Tibetan play style

Chapter 92 Diamond Appraisal

Chapter 92 Diamond Appraisal
Xu Yunhan woke up early in the morning, first opened the jewelry box containing diamonds in his arms, and admired those dazzling diamonds again, the smile on his face never disappeared.

After a while, she picked out two relatively smaller diamonds, put them in a small black cloth bag, and then hid the jewelry box and the golden animal face statue in a secret place .After washing up, she put the small cloth bag with two diamonds in her bag, and Xu Yunhan took the car keys and went out.

In the cool autumn morning, the temperature is suitable. Eight or nine o'clock in the morning is the beginning of a busy day. People who go to work, go to school, do business... the streets are already bustling with pedestrians.Xu Yunhan pulled over and parked the car, bought a pancake fruit and a cup of soy milk from a food stall on the side of the road, returned to the car, and ate happily.

She especially likes the pancakes here. When she used to work, she would wait for the bus near here in the morning. She would often come here to buy pancakes, so the owners of the stalls know her. However, now Xu Yunhan felt a little regretful about this, because every time the boss saw her coming to buy it, the pancakes he spread out for her were always bigger than normal ones!

I took a sip of soy milk, uh... more and more water was added, and it didn't taste like soy milk. The soaring price can't increase the price and lower the quality. It seems that the business of this soy milk stall can't grow.

While eating pancakes, she saw the No. [-] bus that she usually needs to take to go to work coming. Even if she looked from the outside, she could see that the bus was already crowded with people.When she stopped at the bus stop in front, the people waiting there crowded towards the door. Xu Yunhan recalled that she used to struggle a lot to get on the bus, and it was not uncommon for her to get her legs off the ground when she got on the bus.

When the car window was pressed down, the breeze slowly blew on Xu Yunhan's face. In just half a month, her life had undergone earth-shaking changes, and she still feels like a dream.

She is sincerely grateful to the jade cicada that brought her supernatural powers. It brought her back from the dead and survived a catastrophe; The ability of the treasure allowed her to gain wealth, allowing her to survive easily in this metropolis; Xu Yunhan believed that she would be able to live a very good and wonderful life now.

After eating the pancakes, Xu Yunhan put aside the memories of her past life, started the car, and headed towards a famous jewelry store.

"Welcome, may I help you? Our store has just launched a lot of new styles." As soon as Xu Yunhan entered the jewelry store, she was greeted by a shopping guide lady with a warm smile.

"Hello, today I want to ask you to help me identify two diamonds. A friend gave them to me. I don't know much about them, so I want to find a professional place to look for them for me." Xu Yunhan explained her reason for coming. She only knew that jewelry like diamonds should be classified as good or bad, not just by size, so last night she decided to bring two for an appraisal today.

This woman is not here to sell jewelry. The shopping guide girl with exquisite makeup is a little disappointed, but after all, she still works in a large jewelry store. She has received strict training and has very high professional requirements. Enthusiastic, but still smiled and answered her,

"Oh, you are here to appraise diamonds. We can appraise diamonds here, but we need to charge a certain appraisal fee."

Xu Yunhan didn't think that there are free services in this world, so she nodded. There is an appraisal fee, but you have to ask clearly first, so she asked, "Well, how much is the appraisal fee?"

"You need to appraise two diamonds, right? Then you have to pay a appraisal fee of 100 yuan. Of course, if your diamonds are purchased in our shop, it is completely free." The shopping guide lady led her into the shop. Sitting down on a fabric sofa in the corner, he said.

"Thank you," Xu Yunhan took the water glass handed to her by the shopping guide lady, "I didn't buy it from this store, so I will pay 100 yuan, please help me to do an appraisal." After finishing speaking, Xu Yunhan took it out of the bag Open the small cloth bag containing the diamonds and pour the two diamonds into the palm of your hand.

"It's a loose diamond, it's so beautiful!" The shopping guide lady sitting next to her saw that her eyeballs almost fell off, and saw two dazzling diamonds in the white palm of this outstanding customer. The frills are understated and flamboyant.

Moreover, both of these sizes are at least five carats, probably more than that, and the purity, color, and cutting process are all very good. She has worked in a jewelry store for seven or eight years, so she still has some eyesight.This kind of diamond is very valuable, unlike today's tens of thousands of diamond rings that look quite big, but in fact it is only a visual effect, excluding the worthless diamonds around it, it is only one or two carats, and the purity, color, and facets are not sure. It is good.

"Your two diamonds are so beautiful. Your friend is so kind to you and gave you such a precious thing. Here, you keep it yourself."

With her consent, the shopping guide carefully looked at the diamond and returned it to Xu Yunhan. She looked at Xu Yunhan enviously and said, guessing viciously in her heart, maybe this woman got some rich money, or it was Jingzhong. No matter what she thinks about that little lover raised by a big official outside, the professional shopping guide lady still has a smile on her face,

"Sit down and wait for a while, I'll ask a very professional appraiser from our shop to come and have a look." After speaking, he smiled at Xu Yunhan, stepped on high heels and walked into a security door next to the reception area. .

Xu Yunhan picked up the glass of water that the shopping guide had poured for her just now, took a sip, and began to observe the jewelry store boredly.This is the first time she has entered a jewelry store. When she walked past the display cabinets just now, she saw a lot of beautiful ones. There were many styles. She lowered her head and glanced at herself who was not wearing anything. She wondered if she wanted to buy some jewelry or something. Dai Dai? !
Now that the economy is affluent, it is okay to be extravagant once in a while. Besides, spending the money I earn is nothing more than peace of mind.Thinking of this, Xu Yunhan put the diamond back in the cloth bag and walked towards the showcase closest to her.

"Hello, what do you need to see, I'll help you take it out for your convenience." The shopping guide lady standing behind the showcase here said with a smile.

"Let me take a look first." Xu Yunhan said, scanning around the jewelry placed in the glass cabinet. The counter here is full of the kind of gold inlaid jade jewelry that has become popular in recent years. Xu Yunhan has always been fond of gold jewelry. I wasn't very interested, so I didn't really want to read it after I glanced at it. I was about to go to other counters to have a look, but I heard the shopping guide lady who was looking for an appraiser calling her.

(End of this chapter)

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