Tibetan play style

Chapter 79 Coincidence

Chapter 79 Coincidence
After Najib bought the ticket, several people went in through the main entrance of the Jokhang Temple. First of all, the patio-style courtyard was the birthplace of Geshe in Tibetan Buddhism. Geshe is an advanced degree in Tibetan Buddhism, equivalent to a doctorate.There are several rows of butter lamps on the east side of the courtyard, which are always on during the day.

Behind the butter lamp is the main hall of the Jokhang Temple. The earliest buildings of the Jokhang Temple started from the main entrance; the outer courtyard was built and expanded later, and the main hall was built more than 400 years ago.Due to the friction of believers for many years, the stone floor at the door is as bright as a mirror.There is a huge Buddha statue on the left and right sides of the main hall.On the left is Padmasambhava, the founder of the Red Sect. He was originally an Indian Buddhist scholar and entered Tibet in the eighth century.On the right is the future Buddha.

On the right side of the entrance to the passageway of the main hall is a mural about the story of the construction of the Jokhang Temple. It vividly depicts the appearance of the early Potala Palace in the 7th century and the scene of filling the lake to build the Jokhang Temple.Rotate the tour clockwise from left to right.The first small hall contains Tsongkhapa and his eight disciples.

Najib took a few people to look around, and told them about the Jokhang Temple in the eyes of the people,

"There is a saying among us Tibetans that 'there is the Jokhang Temple first, and then there is the LS City', which is enough to explain the unique and important position of the Jokhang Temple. The Jokhang Temple has a central position in the city of LS, not only in terms of geographical location It is also the level of social life. We Tibetans also like to call the area around Barkhor Street, which is dominated by the Jokhang Temple, 'LS', which means Buddha Land in Tibetan. You have also seen many worshipers at the gate of the Jokhang Temple just now. Kowtow long, and there are more people turning scriptures around the Jokhang Temple every day, and many monks also set up a posture near the Jokhang Temple, singing scriptures to passers-by for alms."

Xu Yunhan looked in the direction Najib pointed at. Many believers kept coming in and out, slowly or quickly along the famous prayer path of the Jokhang Temple, going round and round again and again. The pious and dignified face.This moment is natural and harmonious.

The few people who were playing around, including Dai Xiaobei, quieted down and looked in the direction of the turning path quietly. The sunshine in LS September is still so warm, so warm, shining warmly on the whole body, and the whole body Comfortable, indescribably relaxed and comfortable.

After a while, several tourist groups came from not far away from them, making a lot of noise; eye-catching colorful flags rose one after another, and the harmonious atmosphere was completely destroyed.

"Let's go, there are a lot of people here, let's go to the second floor to have a look." The rare tranquility was disturbed, Najib frowned and suggested.

Dai Xiaobei waved his hand, and said with some embarrassment, "You guys go first, I want to go to the bathroom."

"Dolma and I are going too." Wen Rubian said after being tugged at the hem of the clothes by the shy little girl Dolma.

"Naji, take them to the bathroom first, and I'll wait for you here." Xu Yunhan said to Najib.

Najib thought for a while, then nodded, "The bathroom is a bit far from here, and it may take a while to come back. You can wait for us under the shade of a tree over there."

"Then I'll just go to the second floor first, and you guys go up to find me later." Xu Yunhan watched Najib and the others walk away, then raised his palms to cover the dazzling bright sunlight, and walked slowly, After staring at the rows of butter lamps burning all day long in the courtyard, he stayed in a daze for a long time, until the warm sun shone warmly on his body, and then slowly walked out of the first floor.Several lamas at the door were sitting bored. After meeting each other, she raised a smile and said something like Tashi Dele, and then went up the stairs to the second floor.

There are very few people on the second floor at the moment, not to mention tourists, there are not many believers, only lamas pass by occasionally.Because it was Sunday, they didn't have to do their homework, so they gathered together in twos and threes for free activities.Most of the time, Xu Yunhan was the only one sitting casually on the ground in the open-air corridor on the second floor, quietly watching the people who turned around downstairs, waiting for Najidai Xiaobei and others to come to her.

After waiting for a few minutes, I sat cross-legged on the ground, my legs felt a little numb, and wanted to turn around, so I got up and wandered aimlessly along the corridor on the second floor, which is a place that most tourists are not interested in.Passing by a narrow doorway, I looked in subconsciously. The dark red wooden door was open, the light inside was dim, and there was nothing else. A few steps away, there was a steep and narrow wooden ladder leading to the top.Looking up from the door, you can see a small piece of blue sky, which seems to be another small courtyard.Suddenly he realized that he had never seen this door open when wandering here several times before, and he didn't know where the wooden ladder led to and what was on it.

I wanted to ask someone to ask, but there was no one else but her in the long corridor, but there was a lama at the end who was busy taking care of himself. That was their dormitory, and no one noticed my existence at all.So he simply stepped over the high threshold, leaned on the iron-clad handrails, and climbed up the stairs step by step.

When we came to the top, the field of vision suddenly opened up, and it really was a small platform, where we could see the dazzling light of the golden yellow above the main entrance of the Jokhang Temple.There are many plants and flowers planted on the platform, none of which Xu Yunhan is famous for. Many gorgeous flowers are blooming in full bloom in the sun, and they seem to have a strange fragrance.

It's also quiet here.On the other side was a half-open courtyard door, which contained several modest rooms, and she decided to go and have a look.

Stepping through the wooden door, I saw some yellow flowers blooming on the gray wall. The yellow flowers looked very bright and eye-catching against the gray wall.Looking in through the window on the wall, the light is so dark that you can't see anything.While hesitating, the door opened, and a middle-aged lama walked out, asking Xu Yunhan what she wanted, and said that tourists were not allowed to visit here.

At this moment, I also realized that I seemed to have walked to a place where no one welcomes guests. Xu Yunhan replied with deep apology and respect, "When I passed by, I saw that the door was open. I was curious, so I came up to have a look. If you don't want to disturb me, then leave." .”

While the two were talking, some old-fashioned voices came from the room, and the middle-aged lama in front of her immediately replied respectfully in Tibetan.

Xu Yunhan suddenly felt that the characters in it were very unusual, and thought, "Excuse me, what is this place, and who was the person who spoke in it just now?"

The lama stared at Xu Yunhan silently, and then replied in jerky Chinese, "This is the residence of the living Buddha of this temple, and the living Buddha who spoke just now is the living Buddha."

Xu Yunhan was taken aback at the moment, he didn't expect to run to the door of the Living Buddha of Jokhang Temple by mistake!With a heartbeat, he simply asked the lama: "Look, since I have already arrived here, can you let me pay a visit to the Living Buddha?"

(End of this chapter)

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