Tibetan play style

Chapter 85 Forced Blind Dates

Chapter 85 Forced Blind Dates
Huang San took the stack of money, smiled at her, put the money next to the statue, and said,
"I can't do that. I can't ask for your money for nothing. I don't get rewarded for nothing. Our brothers have always been in the same position when it comes to money. Buying and selling is buying and selling. Sister, you can buy it directly at the price of gold." For this statue, my brother and I remember your affection very much in our hearts. If we have a chance today, we will definitely repay you. The statue weighs two catties, one kilogram. I don’t know the current international gold price. Just calculate according to the previous two hundred and eighty-one grams, girl, can this work? Except for cash, the rest of the girl can be transferred to my bank card."

In this way, the total is 28 yuan, Huang San thought, Xu Yunhan should be able to get the money, right? He didn't yell at the price indiscriminately, and this golden statue is calculated according to its own gold value. It is worth the price, and the most important thing is that the two brothers really need this money to save their lives.

During this period of time, the two brothers were driven into desperation by those gangsters, and the money was used up in the process of running around and fleeing for their lives. The golden statue left in their hands was valuable, but they didn't dare to take it out rashly.After finally meeting someone with a little friendship and trustworthiness who had nothing to do with them, Huang San decided to take the risk and come to Xu Yunhan.

"Sure, but I heard that the price of gold has risen by 30 recently, so let's calculate it at 1 grams, so the total is 29 yuan. Excluding the [-] yuan cash that was handed to Brother Huang just now, I will immediately call a friend of mine and ask him to transfer [-] yuan to your bank account immediately, of course, Brother Huang, you can rest assured that this friend is trustworthy."

Based on Huang San's insistence on not wanting the money from her and insisting on selling the statue, Xu Yunhan guessed that the two brothers needed more than 2 or [-] yuan, but a relatively large amount, so they took the initiative to increase the price. It's not a lot, it's just a little more human touch for the [-], as long as she can successfully win the golden statue, besides, this deal is absolutely safe and profitable for her, the golden statue shouldn't be held The price of gold is converted.

Indeed, as she guessed, Huang San, who was in urgent need of money, was not polite to her, but only praised that the girl is really a straightforward person, and after Xu Yunhan promised that she would entrust a reliable person to transfer the money, Huang San gave it to her directly. his bank account.After thinking about it, Xu Yunhan took out the mobile phone she had asked for from Dai Xiaobei during the meal, checked the time, went to the window and called Jing Shuo, who can help her now and is familiar with her. There was only this man who had dealt with him a few times.

In fact, Dai Xiaobei's family background and connections can also help her with this matter, but if Dai Xiaobei knows how anxious she is to transfer money suddenly, it is very likely that she will pester her with questions, but

"Hi, hello. Miss Xu?"

Jing Shuo answered the phone with surprise and asked, because his parents were beside him at the moment, and there were also guests at home, Jing Shuo did not call Xu Yunhan by her name directly, but called her as Miss Xu as politely as before. , he had to be scrupulous, if he got closer to any woman, his mother would drag him to find out, which annoyed Jing Shuo very much.

This is also the reason why he doesn't often go back to the old house here after he moved out to live alone. Every time he comes back, his mother arranges activities in advance.For example, like today's blind date in disguise, the woman and her parents are directly invited to the house for dinner, and the topic is brought up to the two juniors from time to time.

Jing Shuo was also annoyed at the other party's daughter's ignorance. He felt that his attitude was very clear. He never took the initiative when they met, but just sat there pretending to be cold and stupid. Just like that, the woman went straight to him.After finally finishing the meal, his mother still held him back and insisted on watching TV and chatting together. The whole night, Jing Shuo became more and more depressed, and his mood became worse and worse.

Just when he was about to leave, he unexpectedly received a call from Xu Yunhan, which quickly changed Jing Shuo's mood from cloudy to sunny. He had called several times in the past few days and wanted to ask Xu Yunhan to go shopping in Antique Street. But they all suggest that the other party has shut down.It is rare to meet a young man who is also very proficient in antique appreciation. Jing Shuo cannot deny that he admires Xu Yunhan.

Nodding slightly to apologize to the guests at home, Jing Shuo got up from the sofa in the living room and took the phone to the side to answer it.

"Well, it's me. Hello, Mr. Jing. I'm sorry to call you rashly. I didn't bother you." When Xu Yunhan heard Jing Shuo call her Miss Xu, she changed the word Jing Shuo to the tip of her tongue. It became Mr. Jing, and greeted him politely.

"Don't, don't, don't call me Mr. Jing, Xiaohan, I just had to call you that, just now the elders of the family were all around." Jing Shuo explained with a wry smile, "Where have you been these few days, are you not here?" BJ? The phone is turned off when I call you, and I originally asked you to go shopping in the antique street and exchange experiences."

"I'm in XZ, playing with my friends. I haven't turned it on much these days, and sometimes there is no signal even if I turn it on." In fact, it is mainly because Dai Xiaobei always quietly and actively turns off her mobile phone, Xu Yunhan Shaking his head helplessly in his heart, "Let's talk about the business first, I want to trouble you now, can you help me transfer the next sum of money in the bank."

"No problem, you send the corresponding account and fund information, and I will help you right away."

"Thank you so much. When I come back, I will definitely treat you to a meal, and then I will show you the honor." Xu Yunhan thanked, "Then I'll hang up first, I still have something to do here."

Hearing Xu Yunhan on the other end of the phone say goodbye, he hung up the phone, Jing Shuo suddenly felt a sense of loss.

"Son, have you finished the phone call? If you want to finish the call, come over and introduce the story of these photos to your sister Huanhuan. Let me tell you. Don't look at Ah Shuo who often has a cold face now, but ah, my son In fact, he is very gentle and loving, Huanhuan, look, the little animals in these photos are all he wanted to raise when he was a child." Suo Rong, Jing Shuo's mother, enthusiastically pulled Hu Huan, the blind date she arranged for her son today, Sitting on the sofa together, looking through the photos of Jing Shuo when he was young, and telling interesting stories about him when he was young from time to time.

"Mom, I'm in a hurry and I have to deal with it right away. I'm sorry, Uncle Hu, I can't continue chatting with you. Mom and Dad, then I'll go first." In fact, there is no urgent matter at all. Just a phone call from the manager at the bank is enough. Jing Shuo just wanted to take the opportunity to get away. He thought that in the future, he would try to come back for lunch and leave. There are more things to be busy during the day and it is more reasonable. It is not easy to leave when he comes back at night.

Here, Xu Yunhan hung up the phone and sent the bank account to Jing Shuo. After a while, Huang San's mobile phone received a text message about the transfer of funds.

"Now you put away this golden statue. I will bring you a special small box tomorrow morning. You are going to take a plane back this time, so you have to remember to put this statue in that box and go through the security check." You won’t be able to detect it when the time comes, so you can rest assured that you can just stuff the suitcase in the suitcase and check it in.” Xu Yunhan was so upright and forthright in handling things, Huang San felt that he had lost his temper with this girl, and naturally the after-sales service was optimized, so he offered to give it away A special small box, although it is just a small and inconspicuous box, but due to the special material, the cost is tens of thousands of yuan, and it needs to be bought from special channels.

"Okay, then I don't have to worry about being detained for inspection then, thank you Brother Huang. Brother Huang, go slowly." Xu Yunhan sent Huang San out of the room with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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