Chapter 112

"This..." Zhang Huairen hesitated a little, who was the candidate in her mind?Could it be that whoever she fell in love with, the Holy Majesty would marry her son to whom?But Zhang Huairen is not stupid, she is the treacherous and cunning right minister Zhang Huairen, she will not easily express what she thinks in her heart.

"Oh? Is there something that makes it hard for Zhang Xiang to speak?" The emperor picked up the wine glass on the table, took a sip, and then said to Zhang Ze, "There are many talented young people in Qiguo, and those who are about the same age as Mr. Ling There are not a few of them, if the young master of the Zhang family has a suitable person, he can say it, and I will make the decision for you!"

The emperor took pity on this child who was about the same age as his own children, and thought that if he had someone he liked, he would be able to make a beautiful thing by simply becoming an adult!
"My sage is benevolent, it's just that the child has been raised in the mansion since he was a child, and he has never seen any woman, so how can he have someone he likes?" Zhang Huairen was afraid that what his son might say would ruin her good deed, so he hurried away Before Zhang Ze opened his mouth, he said.

The emperor didn't show anything on the surface, but he rolled his eyes at this old and cunning Zhang Huairen in his heart. This person is really thoughtful!To put it bluntly, that is to say, she has too many eyes, so she doesn't have any other meanings, but she just loves her son!
Why!This Zhang Huairen!

"If that's the case, does Zhang Aiqing mean that I have all the power to decide?" The emperor raised his eyebrows, and his tone was calm, but Zhang Huairen broke out in a cold sweat when he said this sentence.

Zhang Huairen's original intention was not to let the Holy Majesty point out her son to anyone at will. She had great ambitions. She knew that the sixth emperor was a mud that could not be supported, but she wholeheartedly supported her in taking the position of princess. It can be felt that she is afraid that she wants to be the person behind the puppet.So, no matter what, she had to find a way to betroth her son to the sixth imperial daughter.

"The old minister is dull. Although my son studied the four arts diligently in the boudoir since he was a child, and didn't know any women from aristocratic families, but--but the son is indeed a childhood sweetheart with His Royal Highness the Sixth Emperor, and has a deep relationship. If the old minister is lucky enough to betroth the son to His Highness the Sixth Prince, This is the old minister's greatest wish!" As soon as Zhang Huairen said this, there was a sudden gasp in the hall.

The most difficult to accept this news is Mr. Xiangui. His daughter has repeatedly mentioned in front of him that the person she likes is Muci, the only son of the General's Mansion. Going against her wishes, he is a poor person who has never received love. He only hopes that his daughter can fulfill her wish in her love life in this life.

And the person who is extremely disgusted is the sixth princess Mo Bai. Although she loves beauties, she never wants to be with Zhang Ze.Zhang Ze is Mo Bai's cousin. Because of Mo Bai's dislike and fear of Zhang Xiang, she doesn't have a good impression of the people in Zhang Xiangfu. The relationship between her and Zhang Ze can be called the relationship between siblings at best. , that is not even half of the love between men and women.

The sixth princess, Mo Bai, anxiously looked at the virtuous gentleman sitting above, and kept shaking her head at her father, expressing that she did not want this marriage.Mr. Xiangui also shook his head at her, signaling to her not to worry, but to see the situation first.Although he didn't want this marriage, Zhang Huairen and the others still couldn't offend her. After all, for the sake of power, his sister could do anything!

(End of this chapter)

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