The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 126 put a long line to catch big fish

Chapter 126 put a long line to catch big fish
"If you go back to the master, yes, it's the eldest lady and the second lady. They went to the Eighth Prince's Mansion to pay New Year's greetings. After returning to the mansion, they said—say—" Ah Jiu took a sneaky look at Li Zijin, and then dared not mention it again.

"Tell me, what did they say to Jin'er?" Li Zhengjun was very distressed. He knew his two daughters well and would never bully his younger brother. Then, something that made Li Zijin cry so sad It must be related to the Eighth Emperor.

"The ladies said that the Eighth Highness wants to break off the engagement with the young master and let the young master find another good wife." Ah Jiu lowered his head and twisted the veil nervously. He didn't dare to look up at his young master, so he could guess that he As soon as this sentence falls, the young master will probably cry even more sadly.

As expected, as Ah Jiu expected, Li Zijin cried even more sadly when she heard the words "His Royal Highness wants to dissolve the engagement", and almost died.

"My son is such a good child, why did His Highness the Eighth Prince do this?" Li Zhengjun was filled with anger. He also watched the Eighth Emperor's daughter grow up since she was a child, and always thought that she was a prudent and courteous person. How could she do such a thing? Come?
"I heard—I heard from the Eldest Miss and the Second Miss that it's because the Eighth Highness has a servant named Zijin by his side, and the Eighth Highness—she doesn't want a son anymore!" Ajiu replied confidently. .

"What? It turned out to be because of a servant?" Isn't this nonsense?The marriage that the Holy Majesty had made 13 years ago, how could she be allowed to change it at will?Furthermore, Jin'er did not do anything wrong, even if the Holy Majesty and Queen Feng dote on the Eighth Emperor's Daughter, their Li family can't suffer from being dumb.Anyway, their Li family is also an aristocratic family. Doesn't the Eighth Emperor's daughter not have the Prime Minister's Mansion?

Ah Jiu lowered her head, not daring to speak any more.The expressions of these two masters are not good now!

"Father, Eighth Sister is afraid that she was confused by that little vixen, that's why she said such nonsense. I don't want to break off the engagement with her. I am her future prince. This is what the Holy One decided early on. Yes, no one can change it!" Li Zijin raised her head from Li Zhengjun's arms, and said sobbingly, no matter what happened, he would never agree to cancel the engagement with the eighth sister, and marrying her was the last thing he had done since he was a child. Proud thing!
"Don't be afraid, Jin'er. With my father and the Prime Minister here, no one wants to bully my son!" Li Zhengjun comforted Li Zijin, his tone was calm, but his brows were tightly furrowed. What a means, even the unparalleled intelligence of the eighth princess can be fascinated by him.

"Well, but the eldest sister and the second sister said that the eighth sister really doesn't want to have me, and she wants to break off the engagement with me!" Li Zijin pursed her lips aggrievedly, looking pitiful.After Li Zhengjun saw it, his heart ached even more, and he stood up immediately.

"Father, go to them and ask them clearly. Don't worry about Jin'er anymore, just take a rest. As long as your mother doesn't nod and agree to this matter, His Highness the Eighth Prince will not be able to decide." Li Zhengjun personally covered Li Zijin with a blanket , coaxing him not to cry anymore, and seeing his red eyes nodding obediently, he left Li Zijin's residence.

As soon as Li Zhengjun left, Mrs. Hu hurried over.In fact, he had heard about Li Zichen and Li Zijun reprimanding Li Zijin in the yard before, but because Li Zhengjun arrived first and it was difficult for him to come over, he waited outside the yard.

When Mrs. Hu came in, her hands and feet were already numb from the cold, and her face was flushed red, which surprised Ah Jiu.

"I've seen Hu's side husband!" Ah Jiu's voice called Li Zijin back to the door. Li Zijin turned around and saw that it was Hu's father who had always loved him, and then pouted again and prepared to cry.

"Ah Jiu, you go out first! I have something to say to your young master." Hu could see that Li Zijin must have been wronged, so she endured the anxiety in her heart and sent Ah Jiu out first.

Ah Jiu glanced at Mrs. Hu, then at Li Zijin on the bed, then nodded and left the room.

"Good boy, who killed a thousand swords bullied you, tell Daddy Hu, Daddy Hu will go find her!" Seeing that Ah Jiu closed the door, Mrs. Hu immediately rushed over with red eyes, Li Zijin's tears just stopped , was asked by Mrs. Hu, and it gushed out like a flood breaking a bank.

Li Zijin cried to Mrs. Hu again about what had happened, and Mrs. Hu was angry and distressed. He never expected that the waiter's life would be so serious that a group of women could not kill him. And let him come back alive and continue to seduce His Highness the Eighth Prince!
"Jin'er, don't be sad, Daddy Hu is responsible for everything!" Mrs. Hu wiped Li Zijin's tears and said distressedly.

"Daddy Hu... woo woo..." Li Zijin just felt that being comforted by Hu's in this way made her heart very warm!
"Good boy, Daddy Hu is here!" Mrs. Hu was so angry that even a lowly servant dared to compete with the prime minister's son. I am afraid that the Eighth Highness is not as smart as the rumors, and was actually seduced by a servant. lost the soul.

"Daddy Hu, didn't you say you wanted someone to teach him a lesson last time? Why didn't he have anything to do, but instead stayed by Sister Eight?" Li Zijin thought of the last time Hu said that he wanted someone to clean up that little servant. , complained dissatisfied.

"Who knows why those women are so useless! They couldn't even kill a weak man, and they were arrested by the general's mansion!" Hu was very angry when he mentioned this matter, but fortunately he had To be on guard, he did not reveal his identity when meeting with that person before, and he covered his face tightly.

"Then what should I do? He's going to snatch my eighth sister away now!" Li Zijin became anxious when he heard this. This Hu father swore that he was the one for everything, but now it's been so long since the little servant still By the side of Eighth Sister, on the contrary, he is about to be annulled soon!

"Don't worry about Jin'er, he is just a lowly servant. We will find a way to deal with him and make him disappear in front of His Highness the Eighth Prince forever!" Mrs. Hu didn't take Zijin seriously at all. In his eyes, this kind of intrigue in the inner courtyard was nothing to him. With him planning for Li Zijin and the Prime Minister supporting Li Zijin, he believed that as long as it was what Li Zijin wanted, it would eventually belong to him!
"Could Daddy Hu still want to—" Li Zijin looked at Mrs. Hu with some horror. Did Daddy Hu mean to kill the servant?Although he hated that person, he never thought of letting him die!

"Jin'er, don't be soft-hearted. As long as you want to get everything in this world, you have to lose something. Only by letting him die can you avoid all worries!" Hu said through gritted teeth.

"However, Jin'er only wanted him to leave Eighth Sister, and never thought of letting him die!" Li Zijin was still a little scared, after all, he should be punished for doing such a wicked thing!

(End of this chapter)

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