Chapter 66

Xu Yunhan, who was dizzy from being shaken, was taken aback, and waved his hand to pat the hand that grabbed her shoulder, "Xiao Bei, what's wrong with you? What happened? You should explain it to me first, calm down~ "

"Xiaohan~Xiaohan~I...I," Dai Xiaobei stepped forward and hugged Xu Yunhan, sobbing without explaining anything, his eyes were red, tears were about to fall.

Xu Yunhan was stunned by Dai Xiaobei like this, she stiffened and let her hug her. Dai Xiaobei rubbed her tears and snot on her pajamas, but she didn't respond. There was only one thought in her mind, what is going on? , ah~
"Let's talk in the room first." After a while, Xu Yunhan came back to his senses and dragged Dai Xiaobei into the apartment, and Dai Xiaobei, whose face was crying messily, handed a tissue and a glass of water, since the two of them got to know each other Afterwards, Xu Yunhan seldom treated Dai Xiaobei so tenderly and considerately. The key is that this ghost girl is not a weak little white flower at all, she must be alive and kicking every day.

Dai Xiaobei, who appeared in front of her crying today, has acquired the ability to be pitiful. Xu Yunhan sat on the sofa with him, patted Dai Xiaobei gently with his hand, and coaxed with a smile,

"Come on, drink some water, calm down first, and then tell me what happened, okay?"

Dai Xiaobei sobbed, pulled a few pieces of tissue paper and wiped his face indiscriminately, took a few deep breaths, hugged Xu Yunhan sideways, and said aggrievedly,
"Xiao Han, I, I..." After Dai Xiaobei opened his mouth, he didn't know what to say. The more he thought about it, the more wronged he became, the more angry he became. shouted loudly,

"That damn bastard, I will never spare him!!"

Xu Yunhan was even more confused by Dai Xiaobei's explanation, "You bastard? Who messed with you?" , in essence, she is a woman with high martial arts skills, who dares to really mess with her, if she is caught, she will be beaten up!

Dai Xiaobei faltered and sat for a while, but Xu Yunhan still didn't understand what happened to this girl, was it because of family affairs or friends, "Xiaobei, you..."

Just when Xu Yunhan was about to continue to find out the truth, the doorbell rang.Xu Yunhan was about to get up and open the door to see who it was, but before her butt could leave the sofa, Dai Xiaobei beside her suddenly threw her down, covered her mouth, shh~ she really had kung fu, and her movements were done in one go, very swiftly.

"Xiaohan, don't open the door, don't make a sound, wait for me to hide in your room first, and then open it, if it's Fan Disheng who came, don't say you've seen me. Hush~" Dai Xiaobei warned softly After a while, seeing Xu Yunhan nodding in agreement, he let go of her, stood up from the sofa, and then tiptoed towards Xu Yunhan's bedroom.

Vincent?And Dai Xiaobei?Could it be that Xiao Bei was referring to Fan Disheng by being an asshole.

Huh? !That's... a hickey!When Dai Xiaobei walked around, the neckline of the pajamas was slightly opened, revealing a few crimson hickey marks on the white skin.

Xu Yunhan was happy, she thought, she knew what happened to Dai Xiaobei and the others.Thinking back to the weak and shy woman she just saw who was about to cry, she smiled inwardly, she never thought that someone as tough as Dai Xiaobei would be so shy at times.Thinking of this, Xu Yunhan sighed, why didn't he take a photo with his mobile phone at that time!Pity!
Soon Dai Xiaobei had moved herself to the bedroom inside, Xu Yunhan got up and opened the door, opened the door, and sure enough, as Xiaobei expected, it was Fan Disheng, wearing a crumpled The shirt and trousers were not as straight as usual, obviously due to special circumstances, there was no need to change clothes. Xu Yunhan thought that Dai Xiaobei's description was not much better.

It seems that these two people last night... Well, the battle was fierce, Xu Yunhan complained, but she was still super normal on the surface, and asked with a slightly surprised expression, "Dison? What's the matter, come in and sit for a while .”

Fan Disheng said hello to Xu Yunhan, nodded, walked into the apartment, looked around the room, "Xiao Bei is here with you."

Xu Yunhan just wanted to follow her friend's instructions and answer, no, but Fan Disheng didn't give her a chance, and shouted in the direction of the back room directly from the sofa in the living room,

"Dai Xiaobei, come out, and Xiaohan told me that you are inside. Come out quickly, or I will be waiting for you here while watching TV."

This, is this still the gentle Fan Disheng, why is he so black-bellied, when did she tell him that Xiaobei is inside!Xu Yunhan's face was dark, and he mourned for Dai Xiaobei in silence, just Dai Xiaobei's number, tsk tsk tsk, Xu Yunhan turned his face and looked at Fan Disheng, who was sitting on the sofa and watching TV leisurely, pressing the remote control, and said to himself, forget it Come on, Xiaobei, don't struggle, admit it.

Fan Disheng switched to the economic channel, and put down the remote control with satisfaction, "Dai Xiaobei, if you feel sleepy, go to sleep. I'll wait for you outside watching TV. After all, you didn't sleep well last night..."

As soon as the words fell, Dai Xiaobei was seen angrily striding out from the inside.Dai Xiaobei felt angry and ashamed, why is this bastard so bastard, what is he talking about, out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Xu Yunhan, who was sitting by the side holding back a smile and trying to reduce his sense of presence, Dai Xiaobei blushed, and ran to In front of Fan Disheng, he was about to punch someone with his fist.

The violent woman left violently, and Xu Yunhan was considering whether she should step back to avoid suspicion. After all, the matter of this young couple has now escalated to domestic violence, so it's not easy to watch.

But seeing that the expected domestic violence scene did not appear, Fan Disheng restrained Dai Xiaobei's arms that were about to move with one hand. Dai Xiaobei still did not give up, and raised his feet, only to be restrained again.

Xu Yunhan, who was the only audience, wanted to applaud. It was so exciting. Unexpectedly, Fan Di had a tall, thin and gentle appearance, and his force value far exceeded that of Dai Xiaobei.

"Fan Disheng, you rascal, bastard, let me go, let me go, I can't spare you!" Dai Xiaobei, who was restrained tightly, could no longer move his hands, so he had to use his mouth, and twisted his mouth after scolding Fan Disheng. Facing Xu Yunhan for help, "Xiaohan, help me pull him away, come help me."

Fan Disheng looked up at Xu Yunhan, smiled and said, "Xiaohan, can you avoid it for a while, it seems that Xiaobei has some opinions on my new boyfriend, I want to talk to her alone, is that okay?"

Xu Yunhan ignored Dai Xiaobei's shouts and protests, and nodded in agreement, "Of course, what's more, I can change clothes and go out to buy some food. You two haven't eaten breakfast, so you two will wait at my house for me to come back from shopping at noon. Let's have lunch at home."

After changing her clothes and taking her wallet, Xu Yunhan walked out of the apartment, leaving room for the two inside, couldn't hide her snicker, it seems that Qingmei is going to be eaten to death by bamboo horses!
(End of this chapter)

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