Chapter 114

Zhang Xiang was dumbfounded by Mo Bai, she never expected that this idiot sixth emperor could say such a thing, but now she has brought up her son's marriage, if there is no result, she I can't get off stage either.

The sixth prince proudly raised the corners of her mouth, and gave a thumbs up to the seventh princess Mo Lin beside her. Of course she couldn't say such a thing!This was what Mo Lin taught her just now. Mo Han couldn't help but frown when he saw the small actions between Mo Bai and Mo Lin. The seventh child seemed harmless, but he always provoked the sixth child to have disputes with him. When the sixth child was blushing and had a thick neck, he would come out to smooth things over and act as a good old man. If she hadn't lived two lives, it would be difficult to see her thoughts.The so-called fight between the snipe and the clam benefits the fisherman. It seems that someone wants to be this fisherman!
When the Sixth Princess hadn't been proud for a long time, Zhang Huairen immediately cried and said with a mournful face: "Hey! I think the old minister is being sentimental. I am afraid that the Sixth Princess looks down on the useless aunt of the old minister and the useless cousin of the little one. The old minister also I have nothing more to say..."

Mo Han's eyes almost fell out of Zhang Huairen's acting skills, he really wanted to stand up and applaud her!In this way, everyone will only feel that Zhang Xiang is devoted to the sixth princess, but the sixth prince doesn't know what to do, doesn't appreciate it, and refuses to marry on the spot without regard for the face of his aunt and cousin, which makes his aunt feel ashamed!

"This...I-I didn't..." The sixth princess was momentarily speechless by what Zhang Huairen said.

"All right, all right... Since the sixth child has no intention of getting married, Zhang Aiqing should not force her. From my point of view, Zhang Ze is a good child. The seventh child is also over sixteen years old, and he has always been honest and honest. Love yourself, if Zhang Aiqing intends to marry the royal family, then betroth your son to our seventh son!" The emperor's move was clever, betrotting the son of the right prime minister to the seven emperors who had no powerful background, saved the Zhang family's life Face, and to avoid Zhang Xiang as a foreign relative to control the government, from this point of view, this decision is the most appropriate.

However, the emperor did not see the joyful eyes of Seventh Princess Mo Lin, the corners of her lips that could not help but curl up, and Yajun's inexplicable excitement. As a bystander, Mo Han could see clearly, look!The fisherman has benefited, right?My silly sixth sister!To be used by others, to play with in the palm of your hand, and to give them money!
Although Zhang Huairen was dissatisfied, the Holy Majesty had already spoken, and that was an imperial decree that could not be changed, and she did not dare to disobey the decree.What's more, now that the emperor has given her a step down, if she doesn't know what to do, it will be her Zhang family who will be ashamed, let others see the joke, and if she misses this opportunity, it will not be easy for her son to find a high-ranking wife in the future .

"Old minister, thank you Lord Long En!" Fortunately, the Seventh Queen is also on her side, and she can still continue to complete her grand plan.

"Thank you, my son, for your mother's grace!" The Seventh Princess immediately got up and knelt down on the ground, and she couldn't help but feel a little more joy in her tone after getting what she wanted.

Zhang Ze is still calm and calm. To him, this result is no different from marrying the sixth emperor.

A lively New Year's Eve banquet ended in Zhang Huairen's farce. Some people were happy while others were worried.

"Congratulations, Zhang Xiang!"


The ministers withdrew from the main hall, and all said blessings to Zhang Huairen who had a happy face, and Zhang Huairen also smiled and responded one by one.

 Thank you book friends for your tickets and red beans!
  Thanks to book friend Beikui Nuanyang and book friend Yizhongren for their encouragement to the author!

  Love you guys!
(End of this chapter)

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