The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 105 Negative Qi

Chapter 105 Negative Qi
It has been snowing heavily for two days, and the entire capital is covered with a silver-white curtain. Even the yellow roof of the imperial palace is covered in white snow. The palace has become like a snow sculpture. A different layer of crystal clear white.

The snow-covered roofs are winding, extending from the palace to the surrounding ordinary houses, outlining a continuous undulating curve in the silent winter day.

It snowed all night again yesterday, and the snowflakes were continuous, until it was almost dawn, and the snow light came through, so that people could no longer sleep peacefully.

Zijin got up early, and put on the bright red jacket sent by the palace, which made her slapped face even more white and tender. Wearing red on her body, she looked beaming.It's just that his complexion didn't look very good, and his lips were a little pale. March looked at him worriedly, Zijin shook his head at him, then sat in front of the vanity mirror and took out a light layer of lip balm, which made him appear It looked even better, and even Mo Han, who had always been calm, couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

"Your Highness is up, I'm going to fetch some water." Seeing Mo Han looking at Zijin in Sanyue's eyes, Sanyue couldn't help but leave the door with a bit of a smile.

"Slave to change clothes for Your Highness!" Zijin took out a new set of bright red clothes from the cabinet, but Mo Han grabbed his wrist.

"Zi Jin, who are you angry with?" Mo Han really couldn't bear the child's eccentric talk.

"I'm just a servant, how dare I show my temper in front of His Highness?" Zijin thought that Li Zijin had insulted him in front of everyone, but Mo Han was still making buns for others in front of him, and felt aggrieved in his heart tight.

"Zi Jin, you know, I have never treated you as a servant, how can you say that?" Mo Han explained anxiously.

"However, His Highness is His Highness after all, and Zijin is just a servant beside His Highness!" Zijin lowered her head a little desolately, how could he not know that she treated him well, but he is so greedy now!He actually selfishly didn't want Mo Han to be nice to the man next to him. He was afraid that his greed would drag her down in the future, so he could only endure the pain in his heart and force himself to stay away from her.

"Don't take Xiaojin's words to heart. He has always been spoiled by the people in Li Xiangfu, and his words are careless. You don't need to argue with him." Mo Han stretched out his arms and let Zijin put on new clothes for her. Put on your belt.As everyone knows, it's fine if Mo Han doesn't explain. She explained for Li Zijin like this, which made Zijin's heart feel even more uncomfortable.

Your Highness, she really still regards Mr. Li as her own, and she is just an outsider to her.yes!She is the noble daughter of the royal family, and she is just a little beggar picked up by her, so what qualifications does she have to be compared with the son of the prime minister's mansion?

Zijin stopped talking, just lowered his head to help Mo Han change his clothes, Mo Han suddenly didn't know what to do, why did she say that, this child is still so stubborn?Could it be that all the men and women of this feminist dynasty are so capricious?Mo Han was angry, and he didn't want to say anything more to him.

Mo Han stretched out his feet, put on the cotton socks himself, and took the boots from Zi Jin. When he was putting them on his feet, he saw a few drops of water on the boots. He raised his eyes and looked at the boy with red eyes. It hurts again.As an old goblin who has lived for two lives, why is she still angry with a 12-year-old child?
 Thank you for your votes and red beans!
(End of this chapter)

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