xu Yunhan woke up from meditation and walked out.

"Can we have lunch?"

So fast?She had expected at least another hour or two to wait.

"Well, those people who came just now brought food, and they can eat it as soon as it is warmed up."

Speaking of which, Jing Shuo gently helped her cut her hair, and then led her to the camp where a bonfire was lit for cooking.

"Junior sister, here, here."

As soon as Yao Rui saw them coming, he quickly stretched out a hand and waved at them. He was still waiting anxiously for Xu Yunhan to reveal Ren Ru's thoughts to him.

"Feng Haoji, you sit next to me and let the younger junior sister sit next to me." Yao Rui said unceremoniously to Feng Haoji, and then invited Xu Yunhan and Xu Yunhan to sit down for the sake of his sweetheart. .

Feng Haoji, who was sent to a corner seat, silently despised Yao Rui, it was simply too much for sex and not for friends!

Xu Yunhan was amused by Yao Rui's flattering behavior, "Well, senior brother is a good person, don't worry, I will speak some kind words for you in front of Ren Ru as appropriate when I go back."

Yao Rui's eyes lit up, "Then thank you, Junior Sister."

The corner of Jing Shuo's mouth slightly raised, and he really wanted to remind Yao Rui, who was in love and lost his mind, that the word "discretionary" is the key, after thinking about it, let it go, anyway, his girlfriend is teasing someone else.

It’s true that love makes people’s IQ zero, Jing Shuo secretly sighed, but forgot that he was and is not the same fool in love before and now.

After everyone finished their lunch, they took a short rest and set off to the discovery point of the tomb on the mountain.

"Professor Qin, please take your people to walk among our people later, so that we can better protect everyone's safety."

Before departure, Xiong Ce, the captain of the escort team, said this to Qin Zhenhai, so at this time, three teams climbed up the main peak of Changbai Mountain.

As the sea waves rise gradually, the temperature gets lower and lower. Although the climate is cold, the grass and flowers growing in a limited range make Tianchi stand out with vigorous vitality.

The graceful and luxurious Changbai Rhododendrons seem to bring spring to the white snow. They take root in the alpine tundra and lay out green brocades.The graceful alpine poppy, with pure white flowers, is known as the two sacred flowers of Changbai Mountain together with Rhododendron.

The alpine lily that looks like a fairy in red, the rare barren grass whose leaves and stems curl upward from the ground, the alpine chrysanthemum like a golden earring, the small and exquisite Changbai gentian, and the alpine juniper all over the corners, as well as the Quaternary glacial period. The Changbai bilberry and Songmaocui, etc. that passed by, with their small bodies, weaving together the beautiful scenery of Changbai Mountain with their firm and tenacious vitality.

Along the way, everyone was amazed by the beauty of the world in Changbai Mountain. Unfortunately, the secrecy of this archaeological activity is very strict. Their mobile phones have been confiscated, and the cameras that are allowed to be carried are required to be used only for archaeological work.So everyone is very regretful that they can't use the camera to capture the beautiful scenery in front of them. They want to take a photo together and freeze the environment like a fairyland!
After walking for more than half an hour, the group finally arrived at the place where the tomb was first discovered.

On the backside of the volcanic cone on the main peak of Changbai Mountain, there is a place where the volcanic rocks should have been weathered and eroded and fell off naturally, exposing a small rock hole. As it got bigger and bigger, the volcanic rock at the entrance of the cave cracked and fell.

In this way, an entrance corridor that was obviously formed by man-made excavation was exposed. Since there was no grass on the volcanic cone and it was very exposed, standing on the edge of the entrance could vaguely see the inside, and the tomb they were going to was inside.

"Professor Qin, I think my people should go in first to check the situation, and if there is no problem, you can go in again." Xiong Ce said.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you." Qin Zhenhai nodded. The archaeological team is full of intellectuals engaged in research, so they are definitely not suitable for charging.

(End of this chapter)

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