Tibetan play style

Chapter 90 The Loneliness of Being Alone

Chapter 90 The Loneliness of Being Alone
"I bid 100 yuan, which is quite a lot. This root carving is only a small piece, and the craftsmanship is only average. The price of 100 yuan is definitely not low." Xu Yunhan smiled at Eisen, who just dropped it neatly. Four thousand, it is estimated that the cost price he got for this carving is definitely very low, so she still insisted on bidding one hundred, of course not absolutely only one hundred, but just wanted to lower the price and let Eisen give it cheaper.

Eisen has only been in China for two or three years, and his bargaining skills can't be compared to that of an authentic Chinese. What's more, Xu Yunhan is still a woman, a woman who has been in the vegetable market!

The two of you came and went to fight each other, and the price they said changed after a while. In the end, Eisen, who was a man, couldn't bear it first and got a little impatient.
"Not much to say, 120 yuan, if you don't want to buy it, forget it." Eisen made up his mind that he didn't want to bargain with her for ten yuan, and of course he was not willing to sell it to her for 100 yuan just to gamble.

120 yuan, in fact, it is a reasonable price to buy such a root carving, not to mention that there are additional heads in this root carving, and the strange things that can be noticed by her hands must be good things. The upper side seemed to say reluctantly, "Okay, one hundred and two is one hundred and two. Find me something to put it in." While taking out 120 yuan from the wallet in the pocket of his jeans, he handed it to Eisen.

Rejecting Najib's idea of ​​helping her carry the root carving, Xu Yunhan personally hugged the root carving that Eisen had wrapped in an old newspaper, feeling elated.

After that, Wen Ru and Dai Xiaobei each bought a pair of earrings and a necklace, and after saying goodbye to Eisen, Najib drove Wen Ru to accompany them to the airport.The airport is a few 10 minutes drive from the city.

"Naji, Wen Ru, thank you for your hospitality this time. We both had a great time. Remember to contact us when you go to BJ." At the gate of the airport hall, Xu Yunhan did not let Najib and Wen Ru continue to see him off, and said goodbye Afterwards, Dai Xiaobei and Dai Xiaobei each dragged a small trolley to put their luggage away and went directly to change the boarding pass.

Arrive at Capital International Airport around 10:30 in the evening.

"Should I go home directly, or should we have a late-night snack before going back? Hungry, hungry, the plane meal is really bad, so I just ate a small bun." The two went to get the luggage Finally, Dai Xiaobei patted his stomach aggrievedly and said.

"How do you go to eat late at night with so many things? If you want to go home, you have to go home and put all these luggage back before going out to eat." Xu Yunhan glanced at the two large suitcases at hand, and there were two shopping bags beside them. The four luggage bags of all kinds of messy things were big for a while. When I bought them, I didn’t think there were many. How could there be so many in one package!

"Oh, okay, then let's go eat braised noodles later! I know that there is a family that tastes so good!" Dai Xiaobei's eyes are shining, and his face is full of yearning. He usually doesn't feel it when he is at home. It’s been a while since I’ve been away from home, but I miss it very much. The noodles are cooked in a rich broth and served with a variety of delicious toppings. Tsk tsk tsk~ It’s an indispensable taste in life!

The more Dai Xiaobei thought about it, the more greedy he became, and suddenly he felt full of strength. He dragged a suitcase with a duffel bag on it, put another on his shoulder, and carried another in his hand. He turned his head and said excitedly to Xu Yunhan, "Sisters, let's go! Let's eat noodles!" After speaking, she held her head high and her chest high, but she strode forward with a strange posture because of the heavy load.

"Take your time. I'll go outside and hail a taxi first. It's hard to hail a taxi with so many people."

Before she could say anything, Dai Xiaobei hurriedly walked towards the exit of the airport. Xu Yunhan sighed, the power of the legendary "carrot" is indeed infinite, foodie is a potential stock!He leaned over to pick up the remaining luggage bag, pulled the suitcase, got up but saw Dai Xiaobei was tugging with a man from a distance.

What happened? !Xu Yunhan's heart skipped a beat, and he trotted over quickly.

"Fan Dickson! You bastard, pervert, stalker! Let me go!"

As soon as you get closer, you can hear Dai Xiaobei roaring loudly with her sweet voice, which is particularly eye-catching amidst the contradictions. Dai Xiaobei and Fan Disheng are another pair of handsome men and beautiful women. Many people in the airport hall are looking towards that The two looked at each other, imagining different charming and ambiguous gossip in their minds.

Xu Yunhan bit the bullet and stepped into the focus circle of gossip, and greeted Fan Disheng who was holding on to Dai Xiaobei's suitcase, and ignored Dai Xiaobei who kept winking at her, and said, "Disheng, what are you doing?" At the airport? Are you here to pick up Xiao Bei?"

"I'm not here to pick you up, I'm here to arrest people. It's too worrying. I need to go home and train myself." Fan Disheng snorted and stared closely at Dai Xiaobei, whose eyes were wandering with guilt.

Good...Teaching? !Cough ~ so pink and ambiguous, Xu Yunhan glanced at the few crowds quietly watching around, with a happy expression, and the eager light in his eyes was even more intense, cleared his throat, and said calmly,
"Well, then I'll go home first, so I won't bother you two."

"Xu Yunhan! You are a disrespectful woman! Don't leave!" Dai Xiaobei dissatisfied, her eyes almost blinked cramply, it's fine if this woman doesn't take the initiative to rescue her, and she even plans to abandon her friend in spite of being so unkind the behavior of!
Xu Yunhan grinned and moved to the side, staying away from Dai Xiaobei who was about to go berserk. Although she was being held back by Fan Disheng now, she couldn't underestimate the strength of the barbaric woman.

Xu Yunhan lowered his head and looked at the suitcase he was dragging in his hand. Well, it belonged to him. As for the other special products he bought, it doesn’t matter. Just go to Xiaobei’s house to get them later. After confirming that there is nothing he forgot, he defended himself. ,

"How can you say that I don't care about loyalty? I have good eyesight and sense of humor! You young couples are flirting, I told you to stay away quickly, don't you think you are still a light bulb?"

It was the first time that she was called a young couple with a man. Dai Xiaobei thought about the passion that night... Looking at Fan Disheng who was holding her arm, he suddenly felt his face start to burn slightly.He hurriedly lowered his head so that no one would notice her embarrassment.

Fan Disheng smiled softly, and approached the awkward and stubborn woman in front of him without any trace.

"Okay, I won't bother you two anymore, then I'll go first, bye!" Xu Yunhan didn't laugh at her friend's rare feminine demeanor, waved her hands and walked outside alone.If I'm alone, I don't plan to eat any supper, just eat some snacks when I go home.

Walking outside the airport, Xu Yunhan tightened her jacket tightly and suddenly felt a little lonely... No one in this world was waiting for her to go home, and no one cared about her all the time. She seemed like duckweed.

When shopping, Wen Ru and Dai Xiaobei would say from time to time, buy this for someone, buy that for someone, and she, after thinking about it for a long time, besides Jing Shuo who helped her, there is also that one for her Except for Uncle Xu Daxu on the plum bottle with blue and white cloud and dragon patterns, it seems that she has no one to bring special products.

Xu Yunhan couldn't help being envious of her two friends, they have many family members and friends, many people care about them, and they also have many people to care about.

Unlike her, alone...

(End of this chapter)

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