The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 150 "Special" Birthday

Chapter 150 "Special" Birthday
"Such a good child, whoever marries her in the future will be very blessed!" Queen Feng looked at Zijin lovingly, seeing that he didn't have the pride and charm she was worried about, she felt relieved.

Zijin blushed and didn't dare to look at Empress Feng, he still had great awe of Empress Feng in his heart, not to mention that he was the biological father of the eighth princess, but only because of a small action of his back then, Empress Feng put herself to death. The bracelet on his hand was taken off and given to him. As far as he was concerned, that kind of encouragement was something he would never forget.

"What do you think of Han'er?" Queen Feng stared at Zijin and asked with a smile.

"Slave... slave," Zijin's heart pounded when Fenghou asked her, she was his sweetheart, and now his sweetheart's father asked him how he was, how should he answer?If Queen Feng heard from his words that he coveted His Highness the Eighth Prince, would she not let him stay by her side anymore?

"But it's okay to say it!" Seeing Zijin's bewilderment, the queen encouraged her from the sidelines.

"Among the women of the Eight Emperors, the dragon and the phoenix, the delicate daughter of heaven, she is extraordinary in both literature and martial arts, and she is benevolent and filial, so she is excellent!" Zi Jin sat up straight, and summed up some high-sounding words in her heart.

"Hehe... You child, this is not what I asked. What I mean is, what do you think of Han'er? If you were to be promised to her, would you be willing?" Queen Feng smiled lightly, covering her lips.

"This..." Zijin opened his eyes wide in disbelief, looking up at the Phoenix Queen, what does the Phoenix Queen mean?Did he know his little thoughts?Thinking of this, Zijin's face turned pale with shock, his hands trembled, maybe he would not be able to stay by her side in the future, right?
"Don't be nervous. I don't have any other intentions. It's just that Han'er likes you to serve her. If you marry someone in the future, I'm afraid she won't be used to it. Why don't I promise you to Han'er?" Seeing that Zijin's complexion changed drastically, Empress Feng knew that he was thinking wrong, so she hurriedly explained, but the meaning of what Empress Feng said was indeed a bit of temptation.

"Your Majesty, you can't! Your Highness is kind and righteous. If it wasn't someone she really loves, I'm afraid she wouldn't want it. I have never dared to have such unreasonable thoughts. I only wish to be by Your Highness's side for the rest of my life." A little servant is enough." Zijin was startled by Queen Feng's words and stood up from the chair, knelt at Queen Feng's feet and said with her head buried.

He likes her, but he doesn't want to be by her side like that. If she doesn't like him, he would rather just be a little servant to serve her all his life, and he doesn't want her to be in trouble.

Because Zijin knew that Mo Han was against Li Zijin, whom the Holy Majesty bestowed on her, and Mo Han once said that if he wanted to marry, he would only marry someone he loved, and he didn't want to become as estranged with her as she was with Li Zijin. .

"Good boy, get up quickly, I understand what you mean, I thank you for your hard work!" Seeing Zijin like this, Empress Feng couldn't help but feel happy in her heart. This child is really sensible. I am also relieved.Ruo Han'er really liked him, and wanted to take him in, so she was happy to see it happen.

Later, Empress Feng personally sent someone to send Zijin back to the mansion, because the two had a good conversation, so Empress Feng didn't need to hide it from Mo Han. When Zijin left, she brought him a lot of things back.

Along the way, Zijin was still a little confused sitting in the carriage, he didn't understand why Queen Feng called him into the palace today and said such strange things.

But when Mo Han got the news, he curled his lips helplessly. Zijin didn't know, but she understood that her father was afraid that Zijin would use some kind of coquettish means as Li Xiang's wife and husband said. Confused her, Queen Feng called him over to find out the truth.

The marriage between Mo Han and Li Zijin has cooled down like this. Although outsiders don't know about it, the masters of Li's house all know it. I'm afraid this marriage will not be possible after such a quarrel between Li Xiang's wife and Li Zijin. up.

Li Zijin has been restrained by Li Xiang since returning to the mansion, and Li Zhengjun no longer goes to see him every day. The two of them have lost all face because of him, but he is still so obsessed. Generally speaking, his ignorance is Li Xiang's wife and husband were more disappointed.

Li Zhengjun became even more convinced that Li Zijin should not be allowed to marry into the royal family. With his temperament, it would be easy to get in and difficult to get out. Maybe even his life would be put on the line, and the entire Li family would be destroyed in his hands.

Because Prime Minister Li issued the ban, Mrs. Hu secretly came many times, but failed to enter Li Zijin's courtyard. The people Li Zijun sent to watch him took all of Mrs. Hu's actions into account, and Li Zichen also accepted it. When Mo Han sent the news that the Hu family was going to buy another murderer.

Time can reveal what is hidden and darken what is brilliant.

Stepping into March, the warmth of spring has not been here before, but for some reason, the warmth of this year is always a bit lacking in confidence. The sunny days just spread out for a day or two before being forced back by another cold current .

This early spring in March, although there is still a little bit of chill, spring has unknowingly squeezed into the threshold of the season, with a little warmth, and a smile on people's faces.

If it was today in previous years, the Prime Minister's Mansion would already be full of people, and the birthday celebration post for the young master would have already been sent out, but this year, the Prime Minister's Mansion was extremely quiet, the gates were closed, and no one knew what was going on inside.

Li Zijin was always looking forward to his birthday coming soon. His mother had locked him up for nearly two months, so he should be released on his birthday!He was more careful thinking about whether his eighth sister would come to see him today and give him a birthday present like in previous years.

However, Li Xiang's wife and husband did bring Hu Shi to set a table for Li Zijin in the main hall. When Li Zijin stood at the entrance of the main hall, he was almost scared to death by the scene in front of him. It would be fine if there were no other guests. Why are the two sisters who have always treated him best not here?

"Jin'er, come quickly, today is your 13th birthday, and your father has arranged the food for this table himself!" Li Xiang saw that his son had lost a lot of weight during this period, and he couldn't help but feel distressed. Seeing him He showed grievance again, and felt somewhat guilty in his heart, he was just a child after all, they shouldn't be so strict with him.

Li Zijin came to the table quietly and looked at the six people on the table. Even Li Zimeng came, but her two older sisters were not there.

Li Zichen's husband, Rongyue, was still holding Li Yu in his arms, and said with a smile: "Today is Jin'er's birthday, and the wife is going to come over, but she has some business to deal with, so she went out with Zijun early. Men, no, let me bring the gift back first, and apologize to Jin'er when she comes back."

"Happy birthday uncle!" Li Yu hurriedly shouted sweetly to Li Zijin when her father said that today was uncle's birthday.

(End of this chapter)

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