The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 135 Questioning

Chapter 135 Questioning
"My lord, are you also in love with that young master's dim sum?" The sweet smell filled the carriage, and the two servants sitting next to him couldn't help swallowing, looking pitifully. Said to Li Zhengjun.

It's time for lunch soon, and the two of them are indeed a little hungry!
"You! Little greedy cat, you two should try it too, remember to save some for Yu'er!" Li Zhengjun smiled helplessly, stretched out his fingers and tapped the forehead of the talking servant, and the two immediately said happily With thanks left, they carefully opened the food box and took a piece to eat.


"I'm back!" Mo Han yawned, and shouted with heavy steps as he pushed open the door of the bedroom.

Zijin immediately ran over from the small kitchen outside, took Mo Han's plain clothes and helped her change.Mo Han stretched out his arms and watched Zijin busy in front of and behind her, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"I heard from the housekeeper that Li Zhengjun is here today?" Mo Han asked pretending to be nonchalant, and the housekeeper reported Li Zhengjun's visit to her as soon as she returned.

After Zijin's hand paused for a moment, he nodded slightly and responded with a "hmm".

"Did he bully you?" Mo Han asked with some embarrassment. With the relationship between Zijin and Li Zhengjun, no matter what happened, it was difficult for others to participate.

"No..." Zijin said with her head down.

"Li Zhengjun was also a gentle and virtuous man when he was young, but when he was older, he was a bit protective, especially for his son, he loved him a little more. No matter what he did, don't take it to heart. It's just that you love your son so much, you will understand in the future!" Mo Han touched his nose, and could only persuade him by insinuating, after all, they were father and son, and it was difficult for others to say much.

"Well, he, he just came to ask me to find some pastries for the young lady." Zijin couldn't help but feel heartbroken again when she heard Mo Han speak for Li Zhengjun like this. After all, she still regarded the Li family as her own!

Mo Han didn't know that his kindness turned into a sharp sword that hurt Zijin, and he was still immersed in the lack of sleep in the morning, so he didn't notice the difference in Zijin.

"Your Highness, are you ready for dinner?" There was a warm knock on the door.

"Hmm..." Mo Han replied, she was indeed hungry.

"Your Highness..." Seeing that Mo Han stood up and was about to walk towards the side hall, Zijin called her hastily. He really wanted to ask her if it was because of him that she wanted to break off the engagement with Mr. Li, but when the words came to his lips, he He swallowed again, he would rather hesitate like this than hear those embarrassing words.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Mo Han turned his head and looked at Zijin.

"Oh! Me, I'm going to help Sanyue serve dishes..." Zijin avoided Mo Han's eyes in a panic, and trotted towards the small kitchen.

Mo Han stared at the child's back in a daze, always feeling that he seemed to have something on his mind, but he didn't want to tell him.When the boys here grow up, will they have their own little secrets like the little girls in the previous life?Mo Han shook his head helplessly, with Sanyue by his side, he shouldn't be too lonely!


On the other hand, after Li Zhengjun returned home, he took the cakes he had brought to Li Yu. He didn't even have time for lunch, so he walked towards Li Zijin's yard. He still believed in his own son. He wanted to ask Jin'er himself if he had done such a wicked thing?
"My lord, you can use some more!" Before Li Zhengjun opened the door and entered, he heard Ah Jiu's pleading voice in the room.

"Get out! I have no appetite..." Li Zijin's voice was muffled, and it hit Li Zhengjun's heart like a thunderbolt. When he heard his son's aggrieved voice, the guilt towards Zijin was overwhelmed. It faded a little more.For the sake of his son, so what if he was selfish?
The conversation between Li Zijin and Ah Jiu kept coming from inside, but at this moment the door squeaked. Li Zijin looked towards the door and saw that it was his father, which made him feel better. .

"Daddy..." Li Zijin yelled softly, looking at Li Zhengjun with some embarrassment, why did Daddy discover such a willful self?

"Ah Jiu, go and find me a set of tableware. I want to have dinner with the young master, and then you all go and rest!" Li Zhengjun sat beside Li Zijin and said to Ah Jiu.

Ah Jiu answered "Yes", then went to find a set of bowls and chopsticks, and then pushed the door out with the other waiters.

"How come you don't want to eat anymore? You're so hungry, your body can't bear it!" Li Zhengjun said while picking up vegetables for Li Zijin.

In order not to destroy the relationship between their father and son, he couldn't directly ask about Zijin's murder, he had to inquire sideways.

Li Zijin nodded, and obediently took the food that Li Zhengjun handed over to his mouth, he didn't want his father to worry about him, he knew how much his father cared about him.

"Jin'er, I went out today, and I happened to meet Mu Zhengjun from the General's Mansion, and he told me a scary thing!" Li Zhengjun filled Li Zijin with a bowl of hot soup and handed it to him. He also filled a bowl, took a sip and continued.

"What is it that even daddy finds scary?" Li Zijin looked at his daddy curiously and asked.

"I heard! General Mu has arrested several murderers and has been tortured. It turns out that those people went to assassinate a servant in the Eighth Prince's Mansion before! Tsk tsk... even a little man doesn't know this What a pity to offend someone!" Li Zhengjun said while watching Li Zijin's expression.

"Kang Dang..." Li Zijin dropped the soup spoon in his hand on the dining table, splashing a lot of soup on the hem of his clothes.

"Ouch! Jin'er, are you okay? Did Daddy scare you? From now on, you must never go out alone, it's really too dangerous!" Li Zhengjun had a calm look on his face. Er, but holding a handkerchief tremblingly, he wiped the soup stains on Li Zijin's clothes. Jin'er behaved like this, what does it mean?
Li Zhengjun never expected that his innocent and kind Jin'er would become so vicious when he grew up. He actually sent someone to assassinate Zijin. How could things become like this?
"I'm sorry, Daddy, I didn't mean it...I, I—did the murderer ever be caught?" Li Zijin said with a guilty conscience, then stared at Li Zhengjun's trembling hands, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Although not yet, as long as you do evil things, there will always be some clues. It will be a matter of time before you catch the murderer behind the scenes." Li Zhengjun withdrew his hand. He couldn't pretend that he didn't know anything and let his son make mistakes again and again. If things go wrong, he believes that as long as he educates him well, his Jin'er will still change back to the previous Jin'er!

 Thank you book friends for your votes and red beans!

(End of this chapter)

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