Chapter 120
"Of course you don't know, you were still young at that time! Come, try this Luo Han Guo, it was sent by my father early in the morning, and it is said that it was given by my mother!" The sixth princess pushed the plate over and said.

"Mr. Xiangui is very much loved by the emperor, and he loves the sixth emperor sister so much. My sister, I have been honored by my sister!" Mo Lin picked up a fruit and held it in his hand, but he was indignant in his heart. It's the queen's daughter, why can you all live so well?Why can you all be favored by the empress?

Father, the child will let you have these in the future, so that you can sit in the highest position in the harem.All of this will be mine, Maureen.

"Seventh Emperor Sister? Seventh Emperor Sister?" Mo Bai looked at Mo Lin who was holding the fruit in a daze and called out, reaching out his hand and shaking it in front of her eyes.

"Ah! Hehe... Please forgive me for the impromptu tense of the imperial sister." Mo Lin held the fruit in his hand and smiled awkwardly at Mo Bai.

Originally, the seventh princess came here to use the sixth princess Shen Mohan to accept bribes, so that no matter who was unlucky in the end, she would be the one who benefited. Unfortunately, this idiot, sixth sister, was so dishonest that she made her plan for nothing.

Years later, the streets are still bustling with activity. The red lanterns of every household are still hanging on the gates, and the smiles on people's faces have not yet dissipated. The Eight Princes' Mansion welcomes another wave of visiting guests.

"Master Li, why did you two come here in person?" Seeing Li Zichen and Li Zijun standing at the gate of the palace, the steward trotted to meet him.

"Well, is His Highness the Eighth Prince in the residence?" Li Zichen nodded with a smile.

"Your Highness is in the back garden! This old slave will take you two over, please..." The butler called the maid behind him to accept the gift brought by Sister Li Zichen, and then led the two of them to the back garden. He also glanced at the small box in Li Zijun's hand.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, Mrs. Li and the others are here." The butler came behind Mo Han and said, at this time Mo Han was leaning on the back of his chair watching Zijin and Sanyue, wrapped like a rice dumpling, in the plum blossom forest Collecting dew too!

"Oh? Why did Lord Li come here in person?" Mo Han turned around with a smile, and waved at Li Zichen and Li Zijun.

"I have met His Highness the Eighth Prince, happy new year!" Li Zichen and Li Zijun cupped their hands at Mo Han.

"Happy New Year, come and sit down!" Mo Han nodded, calling for the two to sit down.

There are charcoal pots around the pavilion, and most of the red charcoal in the pots has been burnt to ashes, only the upper layer is still shining with sparks.The silk curtains around the pavilion hang down, enveloping the warmth brought by the charcoal basin in the gold and jade wrapping, it doesn't feel cold, but a bit of spring.

Mo Han is used to enjoyment, but Mo Bai is on par with her in this regard, he is a person who will never wrong himself.

Mo Han saw the box in Li Zijun's hand, and saw the siblings searching for the Zijin among the flowers, so he understood why they came.

"Zijin, come and have a rest!" Mo Han greeted the busy little man.

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Li Zichen smiled gratefully at Mo Han.

"There are some things that this hall can't make decisions for him. In the end, after he knows the truth, it's up to him how to choose. Moreover, this hall doesn't want what happened more than ten years ago to happen again. Good luck!" After Mo Han said, he took a meaningful look at the two sitting beside him.

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for your reward, thank you book friends for your tickets and red beans, I love you (* ̄3 ̄)╭
(End of this chapter)

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