Tibetan play style

Chapter 49 Invited to the 'Shoton Chapter'

Chapter 49 Invited to the 'Shoton Festival'

"Gesang, this is my college roommate, good sister Xu Yunhan." Wen Ru introduced Xu Yunhan to her husband.

"Xiaohan, hello, I've heard Ruru mention you often, and I've known you for a long time, and I finally saw you today." Gesang smiled straightforwardly, and while talking, he still thoughtfully opened the seat for his wife Wen Ru.

"Uh...Xiao Ru mentioned that I must always complain about me, and I'm all to blame. I'm really sorry. I lost contact due to a mistake in the contact method, and I didn't catch up with your wedding with Xiao Ru."

It was a pity for Xu Yunhan to think that Wen Ru was the first real good friend she had ever had since she grew up, but she was not able to attend her wedding.

Fortunately, the two met again today and saw her husband. Xu Yunhan's first impression of Gesang was very good. Gesang's thoughtfulness and care for Wen Ru can be seen in many small details, and the eyes looking at Wen Ru are full of tenderness.This made Xu Yunhan feel at ease about her friend's far-away marriage. The two really love each other and Wen Ru pays so much for it.

During the dinner, Wen Ru and Xu Yunhan told Gesang a lot of funny and embarrassing things when they were in college. Although Gesang was not talkative, he was an excellent listener. Listen carefully, and occasionally say a few words, the atmosphere is not cold.

"How long will your husband and wife stay in BJ this time?" Xu Yunhan asked.

Gesang calculated the schedule in his mind and said, "I should stay for about three or four days. By the way, Xiaohan, come to our house as a guest. It just so happens that we will go to Tibet with us this time. It will be the Shelton Festival in a few days. Very interesting."

"Shoton Festival?! Is it a festival unique to XZ?" Xu Yunhan asked curiously after hearing about this Shoton Festival for the first time.

Speaking of his own national festival, Gesang proudly introduced it to Xu Yunhan, "Shoton Festival is the most solemn festival in XZ. At that time, thousands of Buddhists will flock to LS from all over the world. It is also one of the traditional festivals with a long history in XZ, which is usually held in June of the Tibetan calendar, which is around August in the Gregorian calendar, which is this month."

Wen Ru, who has participated in the Shelton Festival several times, also added enthusiastically, "Yes, Xiaohan, you will go to XZ with us in two days, and you will stay at our house, and then I will take you to play around. When we were studying, we planned to travel together, but we didn’t make it until graduation. It’s all because you let me go several times. There are many activities during the Sholton Festival, which are definitely worth a visit. Not only are there grand and enthusiastic Tibetan opera performances, There is also a large-scale Buddha-showing ceremony, so it is also called "Tibetan Opera Festival" and "Buddha-showing Festival."

Xu Yunhan's heart was moved by the couple's persuasion, and she hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, I have long wanted to visit this beautiful and magical land of XZ, so I will bother you."

Gesang, who heard his hometown being praised, smiled brightly, and said hospitablely, "It's not an interruption, we welcome you to visit us very much."

"Then Xiaohan, that's it. In a few days, you will go to my house to have fun for a while. This season is the most suitable time to travel to XZ. You can't frame me anymore." Wen Ru directly made a decision .

After the three of them finished their meal, it was already late. Wen Ru and his wife still had something to do the next day, so they had no plans to renew the table. After walking out of the restaurant, Xu Yunhan drove the two of them back to the hotel where they were staying, and agreed Xu Yunhan didn't leave until they contacted her when they were free.

After Xu Yunhan returned home to wash, he took out his mobile phone from his bag and took a look. It had long run out of battery and automatically shut down. Just after plugging in the charger and turning it on, the notification sound kept ringing, beep beep... There were a lot of text messages and missed calls. It's all Dai Xiaobei's.Xu Yunhan thought about it, it's too bad, it was planned to help Xiaobei move today, but she was so excited when she met Wen Ruyi, she forgot all about it, and hurriedly called back.

The phone beeped twice before being connected, and Dai Xiaobei's high-pitched roar immediately came from the receiver, "Xu Yunhan! You are a big liar! We agreed to help me move things, where are you! Where are you!"

Xu Yunhan reacted quickly and took the phone away from her ear, and put it back to her ear after she finished yelling, and explained sincerely, "I'm sorry, I can explain! It's like this, when I went out for lunch at noon today, I met a long time The college roommate who didn't contact me, and then I forgot to help you move things while chatting, and the phone turned off automatically when it was out of power. I had dinner with her and her husband at night, and I just got home, dear ~"

"There's a point in explaining it, come upstairs for my sister, and help me clean up the house to make amends, otherwise the crime will be unforgivable!" Dai Xiaobei roared.

"Okay, okay, I'll be there soon." After hanging up the phone, Xu Yunhan took his house key and went up to the 21st floor to help Dai Xiaobei clean up the room. When Dai Xiaobei came to help her clean up the room, Xu Yunhan discovered that this girl was doing housework It's not going to happen at all, the whole thing is a mess, and it is estimated that she is getting more and more messy now, so it is impossible not to help her.

Take the elevator directly to the 21st floor. Dai Xiaobei's house is at the corner on the left side of the elevator. The door has been opened from the inside. Xu Yunhan pushed the door open and looked in, and suddenly exclaimed, "Xiaobei, what are you doing?" A department store was evacuated?!" Seeing that the house was full of big bags and small bags, there was almost no room to stay, and Xu Yunhan doubted whether the small apartment could accommodate them in the end.

"Xiaohan, come and help me, or I won't be able to clean up tonight! Come in and close the door, or the air conditioner will run away." Dai Xiaobei, with disheveled hair, stretched out his neck from behind a cardboard box one person tall.

"Ah! Dai Xiaobei! Don't let go of your lifting, the box is pressing down on my feet." Suddenly there was a cry of pain, Fan Disheng rubbed his feet, and appeared from behind the cardboard box, "Xiaohan, hello .”

"It's Disheng." Xu Yunhan changed his shoes and walked in, looking for an opportunity to gossip and wink at Dai Xiaobei.

Dai Xiaobei, who understood what she was doing, gave her a sideways glance, but didn't say anything, but directed her around, very busy.The house was in a mess, and the three of them worked all night to fix everything.When the sky was getting dark, Xu Yunhan went home, took a shower and fell asleep.

Sleeping until the alarm clock set at noon rang, thinking about going to the Tibetan friends exchange meeting at two o'clock in the afternoon, her good place to exchange money, Xu Yunhan rubbed her eyes, patted her face, and got up.

(End of this chapter)

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