Chapter 75
"Naji, hurry up and follow, don't dawdle." Wen Ru turned and shouted to Najib behind him.

"Oh." Najib, who was already holding a lot of things in his arms, speeded up his pace helplessly to keep up.They have been shopping for an entire hour from the beginning to now, and the three women in front are still in high spirits, happily browsing every stall that passes by, and Najib’s ready-made free activity shopping cart is like a puppet. being pulled away.

Although it is very bitter, Najib is still willing to do coolie for these three ladies.After all, among the people who come and go here, good and bad are mixed, if the sister-in-law and the two friends of the sister-in-law come here to go shopping by themselves, without a man by their side, he is really worried.But he still hoped to be freed sooner, so Najib raised his spirits and said,

"Ladies, it's already twelve o'clock, let's go home for dinner, and go to the Jokhang Temple in the afternoon, how about?"

"It's not that good, let's go shopping again." Xu Yunhan turned to Najib with a smile, and put a handmade wool shawl he just bought on Najib's shoulders, and got into the crowd with Wen Ru and Dai Xiaobei Here, continue their Taobao business.

With a long sigh, Najib lowered his head and took off the shawl hanging on his body and put it in the bag in his hand. Hey...keep following, but when he looked up, he couldn't find the three women. Najib was crowded The crowd was crowded, and they had to tiptoe to look at the stalls on the street, looking for the three people.

"Hanhan, look at this, look at this, it's beautiful!" Dai Xiaobei picked up a thangka with a colorful lotus net mesh Avalokitesvara painted on it from a booth selling thangkas, and looked at it very fondly .

Xu Yunhan approached the booth, looked at the Thangka that Dai Xiaobei was holding in his hand, "Well, it's okay." But she wasn't very interested in this kind of Thangka, so she answered a few words and went with Wen Ru casually Flipping over the booth.

Dai Xiaobei held a Thangka and asked, "Boss, how much is this one?"

The stall owner stretched out a hand with a smile, gestured, and said in not-so-fluent Mandarin, "300 yuan."

Dai Xiaobei looked at the thangka in her hand again, the production was quite exquisite, the key is that she likes it very much, 300 yuan is not expensive, so she nodded, took out the wallet from the bag, opened it, and counted three Pass it to the stallholder.

Who knew that the boss who said it would be 300 yuan just now would not accept her money, and shook his head with his hands, pointed at the thangka in Dai Xiaobei's hand, and said, "Three hundred is not enough, I read it wrong, this Zhang only sold it for 700 yuan."

The sudden reversal of the situation made Dai Xiaobei's eyes widen, his anger sprang from it, and he said loudly, "It was only 300 yuan just now, and I asked you to see the Thangka I took, so you can read it wrong? !"

"Xiao Bei, what's the matter?" Sensing that something was wrong, Xu Yunhan and Wen Ru approached.

"I asked how much this thangka is, and he only said three hundred, but in a blink of an eye he said he was wrong, and it would only be sold for seven hundred." Dai Xiaobei quickly explained clearly.

Xu Yunhan looked at the stall owner, a middle-aged Tibetan man, although he looked fierce, he still had a smiling expression when facing Dai Xiaobei's offensive words, Xu Yunhan took the thangka that Dai Xiaobei was looking at and looked at it After looking at it, she didn't have any research on this kind of handicrafts, and she didn't see anything after looking at them for a long time, "Xiaoru, can you help Xiaobei take a look?"

Wen Ru waved his hand and said, "I haven't bought it before, so I don't know about it. Oh, the key depends on whether Xiao Bei likes it or not. Why don't you go to other stalls?"

"Other stalls will never find the same thangka as this one. This one is purely handmade, and many other thangkas are made by machines." The stall owner still smiled and introduced his products to them.

Dai Xiaobei hesitated, looked at that thangka, really liked it, how about buying it for seven hundred?
At this moment, a man came by, and he took a look at the thangka Dai Xiaobei was holding, and asked, "How much is it?"

"700 yuan." The stall owner replied with a smile.

Now Dai Xiaobei was in a hurry, and grabbed the thangka in his hand, "No, this is what I was looking for first, 700 yuan, I bought it." He opened his wallet and took out the money.

The man next to him who also wanted to buy it didn't agree, "I'll offer 800 yuan."

The stall owner's eyes lit up, and he looked at Dai Xiaobei with a smile, "Girl, I'm sorry, the price he gave was high." After speaking, he pulled out the thangka from her hand and handed it to the man.

"Why sell it to him?" Dai Xiaobei was furious, his tone full of resentment.

"Miss, you can't say that. Isn't this buying and selling things based on the highest price? When I sell something, someone else's price is higher than yours. Of course I will sell it to him. Of course, if you The price is higher than his, and I will sell it to you, I do business to make money, it is impossible not to make money, right?" The stall owner immediately distinguished himself with a smile.

The man who bought the thangka seemed to be getting impatient, and said with disdain, "If you can't afford it, don't waste my time. The boss will bring me a bag and pack it."

The man's expression and words immediately angered Dai Xiaobei, wondering when she was told that, what did she want when she was a child, would she not be able to afford it? !Immediately said, "Who can't afford it, 1000 yuan."

"I'll pay 500 yuan, and I'm going to buy this thangka today!"

Seeing that Dai Xiaobei raised the price, the man smiled and immediately called out a price.

Seeing that the momentum was not right, Xu Yunhan pulled the angry Dai Xiaobei, but it didn't stop Dai Xiaobei who had already been agitated and lost his mind again, not to be outdone, and shouted out the price,

"2000 yuan!"

As the saying goes, "Don't fight for steamed buns, fight for breath." Dai Xiaobei has a very hot temper, how can she bear to be squeezed so deliberately by others, she can't swallow this bad breath, she has to do it.

"Little sister, you dare to challenge me with 2000 yuan. You are far from rich! 500 yuan!" The next few people had expressions of disdain on their faces.

Xu Yunhan couldn't hold back Dai Xiaobei, looked back, approached Wen Ru and said in a low voice, "There is a problem here, where is Najib? Najib didn't follow us? You should call him quickly and ask him to come over."

Wen Ru nodded, stepped back, took out her phone and started calling Najib.

Here, Dai Xiaobei is about to continue bidding with the man, isn't it only two thousand and five thousand, she offered three thousand, and just said, "I... ah!"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yunhan who was beside him patted his head and interrupted.

"Xiao Bei, since this gentleman likes this Thangka so much, let him give it to him. Let's continue shopping and we will definitely pick a better one for you later."

(End of this chapter)

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