The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 122 Who Wants to Kill Zijin

Chapter 122 Who Wants to Kill Zijin
"I—I don't even eat people! Is he afraid of me?" Li Zijun pouted aggrievedly.

Li Zijun was very sad to be so disgusted by the quilt, but she really wanted to get close to him!But he seemed to avoid her like a raging beast, this - really hurt her heart!

"Haste makes waste. After all, Zijin doesn't know about it, so don't push him too hard!" Mo Han raised his right hand, clenched it into a fist, and coughed softly on his lips. Without asking, she can roughly guess what Zijin is afraid of, and she is already in a difficult situation if she can hold back a smile.

"Your Highness is right!" Li Zichen nodded and echoed.

"I don't know what happened to Zijin last time, did you two find out?" Mo Han picked up the steaming teacup on the stone table, took a sip, and asked casually.

"I went to the general's mansion and interrogated the men in black with Ms. Mu. The men in black only said that they were—" Li Zichen hesitated, and then continued, "I only said that they were Mr. Zijin's rival in love. I really don't know who among the men in this world regards His Highness as their favorite person, besides, the man in black also said that the person who joined them was a middle-aged man, this..."

Li Zichen didn't say the rest of the words, the implication was that either the old man had unreasonable thoughts about Mo Han, or the old man's son or important person had feelings for Mo Han.

"Pfft..." The tea that Mo Han drank into his mouth almost sprayed Li Zichen's face. How could this intelligent and wise eldest daughter of Li Xiangdi have such thoughts? Could it be that she can still attract someone younger than her father's age? Big old man?

Mo Han rolled his eyes at Li Zichen, Li Zichen smiled awkwardly, but Li Zijun beside him clenched his hands nervously, that person should not be Xiaojin, yes, definitely not him, Xiaojin is pure and kind, naturally Can't do such a vicious thing!

Why didn't Li Zichen suspect Li Zijin?It's just that, after all, that child is her younger brother whom she has spoiled for nearly 13 years. Before there is any proof, she can't tell him at will, so as not to spoil Li Zijin's impression in the eyes of the Eighth Prince.

"You don't think it's that old man..." Mo Han said angrily with his lips curled up.

"No, no..." Li Zichen hurriedly waved his hands and explained, "It's just that the man's accent is from the capital city, he has extraordinary skills, he presumably has a very good family background, he is well-dressed, and he behaves like a man from everyone. , so..." So we don't know who you have offended!

"Huh! There are too many dirty things in this family. The person who can count on Zijin is probably related to the person who replaced him back then. I am not afraid of others hurting him because of jealousy, but the person who was afraid of him back then." Knowing Zijin’s identity, this——is troublesome!” Mo Han murmured.

The charcoal in the charcoal basin had been burned out, and the cold wind blew in, causing Mo Han to shiver. She couldn't help wrapping her cloak tightly around her body, and when she saw the warmth and warm wind behind her, she immediately bent over After adding carbon, after a while, the kettle on the charcoal basin was bubbling again. Mo Han shrank his hands and handed over the teacup in his hand. Wen Xin immediately refilled her cup, and the hot feeling directly warmed Mo Han. The cold heart has gone...

"Could it be—he?" Li Zichen's eyes were wide open, full of disbelief. If that person really did this, then Li Zijin would have something to do with it. knew!

 Li Zichen: His Highness the Eighth Prince attracts bees and butterflies, even old men.

  Mo Han: What did you say (ω`)?
  Li Zichen: Your Highness said that you are very charming.

  Mo Han: hum(')
  The girl on the other side looks here, looks here, looks here...

  Ask for collection, ask for tickets, ask for red beans...()
(End of this chapter)

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